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Die Schulden der Reichsstadt Nürnberg und ihre Ubernahme durch den bayerischen Staat.

Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek, 1967.


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FormatTextCall numberJLE 74-2188Item locationOffsite

Wiltshire extents for debts, Edward I-Elizabeth I; edited by Angela Conyers.

Devizes [Wiltshire Record Society] 1973.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberCO (Wilts) (Wiltshire Record Society. [Publications] v. 28)Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Two faces of debt [microform] [3d ed. rev.]

[Chicago] Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1972.


0 resources

Incomes, assets and indebtness of families in Canada. Revenue, avoir et dette des familles au Canada.

Ottawa, Information Canada.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJLM 76-55 1969, 1977Item locationOffsite

Indebtedness among the tribals of West Bengal / Sunil Kumar Basu.

Calcutta : Cultural Research Institute, Scheduled Castes and Tribes Welfare Dept., Govt. of West Bengal, 1974.


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FormatTextCall numberJLD 77-3248Item locationOffsite

Zadłużenie gospodarstw chłopskich (na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego)[Wyd. 1.].

Warszawa, Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1973.


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FormatTextCall number*QO 76-4516Item locationOffsite

All-India debt & investment survey, 1971-72: assets and liabilities of rural households as on 30th June 1971, statistical tables.

Bombay : Reserve Bank of India, [1973?]


2 items

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FormatTextCall numberJLF 77-635 v. 9-16Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJLF 77-635 v. 1-8Item locationOffsite

The two faces of debt.

[Chicago, 1963]


0 resources

Indebtedness of rural households as on June 30, 1971 and availability of institutional finance.

Bombay : Reserve Bank of India, 1977.


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FormatTextCall numberJLF 80-460Item locationOffsite

Rural labour enquiry, 1974-75 : final report on indebtedness among rural labour households.

Chandigarh : Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India, [1978]


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FormatTextCall numberJLF 80-1073Item locationOffsite

Statistical tables relating to cash dues outstanding against rural households as on 30th June 1971.

Bombay : Reserve Bank of India, Dept. of Statistics, [pref. 1976]


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FormatTextCall numberJLF 82-484Item locationOffsite

Projeto emergência [microform] / [Teotônio Vilela]

[Brazil] : CODECRI, 1983.


0 resources

Deferred future : corporate and world debt and bankruptcy / Dan Dimancescu.

Cambridge, Mass. : Ballinger, c1983.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLD 84-1781Item locationOffsite

Fiscal policy, monetary analysis, and debt management : with special reference to India / B.C. Thaker.

New Delhi : Ashish Pub. House, 1985.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLD 86-1324Item locationOffsite

An atlas of assets and liabilities of Indian rural households / K.P. Dhurandher.

New Delhi : Vikas Pub. House, c1985.


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FormatTextCall numberJLF 87-1412Item locationOffsite

Musalmans and money-lenders in the Punjab / by S.S. Thorburn ; introd. by Himadri Banerjee.

Delhi, India : Mittal Publications : Distributed by Mittal Publishers' Distributors, 1984.


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FormatTextCall numberJLD 86-609Item locationOffsite

El régimen monetario internacional y la crisis de la deuda / Marcelo Dinenzon, Benjamín Hopenhayn.

Buenos Aires, Argentina : Centro de Investigaciones Sociales sobre el Estado y la Administración (CISEA), 1987.


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FormatTextCall numberJLD 88-3219Item locationOffsite

The debt threat : the dangers of high real interest rates for the world economy / Tim Congdon.

Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York, NY : B. Blackwell, 1988.


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FormatTextCall numberJLE 88-4349|m(SASB)Item locationOffsite

Money advice services / Teresa Hinton and Richard Berthoud.

London : Policy Studies Institute, c1988.


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FormatTextCall numberJLD 88-3456Item locationOffsite

How to get out of debt / Michael C. Thomsett.

Homewood, Ill. : Dow Jones-Irwin, c1990.


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FormatCall numberJBE 90-1414Item locationOffsite

Rising sectoral debt/income ratios : a cause for concern? / by E.P. Davis.

Basle : Bank for International Settlements, Monetary and Economic Dept., [1987]


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FormatTextCall numberJLK 82-31 no. 12-16, 18-21Item locationOffsite

African debt : the case for relief for Sub-Saharan Africa / Percy S. Mistry.

