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The Hidden Falls Site, Baranof Island, Alaska / edited by Stanley D. Davis.
[Anchorage] : Alaska Anthropological Association, [1989?]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberE78.A3 H522 1989 | Item locationOff-site |
Viking Dublin : botanical evidence from Fishamble Street / Siobhán Geraghty.
Dublin : Royal Irish Academy for the National Museum of Ireland and the Royal Irish Academy, 1996.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberCC79.5.P5 G472 1996q Oversize | Item locationOff-site |
The palynology of archaeological sites / Geoffrey W. Dimbleby.
London ; Orlando, Fla. : Academic Press, 1985.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberCC79.5.P58 D56 1985 | Item locationOff-site |
Die frühmittelalterliche Niederungsburg bei Haus Meer, Kreis Neuss : archäologische und naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen / Walter und Brigitte Janssen ; mit Beiträgen von Karl-Heinz Knörzer [and others].
Köln : Rheinland-Verlag ; Bonn : In Kommission bei R. Habelt, 1999.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberDD801.R72 J35 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
Reports from the survey of the Dakhleh Oasis, western desert of Egypt, 1977-1987 / edited by C.S. Churcher and A.J. Mills ; contributing authors C.S. Churcher [and others].
Oxford [England] : Oxbow Books, 1999.
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FormatText | Call numberDT73.D33 R47 1999q Oversize | Item locationOff-site |
PflanzenSpuren : Archäobotanik im Rheinland : Agrarlandschaft und Nutzpflanzen im Wandel der Zeiten / Karl-Heinz Knörzer [and others].
Köln : Rheinland-Verlag ; Bonn : In Kommission bei R. Habelt, 1999.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberCC79.5.P5 P44 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
Stable carbon isotopes and prehistoric diets in the south-western Cape Province, South Africa / Judith Sealy.
Oxford, England : B.A.R., 1986.
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FormatText | Call numberGN865.S6 S43q Oversize | Item locationOff-site |
Plant domestication in the Middle Nile Basin : an archaeoethnobotanical case study / Anwar Abdel-Magid.
Oxford, England : B.A.R., ©1989.
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FormatText | Call numberGN865.S73 A22q Oversize | Item locationOff-site |
A cereal find from old Etruria / by Hakon Hjelmqvist.
Partille : P. Åströms, 1989.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberDG70.A24 H53 | Item locationOff-site |
Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978 : the late Bronze age waterfront site / Stuart Needham ; with major contributions by Geraldene Done [and others] ; and further contributions by Julie Carr [and others] ; and line drawings by Stephen Crummy and Phil Dean.
London : British Museum Press in association with English Heritage, ©1991.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberGN778.22.G7 N443 1991 | Item locationOff-site |
Paléo-environnement holocène et archéologie dans les alpes françaises du nord et leur piemont / sous la direction de Robert Vivian ; par Pierre Bintz [and others].
Paris : Editions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1991.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberQE741.3 .P343 1991q Oversize | Item locationOff-site |