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Displaying 1-50 of 92 results
Books and book-collectors.
Cleveland : World Pub. Co., [1957]
1 item
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Format | Call numberZ987.C34 1957 | Item locationOff-site |
Book-collecting as a hobby : in a series of letters to Everyman / by P.H. Muir.
New York : Knopf, 1947.
1 item
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Format | Call number025.2 M891 | Item locationOff-site |
On the gathering of a library / [by] Hal H. Smith.
[Mount Vernon, N.Y.] : Priv. print. [by P. Beilenson, at the Walpole Printing Office], 1943.
1 item
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Format | Call number025.2 Sm58 | Item locationOff-site |
Is my old book valuable? : With hints on selling / by Edward L. Sterne.
Taneytown, Md. : Antiques Publications, 1966.
1 item
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Format | Call number090 St4511 | Item locationOff-site |
The story of libraries and book collecting.
London : Routledge; New York : Dutton, [1909]
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Format | Call number027 Sa9 | Item locationOff-site |
Medical books, libraries and collectors: a study of bibliography and the book trade in relation to the medical sciences, by John L. Thornton; with an introduction by Sir Geoffrey Keynes.
London, Deutsch, 1966.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberR131 .T392 1966 | Item locationOff-site |
AB bookman's weekly : for the specialist book world.
Newark, N.J. : Sol M. Malkin, [1967-1999], ©1967-1999.
194 items
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FormatText | Call numberZ284 .A2 v.104:no.1-13 (1999) | Item locationOff-site |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberZ284 .A2 v.104:no.14-26 (1999) | Item locationOff-site |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberZ284 .A2 v.103:no.1-13 (1999) | Item locationOff-site |
Acquisitions : where, what, and how : a guide to orientation and procedure for students in librarianship, librarians, and academic faculty / Ted Grieder.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1978.
1 item
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Format | Call numberZ689 .G695 | Item locationOff-site |
Vocis et animarum pinacothecae : cataloghi di biblioteche private dei secoli XVII-XVIII nei fondi dell'Angelica / di Maria Grazia Ceccarelli.
Roma : Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1990.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ997.A1 C43 1990 | Item locationOff-site |
Collecting Voltaire : revised from remarks made in the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, 19 June, 1980 / Harcourt Brown.
Toronto : [publisher not identified], 1980
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FormatText | Call numberZ8945 .B76 1980 | Item locationOff-site |
Kerridge angling collection : a bibliography.
Fullerton : Special Collections Section, Library, California State University, 1980.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberSH441.Z99 C34 x, 1980 | Item locationOff-site |
The Philobiblon / of Richard de Bury ; translated by Andrew Fleming West.
New York, P. C. Duschnes, 1945.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ992 .A91 1945 | Item locationOff-site |
Umriss einer Fachkunde für Büchersammler, 1909-1911 / von G. A. E. Bogeng ; [mit Beiträgen von Ed. Grisebach ... et al.].
Hildesheim : New York : Olms, 1978.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number Z987 .U47x 1978 | Item locationOff-site |
Literary taste: how to form it, with detailed instructions for collecting a complete library of English literature, by Arnold Bennett.
New York, George H. Doran company [1927]
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FormatText | Call number23538.4.79.35 | Item locationOff-site |
Chinese rare books in American collections / Sören Edgren, [with] Tsuen-hsuin Tsien, Wang Fang-yu, Wan-go H.C. Weng.
New York City : China House Gallery, China Institue in America, c1984.
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FormatText | Call numberFA9045.71.1 | Item locationOff-site |
Provenance indexes for early printed books and manuscripts : a guide to present resources / David Pearson.
Huntingdon : D. Pearson, 1987.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ242.R44 P43 x, 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Frederick E. Brasch and the history of science / Henry Lowood.
Stanford : Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, 1987.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ989.B73 L69 x, 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Bibliofilii︠a︡ i bibliomanii︠a︡ : psikhofiziologii︠a︡ bibliofilʹtva / M.N. Kufaev.
Moskva : "Kniga", 1980.
