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The new life [microform] / by Joseph Kunikina ; illustrations by Ruth Drew.


Achimota, Ghana : Africa Christian Press, c1967.


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FormatTextCall numberSc Micro F-10106 Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference
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The dairyman's daughter : an authentic narrative / by the late Rev. Legh Richmond.


London : Religious Tract Society, [1830?]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc Rare C 83-57Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives

The young cottager : a true story / by the author of The dairyman's daughter.


London : Printed by W. Clowes for the Religious Tract Society, [182-?]


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Dotzè llibre del crestià / Francesc Eiximenis ; a cura de Curt Wittlin ... [et al.].


[Girona] : Col'legi Universitari de Girona, Diputació de Girona, 1986.


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FormatTextCall numberJFL 89-4 v. 2 pt. 2Item locationOffsite
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A life without Christ and a new life in Christ [microform] / by Esther Clementina Cohen.


Miami, Fla. : E.C. Cohen, 1980.


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FormatTextCall numberSc Micro F-11022Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

Ons geestelijk erf.


Antwerpen [etc.] Universitaire Faculteiten Sint-Ignatius te Antwerpen [etc.]


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FormatTextCall numberL-11 357 v. 52 1978Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberL-11 357 v. 51 1977Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberL-11 357 v. 49-50 1975-76Item locationOffsite
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Vem! ...


Rio de Janeiro, Ediprel, 1968.


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FormatTextCall numberJXC 70-1Item locationOffsite

The road to peace, by James J. Daly.


[Milwaukee] Bruce Pub. Co. [1936] Freeport, N. Y., Books for Libraries Press [1970]


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FormatTextCall numberJXD 71-1Item locationOffsite

The new art of living.


New York, Hawthorn Books [1971]


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FormatTextCall numberJXD 72-79Item locationOffsite

Un Prêtre parmi nous, François-Louis Dupire, 1922-1968, textes et notes personnelles. Suivis de quelques témoignages.


Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche, impr. Fabrègue, [Paris (6e), J. Majault, 5, rue des Beaux-arts,] 1969.


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FormatTextCall numberJXD 72-71Item locationOffsite

"Hey! J. C. I've read your book!"


[Hornsby, N.S.W.] Hodder and Stoughton [1971]


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FormatTextCall numberJXD 72-117Item locationOffsite

Rumo ao alto; os valores humanos numa era técnica [por] M. Conceição Jr.


Lisboa, Livraria Alegria [1969 or 70]


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FormatTextCall numberJXC 72-51Item locationOffsite

Pour bien vivre [microform] méditations [par] Jérémie.


Port-au-Prince, Impr. de l'état, 1952.


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FormatTextCall numberSc Micro F-562Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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Questions sociales et religieuses; 2ème série en cinq messages, Noël 1956-1960.


[Port-au-Prince? 1961?]


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FormatTextCall numberSc 248-L (Ledan, M. Questions sociales et religieuses)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

To have and to hold; the feminine mystique at work in a happy marriage.


Grand Rapids, Mich., Zondervan Pub. House [1972]


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FormatTextCall numberJLD 73-796Item locationOffsite

Seven Black preachers tell: what Jesus means to me.


Nashville, Tenn., Broadman Press [c1971]


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FormatTextCall numberSc 248.486-S (Seven Black preachers tell)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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Disturbed about man [by] Benjamin E. Mays.


Richmond, John Knox Press [1969]


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FormatTextCall numberSc 248.4-M (Mays, B. Disturbed about man)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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Jerusalem daybook [by] James K. Baxter.


Wellington, Price Milburn [1971, i.e. 1972]


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 73-8336Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Fénelon, directeur de conscience. 2e éd. rev. et remainée. (Réimpr. de l'éd. de Paris, 1901.)


Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1971.


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 73-5179Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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La llave de la vida y del éxito.


México, Editorial Orión, 1971.


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FormatTextCall numberJXC 73-48Item locationOffsite

Estés donde estés.


Barcelona, Jaimes-Libros [1972]


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FormatTextCall numberJFC 73-3567Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Our children: a book about Christian upbringing.


Ibadan, Daystar Press [c1969]


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FormatTextCall numberSc 248-S (Stephens, R. Our children)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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Black nations in action, by Rev. Edward LaCoste.


New York, Vantage Press [1972]


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FormatTextCall numberSc 248.4-L (LaCoste, E. Black nations in action)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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Nema privatnoga boga; razmišljanja o temeljnim usmjerenjima kršćanske egzistencije.


Zagreb ["Kršćanska sadašnjost"] 1970.


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FormatTextCall number*QKK 73-2326Item locationOffsite

Il faut que ça mange [par] M.-A. Santaner.


Paris, Éditions ouvrières [1971]


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FormatTextCall numberJXC 74-6Item locationOffsite

El complejo de la personalidad [microform].


[La Paz, Editorial Icthus, 1965]


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FormatTextCall number*XM-3731Item locationSchwarzman Building - Microforms Room 315

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A briefe exhortation to all men to set their houses in order ...


London, Printed by W. Iones [1612?]


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A briefe exhortation to all men to set their houses in order ...


London, Printed by W. Iones, 1631.


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A priest to a nun; [correspondence between] Andrew Maginnis and Sister Catherine Mary.


New York, Sheed and Ward [1972]


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FormatTextCall numberJXD 74-131Item locationOffsite

Gods trombones : zeven sermoenen in dichtvorm / James Weldon Johnson ; in het Nederlands bewerkt en ingeleid door Anthony Bosman ; tekeningen van Aaron Douglas.


Neerbosch : Neerbosch' Boekhandel en Uitgeverij, [1938]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc 811-J (Johnson, J. Gods trombones. Dutch)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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My life and sin in this world.


[n. p., 1967]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc 248-D (Dupree, J. My life and sin in this world)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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A terrible beauty; conversions in prayer, politics, and imagination.


New York, Newman Press [1973]


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FormatTextCall numberJXC 75-6Item locationOffsite

Ce que croyait Grignion de Montfort et comment il a vécu sa foi.


[Paris] Mame [1973]


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FormatTextCall numberJFC 75-189Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Face à l'avenir! Conférences dédiées à la jeunesse masculine et féminine de mon pays, aux éducateurs et éducatrices.


Port-au-Prince, Haïti, 1948.


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FormatTextCall numberSc 248-S (Solages, F. Face a l'avenir!)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc 248-S (Solages, F. Face a l'avenir!)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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Something more [by] Catherine Marshall.


New York, McGraw-Hill [1974]


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FormatTextCall numberJXD 75-37Item locationOffsite

Ein nücz und schone ler von der aygen erkantnuss; des Pseudo-Johannes von Kastl "Spiritualis philosophia" deutsch. Text und Untersuchungen von Renata Wagner.


München, Beck, 1972.


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FormatTextCall numberL-10 6153 v. 39Item locationOffsite
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Beulah Land saints, by J. M. Hames.


Chicago, Christian Witness Co. [1928]


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FormatTextCall numberSc 248-H (Hames, J. Beulah Land saints)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

"He whom a dream hath possessed"; some aspects of the art of religious living.


New York, R. Long and R. R. Smith, 1932.


2 items

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FormatTextCall numberZIK (Knox, J. "He whom a dream hath possessed")Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc 248-K (Knox, J. He whom a dream hath possessed)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

Guts, god, and the Superbowl : the exciting sports biography of Tom Goode, offensive lineman, Miami Dolphins / by Zola Levitt.


Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan Pub. House, [1974]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFC 75-2403Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

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