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DRG 154 validation update : stomach, esophageal, and duodenal procedures.
[Washington, D.C.] : Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, 1992.
1 resource
Available online / by Rodolfo Cheli and Hugo Aste ; introd. by L. Demling.
Stuttgart : G. Thieme ; Action, Mass. : Publishing Science Group, 1976.
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FormatText | Call numberRC832 C41 1976 | Item locationOff-site |
Radiology of the stomach / [edited by] Richard H. Marshak, Arthur E. Lindner, Daniel Maklansky.
Philadelphia : Saunders, 1983.
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FormatText | Call numberRC804.R6 R112 1983 Q | Item locationOff-site |
Color atlas of upper gastrointestinal surgery / Charles Grant Clark.
Oradell, N.J. : Medical Economics Books, 1983.
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Format | Call numberRD540.5 C54 1983 Q | Item locationOff-site |
Pathology of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum / edited by Henry D. Appelman.
New York : Churchill Livingstone, 1984.
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FormatText | Call numberRC815.7 P27 1984 | Item locationOff-site |
Ranitidine : therapeutic advances / editors, J.J. Misiewicz and J.R. Wood.
Amsterdam ; Princeton : Excerpta Medica ; New York, NY : Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1984.
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Format | Call numberRC824 R16 1984 | Item locationOff-site |
Biopsy pathology of the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum / D.W. Day, with a contribution by O.A.N. Husain.
New York : Wiley, c1986.
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FormatText | Call numberRC804.B5 D39 1986 | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach and duodenum / edited by Lloyd M. Nyhus, Christopher Wastell ; foreword by Martin Allgöwer.
Boston : Little, Brown, [1986], ©1986.
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Format | Call numberRD540 Su72 1986 | Item locationOff-site |
Chronic duodenal ulcer / edited by C. Wastell.
London : Butterworths, 1974.
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Format | Call numberRC824 W52 1974 | Item locationOff-site |
Results of surgery for peptic ulcer; a cooperative study by twelve Veterans Administration hospitals. Edited by R. W. Postlethwait, associate editor: James C. Thoroughman: in collaboration with Philip Cooper [and others] With foreword by Lester R. Dragstedt.
Philadelphia, Saunders, 1963.
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FormatText | Call numberRD540 P84 1963 | Item locationOff-site |
Duodenal and jejunal peptic ulcer, technic of resection, by Rudolf Nissen. Foreword by Owen H. Wangensteen.
New York, Grune & Stratton, 1945.
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FormatText | Call numberRD540 N63 | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach & duodenum / by Claude E. Welch. Illustrated by Muriel McLatchie Miller and Edith Tagrin.
Chicago : Year Book Medical Publishers, [1973]
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Format | Call numberRD540 W44 1973 | Item locationOff-site |
The surgery of gastro-duodenal ulceration, by Charles A. Pannett ...
London, New York [etc.] Humphrey Milford, Oxford university press [1926]
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FormatText | Call numberRD540.5 P19 1926 | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach and duodenum / edited by Lloyd M. Nyhus and Christopher Wastell ; foreword by Andrew Watt Kay.
Boston : Little, Brown, [1977], ©1977.
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Format | Call numberRD540 Su72 1977 | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach & duodenum / by Claude E. Welch. Illustrated by Muriel McLatchie Miller and Edith Tagrin.
Chicago : Year Book Medical Publishers, [1966]
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Format | Call numberRD540 W44 1966 | Item locationOff-site |
The surgery of the stomach and duodenum.
Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1948.
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FormatText | Call numberRD540 So5 | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach and duodenum / editors, Henry N. Harkins, Lloyd M. Nyhus.
Boston : Little, Brown, [1962], ©1962.
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FormatText | Call numberRD540 H222 1962 | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach and duodenum, by 77 authors / Editors: Henry N. Harkins [and] Lloyd M. Nyhus. Foreword by Sir Charles Illingworth.
Boston : Little, Brown, [1969]
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Format | Call numberRD540 H222 1969 | Item locationOff-site |
The duodenum : medical, radiologic and surgical studies / by Pierre Duval, Jean Charles Roux and Henri Béclère ; translated by E.P. Quain.