1 item
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Format | Call numberZ992 .K83 | Item locationOff-site |
Książek powijanie : philobiblońska suita / Wiktor Frantz.
Kraków : Wydaw. Literackie, 1978
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Format | Call numberZ992 .F7 | Item locationOff-site |
Mere collectors' items / by Matthew J. Bruccoli; Introductory remarks by Robert I.White, with a preface by Hyman W. Kritzer.
Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Libraries, 1969.
1 item
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Format | Call numberZ992 .B7x | Item locationOff-site |
Philobiblon czyli o miłości do ksiąg / Richardus de Bury ; przełożył Jan Kasprowicz.
Gdańsk : Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Książki, 1992.
1 item
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Format | Call numberZ992 .A8164 1992 | Item locationOff-site |
Allgemeinbildung und Fachwissen : deutsche Ärzte und ihre Privatbibliotheken / Bernd Lorenz.
Herzogenrath : Murken-Altrogge, 1992.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ987.5.G3 L67 1992 | Item locationOff-site |
Thomas J. Wise in the original cloth : the life and record of the forger of the nineteenth-century pamphlets / by Wilfred Partington ; with an appendix by George Bernard Shaw.
London : Robert Hale, 1946.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberB 20.23.67 | Item locationOff-site |
Mina böcker och andra uppsatser.
Stockholm, Sällskapet Bokvännerna [1955]
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Format | Call numberScan 9540.49.150 | Item locationOff-site |
Henry Edwards Huntington : a biography / James Thorpe.
Berkeley, CA : University of California Press, c1994.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberHG172.H86 T48 1994 | Item locationOff-site |
Collecting golf-books, 1743-1938 / by Cecil Hopkinson.
London : Constable & Co., Ltd., 1938.
1 item
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Format | Call numberB 509.38.15 | Item locationOff-site |
L'art d'aimer les livres et de les connaître; lettres à un jeune bibliophile, par Jules Le Petit. Eaux-fortes de Alfred Gérardin.
Paris, Se vend chez l'auteur 1884.
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FormatText | Call numberB 508.84 | Item locationOff-site |
Recherches sur la bibliothèque du Grand Condé, suivies du catalogue des manuscrits qui se trouvoient dans cette bibliothèque.
[Paris, Typ. de C. Lahure et cie, 1860?]
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FormatText | Call number B 1614.15 | Item locationOff-site |
Les zigzags d'un curieux : causeries sur l'art des livres et la littérature d'art / par Octave Uzanne.
Paris : Maison Quantin, 1888.
2 items
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FormatText | Call numberKD 25470 | Item locationOff-site |
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FormatText | Call numberB 51.3.5 | Item locationOff-site |
Why collect books? To the prospective competitor in the Purdue Universty book collecting contest.
[Chicago, The Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., c1937]
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Format | Call numberB 504.1 | Item locationOff-site |
The postmaster of Ipswich : William Stevenson Fitch, antiquary and thief / Janet Ing Freeman.
London : The Book Collector, 1997.
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Format | Call numberZ325.F58 I54 1997x | Item locationOff-site |
Histoire et commerce du livre : manuel à l'usage des bibliophiles, amateurs et professionnels / Henri Desmars ; avec la collaboration de Germaine Frigot ; préface de Robert Sabatier ; suivi de, Six portraits de libraires par Alain Fourquier, Jacques Foussard, Christian Galantaris et Goulven Guilcher.
Paris : G.I.P.P.E., [1998]
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FormatText | Call numberZ4 .D388 1998 | Item locationOff-site |
The Wormsley Library : a personal selection by Sir Paul Getty, K.B.E. / catalogue by H. George Fletcher ... [et al.] ; edited by H. George Fletcher.
London : Published for the Wormsley Library by Maggs Bros. in co-operation with the Pierpont Morgan Library New York, 1999.
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FormatText | Call numberAM332.69.1 | Item locationOff-site |
Books have their fates / by Madeleine B. Stern & Leona Rostenberg.
New Castle, Del. : Oak Knoll Press, c2001.