Oxford, England : Oxford International Associates, 1988.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc D 89-923Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

Record book of persons in default of payment of debts / copied from the original by Tom Muth and staff of the Topeka Public Library.

Topeka, KS : The Library, 1982.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberAPR (Topeka, Kan.) 86-906Item locationSchwarzman Building - Milstein Division Mezzanine Room 121

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Getting and spending : credit and debt in Britain / Gillian Parker.

Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., U.S.A. : Avebury, c1990.


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FormatTextCall numberJBD 91-525Item locationOffsite

Brazil : responses to the debt crisis, impact on savings, investment, and growth / James Dinsmoor.

Washington, D.C. : Inter-American Development Bank ; Baltimore, Md. : distributed by John Hopkins University Press, 1990.


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FormatTextCall numberJBE 91-1412Item locationOffsite

The worst poverty : a history of debt and debtors / Hugh Barty-King ; foreword by Sir Gordon Borrie.

Stroud, Gloucestershire ; Wolfeboro Falls, NH : Alan Sutton, 1991.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberJFF 92-14Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Moneylending and low income families / Mary Daly, with the assistance of Jim Walsh.

Dublin : Combat Poverty Agency, 1988.


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FormatTextCall numberJBF 92-866Item locationOffsite

Credit and debt : the PSI report / Richard Berthoud and Elaine Kempson.

London : Policy Studies Institute, c1992.


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FormatTextCall numberJBE 92-1259Item locationOffsite

Banking for people / editors, Udo Reifner and Janet Ford.

Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, 1992.


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FormatTextCall numberJBE 93-71Item locationOffsite

Projet d'un code des faillites, surséances, cessions judiciaires et banqueroutes / par le citoyen Legras, homme de loi.

A Paris : De l'Imprimerie d'Ant. Bailleul : Au bureau du Journal du commerce ... : Chez Rondonneau ... : Chez Dentu ... : Et chez Laran ... , an VII [1798 or 1799]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*KVR 2170Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.

Bankrupt : a society living in the future / James V. McTevia ; foreword by M. Scott Peck.

Ann Arbor, Mich. : Momentum Books, c1992.


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FormatTextCall numberJBE 93-1471Item locationOffsite

Avis important.

[France : s.n., 1790?]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*KVR 5133Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.

Reflexions sur les lettres de surséance.

[France : s.n., 1790?]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*KVR 4454Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.

Aspects of credit and debt / [edited] by Geraint Howells, Iain Crow, Maureen Moroney.

London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1993.


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FormatTextCall numberJBF 93-739Item locationOffsite

The City's "debt limit."

New York.


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FormatTextCall number*SYA 228 Oct. 1935-1940, inc.Item locationOffsite

Izazovi budućnosti : kriza dugova i razvojna drama / Slobodan Komazec.

Split : Logos, 1989.


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FormatTextCall number*QKK 94-1289Item locationOffsite

Eugene Maximilien Haitian collection, 1847-1933.


40 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatMoving imageCall numberSc Micro R-3702 r. 40Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatMoving imageCall numberSc Micro R-3702 r. 39Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatMoving imageCall numberSc Micro R-3702 r. 38Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

Incomes, liquid assets and indebtedness of non-farm families in Canada / Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Research and Development Division, Special Projects Section.

[Ottawa] : The Section, [1958-1960]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberTAA (Canada. Statistics Bureau. Income, liquid assets and indebtedness of non-farm families in Canada) Library has: 1955-1958. 1955-63 (inc.)Item locationOffsite

Que l'argent soit : capitalisme et alchimie de l'avenir / François Rachline.

Paris : Calmann-Lévy, c1993.


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FormatTextCall numberJBD 94-778Item locationOffsite

Señorío y crédito en Aragón en el siglo XVI / Alejandro Abadía Irache.

Zaragoza : Institución Fernando el Católico, 1993.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 95-7232Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Gas debt and disconnections / Karen Rowlingson and Elaine Kempson.

London : Policy Studies Institute, c1993.


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FormatTextCall numberJBD 95-464Item locationOffsite

Debt, investment, slaves : credit relations in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, 1825-1885 / Richard Holcombe Kilbourne, Jr. ; foreword by Gavin Wright.

Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press, c1995.


2 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc E 97-681Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberITQ (East Feliciana Parish) 95-3146 Item locationSchwarzman Building - Milstein Division Room 121

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