St. Louis : Mosby, 1928.
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FormatText | Call numberRC817 .D89 1928 | Item locationOff-site |
Atlas of surgery of the stomach, duodenum, and small bowel / James C. Thompson.
St. Louis : Mosby Year Book, [1992], ©1992.
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Format | Call numberRD540 .T47 1992 Q | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach, duodenum, and small intestine / edited by H. William Scott, Jr., John L. Sawyers.
Boston : Blackwell Scientific Publications ; St. Louis, Mo. : Distributors, USA and Canada, Mosby-Year Book, c1992.
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FormatText | Call numberRD540 .S924 1992 Q | Item locationOff-site |
The effect of exclusion of the pancreatic juice upon the duodenal content
[Fort Wayne, 1935]
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FormatText | Call numberQP195 .H67 | Item locationOff-site |
The development of the duodenal end of the common bile duct in the human embryo and fetus.
[Philadelphia], [1937]
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Format | Call numberQP185 .Sch9 | Item locationOff-site |
The duodenal tube and its possibilities / by Max Einhorn.
Philadelphia : F.A. Davis, 1926.
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FormatText | Call numberRC804 .Ei6 1926 | Item locationOff-site |
Radiology of the duodenum / [by] R. A. Kemp Harper.
London : Lloyd-Luke, 1967.
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Format | Call numberRC804 .H23 1967 | Item locationOff-site |
The roentgen aspects of the papilla and ampulla of Vater, by Maxwell H. Poppel, Harold G. Jacobson [and] Robert W. Smith.
Springfield, Ill., C.C. Thomas, [1953]
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FormatText | Call numberRC804 .P81 1953 | Item locationOff-site |
The stomach and duodenum / by George B. Eusterman ... and Donald C. Balfour ... and members of the staff, the Mayo clinic and the Mayo foundation for medical education and research, Graduate school, University of Minnesota ...
Philadelphia and London : W. B. Saunders company, 1935.
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Format | Call numberRC816 .Eu7 | Item locationOff-site |
Peptic ulceration ; a symposium for surgeons / by Charles Wells and James Kyle.
Edinburgh : Livingstone, 1960.
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FormatText | Call numberRC821 .W46 1960 | Item locationOff-site |
Studies of gastric ulcer / With particular reference to its relation to duodenal ulcer and to malignant transformation. [Translated by Miss B. Andersen. Statistical calculations by N. Nyholm].
Copenhagen, 1963.
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Format | Call numberRC822 .Aa3 1963 | Item locationOff-site |
North American Symposium on Carbenoxolone, Montreal, Canada, March 21, 1975 / editor, Ivan T. Beck.
Amsterdam ; Princeton, N.J. : Excerpta Medica ; New York : Distributor, American Elsevier, 1976.
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Format | Call numberRC822 .N81 1975 | Item locationOff-site |
Chronic duodenal ulcer. Edited by C. Wastell.
New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts [1972]
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FormatText | Call numberRC824 .W28 1972 | Item locationOff-site |
Peptic ulcer : [clinical Roentgenology, with case histories] three hundred and thirty-four Roentgen-ray studies and seventy-seven clinical illustrations / by Jacob Buckstein.
New York : Hoeber, 1933.
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FormatText | Call numberRC840 .B85 1933 | Item locationOff-site |
Ulcer, the primary cause of gastric and duodenal ulcer; diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment, prevention.
Chicago, Medical center foundation and fund [1946]
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FormatText | Call numberRC840 .C77 | Item locationOff-site |
Understand your ulcer, a manual for the ulcer patient [by] Burrill B. Crohn ...
New York, Sheridan house [1943]
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FormatText | Call numberRC840 .C87 | Item locationOff-site |
The treatment of peptic ulcer; based upon ten years' experience at the New York Hospital, by George J. Heuer ... assisted by Cranston Holman ... [and] William A. Cooper ...