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FormatText | Call numberZ987 .S7 2001 | Item locationOff-site |
Xian hua cang shu / Lu Xin zhu.
Beijing Shi : Xue yuan chu ban she, 2002.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ987 .L895 2002x | Item locationOff-site |
A pound of paper : confessions of a book addict / John Baxter.
London ; New York : Doubleday, 2002.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberPR9619.3.B36 Z47 2002 | Item locationOff-site |
The green dwarf : a tale of the perfect tense / Charlotte Brontë ; [foreword By Libby Purves].
London : Hesperus, 2003.
1 item
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Format | Call numberPR4167 .G74 2003 | Item locationOff-site |
Il morbo di Gutenberg / Mauro Giancaspro ; con nove caricature dell'autore.
[Napoli] : L'ancora del Mediterraneo, c2003.
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FormatText | Call numberZ992 .G49 2003 | Item locationOff-site |
Philobiblon : la passione per i libri / Riccardo de Bury ; presentazione Ernesto Ferrero ; testo latino, introduzione e traduzione Carlo Carena ; progetto iconografico Novella Macola.
Torino : New York : U. Allemandi ; [Parma] : Parmalat, 2003.
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Format | Call numberZ992 .B9816 2003x | Item locationOff-site |
Bücher sammeln / von Klaus Walther.
München : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2004.
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Format | Call number | Item locationOff-site |
Neged kiṿun ha-hisṭoriah : harpatḳaʾotaṿ ha-muflaʾot shel ha-ish she-hitsil milyon sefarim ṿe-tarbut shelemah / Aharon Lansḳi ; tirgem me-Anglit Yahav Zohar.
Yerushalayim : Keter : ʻIvrit, 2005.
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Format | Call numberHeb 42201.440 | Item locationOff-site |
Saperi e meraviglie : tradizione e nuove scienze nella libraria del medico genovese Demetrio Canevari / a cura di Laura Malfatto, Emanuela Ferro ; saggi [di] Ilaria Andreoli ... [et al.] ; schede [di] Danilo Bonanno, Monica Galletti.
Genova : Sagep, 2004.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ997.C22 S26 2004 | Item locationOff-site |
La bibliophilie : une sanction / Jean-Baptiste Baronian.
Lausanne, Suisse : Age d'homme, c2006.
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FormatText | Call numberZ992 .B27 2006 | Item locationOff-site |
Kayfīyat tasfīr al-kutub / lil-qāḍī ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn Abī Bakr ibn Aḥmad ibn Yaʻqūb al-Rasmūkī ; taḥqiq al-Saʻīd Bin-Mūsá.
[Rabat] : al-S. Bin-Mūsá, 2008.
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Format | Call numberZ266 .R37 2008 | Item locationOff-site |
The library of Robert Hooke : the scientific book trade of Restoration England / Leona Rostenberg.
Santa Monica, Calif. : Modoc Press, 1989.
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FormatText | Call numberZ325 .R69 1989 | Item locationOff-site |
Un mundo de libros / edición e introducción, Yolanda Morató ; prólogo, Juan Manuel Bonet.
Sevilla : Universidad de Sevilla, 2010.
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Format | Call numberZ992 .M864 2010 | Item locationOff-site |
The love affairs of a bibliomaniac : volume Vll / Eugene Field.
Hauppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science Publisher's, c2012.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberPS1667 .L8 2012 | Item locationOff-site |
From books to bezoars : Sir Hans Sloane and his collections / edited by Alison Walker, Arthur MacGregor and Michael Hunter.
London : The British Library, 2012.
1 item
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Format | Call numberQH31.S575 F76 2012 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Building and organizing the library's collection / report of Panel 1, National Library of Medicine.
[Bethesda, Md.] : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, [1986]
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Format | Call numberHE 20.3602:L 85/Rp.1 | Item locationOff-site |
Unpacking the personal library : the public and private life of books / Jason Camlot and J.A. Weingarten, editors.
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, [2022]
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberZ997.A1 U57 2022 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.