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Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in anthropology / selected, edited, and with introductions by Kirk M. Endicott and Robert L. Welsch.
Dubuque, IA : McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, [2005], ©2005.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberGN25 .T35 2005g | Item locationOff-site |
Die Ambivalenz der Moderne im Nationalsozialismus : eine Bilanz der Forschung / Riccardo Bavaj ; mit einem Vorwort von Klaus Hildebrand.
München : R. Oldenbourg, 2003.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberDD256.5 .B365 2003 | Item locationOff-site |
Debates and controversies in economic history = Débats et controverses en histoire economique : A-sessions proceedings : Eleventh International Economic History Congress, Milan, September 1994 / Paola Subacchi, general editor.
Milano : Università Bocconi, 1994.
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Format | Call numberHC13 .I54 1994g | Item locationOff-site |
Before the shooting begins : searching for democracy in America's culture war / James Davison Hunter.
New York : Free Press ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, [1994]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberHQ 767.5.U5 H86 1994 | Item locationOff-site |
Über den nächsten Krieg mit Deutschland : eine Streitschrift aus Frankreich / Philippe Delmas ; [aus dem Französischen von Caroline Gutberlet].
Berlin : Propyläen, ©2000.
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FormatText | Call numberDC59.8.G3 D44415 2000 | Item locationOff-site |
Die Huntington-Debatte : die Auseinandersetzung mit Huntingtons "Clash of civilizations" in der Publizistik / Udo M. Metzinger.
Köln : SH-Verlag, ©2000.
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FormatText | Call numberD860 .M48 2000 | Item locationOff-site |
Mel Gibson's Passion and philosophy : the cross, the questions, the controversy / edited by Jorge J.E. Gracia.
Chicago : Open Court, c2004.
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Format | Call numberPN1997.2.P39 M35 2004 | Item locationOff-site |
Integrationen des Widerläufigen : ein Streifzug durch geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsfelder : [anlässslich der interdisziplinären Tagung "Integration des Widerläufigen" vom 10.-12. Oktober 2002 an der Universität Zürich] / Elke Huwiler; Nicole Wachter (Hg.).
Münster : Lit, c2004.
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Format | Call number | Item locationOff-site |
Oppositions of religious doctrines; a study in the logic of dialogue among religions [by] William A. Christian.
[London] Macmillan [1972]
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FormatText | Call numberBL80.2 .C475 1972 | Item locationOff-site |
The Whiston matter : the Reverend Robert Whiston versus the dean and chapter of Rochester / Ralph Arnold.
London : Rupert Hart-Davis, 1961.
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FormatText | Call numberLF795.R63 A766 1961 | Item locationOff-site |
Physicists in conflict / Neil A. Porter.
Bristol ; Philadelphia : Institute of Physics Pub., ©1998.
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FormatText | Call numberQC15 .P67 1998 | Item locationOff-site |
Tradition, Avantgarde, Reaktion : Deutsche Kontroversen um die kulturelle Moderne 1880-1945 / Georg Bollenbeck.
Frankfurt : S. Fischer, ©1999.
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FormatText | Call numberNX550.A1 B644 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
The Great Indian education debate : documents relating to the Orientalist-Anglicist controversy, 1781-1843 / edited by Lynn Zastoupil and Martin Moir.
Richmond : Curzon, 1999.
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FormatText | Call numberLA1151.G743 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Milton and religious controversy : satire and polemic in Paradise lost / John N. King.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000.
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FormatText | Call numberPR3562 .K45 2000 | Item locationOff-site |
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Bernd Stöver.
Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, ©2002.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberDD259.2 S86 2002 | Item locationOff-site |
The Vietnam debate : a fresh look at the arguments / edited by John Norton Moore.
Lanham : University Press of America, ©1990.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberDS557.7 .V5623 1989 | Item locationOff-site |
Controversial science : from content to contention / edited by Thomas Brante, Steve Fuller, William Lynch.
Albany : State University of New York Press, ©1993.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberQ175.5 .C66 1993 | Item locationOff-site |