Philadelphia [etc.] J. B. Lippincott Company [c1944]
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FormatText | Call numberRC840 .H48 | Item locationOff-site |
Gastric and duodenal ulcer / by Arthur F. Hurst and Matthew J. Stewart, with the co-operation in the radiological sections of P.J. Briggs.
London ; New York : H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1929.
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FormatText | Call numberRC840 .H94 1929 | Item locationOff-site |
The physiologic basis of operations for duodenal, gastric and gastrojejunal ulcer / With foreword by Owen H. Wangensteen.
St. Louis : Mosby, 1949.
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Format | Call numberRC840 .M45 1949 | Item locationOff-site |
Personality in peptic ulcer, by Albert J. Sullivan and Thomas E. McKell.
Springfield, Ill., Thomas [1950]
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FormatText | Call numberRC840 .Su5 1950 | Item locationOff-site |
Radiology of the pancreas and duodenum / [by] S. Boyd Eaton, Jr. [and] Joseph T. Ferrucci, Jr. Anatomical drawing by Paul G. Andriesse.
Philadelphia : Saunders, 1973.
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Format | Call numberRC857 .Ea8 1973 | Item locationOff-site |
The early radiological diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas and ampulla of Vater ; elective exploration of the ampulla of Vater and the head of the pancreas by hypotonic duodenography / by Paul Jacquemet, Domingo Liotta [and] Pierre Mallet-Guy. Translated by Lee D. Cady.
Springfield, Ill. : C. C. Thomas, [1965]
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Format | Call numberRC857 .J16 1965 | Item locationOff-site |
Diseases of the duodenum ...
[Chicago, Northwestern University, 1933]
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FormatText | Call numberRC860 .B19 1933 | Item locationOff-site |
Major pathology of the duodenum.
[Summit, N. J., Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, c1944]
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Format | Call numberRC860 .C48 | Item locationOff-site |
The duodenum; its structure & function, its diseases & their medical & surgical treatment, by Edward L. Kellogg ... with a foreword by George David Stewart ... chapter on Duodenal parasites by Bailey K. Ashford ... section on X-ray diagnosis by A. Judson Quimby ... 287 illustrations (3 in color)
New York, P.B. Hoeber, Inc., 1933.
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FormatText | Call numberRC860 .K29 1933 | Item locationOff-site |
The duodenum, small intestine & colon, by George N. Stein [and] Arthur K. Finkelstein, with a contribution by Stanley Baum.
Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers [1973]
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Format | Call numberRC860 .St3 1973 | Item locationOff-site |
Provoked alimentary hyperglycemia; the mechanism of the tolerance test. The effect of the Macallum-Laughton duodenal extract upon hypophyseal diabetes, by John Marshall Flint and Louis Michaud.
London, Ont., Macallum, 1939.
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FormatText | Call numberRC660 .F64 1939 | Item locationOff-site |
Family influences and psychosomatic illness ; an inquiry into the social and psychological background of duodenal ulcer / with an appendix on psychological tests by Victor B. Kanter ; foreword by Eric D. Wittkower.
London : Tavistock Publications, [1958]
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Format | Call numberRC824 .G65 1958 | Item locationOff-site |
Radiology of the stomach and duodenum / A.H. Freeman, E. Sala (eds.) ; with contributions by K. Balan [and others] ; foreword by A.L. Baert.
Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2008], ©2008.
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FormatText | Call numberRC804.R6 R3475 2008 | Item locationOff-site |
Peptic ulcer ; a symposium of the current literature.
New Haven, Conn. : The BiSoDol Co., [1931], [©1931]
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FormatText | Call numberRC840 .B54 1931 | Item locationOff-site |
Surgery of the stomach and duodenum / by J. Shelton Horsley; illustrated by Miss Helen Lorraine.
St. Louis : C.V. Mosby, 1933.
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FormatText | Call numberRD540 .H78 1933 | Item locationOff-site |
Gastric and gastroduodenal motility / edited by L.M.A. Akkermans, A.G. Johnson, N.W. Read.
New York : Praeger, c1984.
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FormatText | Call numberWI 102 G2555 1984 | Item locationOff-site |