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La bilingüització de la segona generació immigrant : realitat i factors a Vilafranca del Penedès / Albert Bastardas i Boada.

Barcelona : Edicions de la Magrana, 1985.


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Universales vernáculos en la gramática del español / Ángela di Tullio y Enrique Pato (eds.).

Madrid : Iberoamericana ; Frankfurt am Main : Vervuert, 2022.


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FormatCall numberPC4107 .U55 2022gItem locationOff-site
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FormatCall numberPC4107 .U55 2022gItem locationOff-site
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Picante de lengua : con diálogos de Ramón : lengüismo / Gonzalo Montero Lara.

Cochabamba, Bolivia : Grupo Editorial Kipus, 2021.


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FormatCall numberPC4877 .M66 2021gItem locationOff-site

El apasionante origen de las palabras / Daniel Balmaceda.

Buenos Aires : Sudamericana, [2020]


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FormatCall numberPC4574 .B348 2020Item locationOff-site

Temas de gramática y variación / Laura Malena Kornfeld (coord.) ; autores, Alicia Avellana [and 4 others].

Buenos Aires, Argentina : Waldhuter Editores, [2020]


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FormatCall numberPC4871 .T37 2020Item locationOff-site

Desarrollos y procesos lingüísticos en el español dominicano / Rafael A. Núñez Cedeño.

[Santo Domingo?] : Banco Central de la República Dominicana, [2021]


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FormatTextCall numberPC4854.D6 N862 2021gItem locationOff-site

Estudios sobre el léxico del español en América / contribuciones de Helmut Berschin [and others].

Leipzig : Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1982.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4821 .A23 1982Item locationOff-site

A theory of word order with special reference to Spanish / Heles Contreras.

Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland Pub. Co. ; New York : Sale distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, America Elsevier Pub. Co., 1976.


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FormatCall numberP295 .C63 1976Item locationOff-site

El pronombre personal sujeto en la lengua española hablada en Madrid / Emilia V. Enríquez.

Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes", 1984.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4815.M25 E57 1984Item locationOff-site

Contributi alla storia della lessicografia italo-spagnola dei secoli XVI e XVII.

Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 1959.


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FormatTextCall number840.8 B472 v.56-58Item locationOff-site

The syntax of Spanish reflexive verbs. : The parameters of the middle voice.

The Hague : Mouton, 1970.


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FormatTextCall number408 J267 no.102-105Item locationOff-site

English influences on mexican spanish in Detroit. / Stanley M. Tsuzaki.

The Hague ; Paris : Mouton, 1970.


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FormatTextCall number408 J267 no.107-110Item locationOff-site

Two centuries of Spanish and English bilingual lexicography (1590-1800) / By Roger J. Steiner.

The Hague : Mouton, 1970.


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FormatTextCall number408 J267 no.107-110Item locationOff-site

A history of six Spanish verbs meaning "to take, seize, grasp".

The Hague : Mouton, 1971.


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FormatTextCall number408 J267 no.107-110Item locationOff-site

The tense aspect system of the Spanish verb ; as used in cultivated Bogotá Spanish.

The Hague : Mouton, 1971.


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FormatTextCall number408 J267 no.119-121Item locationOff-site

Concerning the deep structures of Spanish reflexive sentences.

The Hague : Mouton, 1972.


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FormatTextCall number408 J267 no.173-175Item locationOff-site

The syntax of the old Spanish subjunctive / By Frede Jensen and Thomas A. Lathrop.

The Hague : Mouton, 1973.


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FormatTextCall number408 J267 no.181-182Item locationOff-site

Linguistics and philology in Spanish America. : A survey (1925-1970).

The Hague : Mouton, 1972 [1973]


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FormatTextCall number408 J265 v.96-98Item locationOff-site

El español del siglo XVI a través de un texto erudito canario / María Teresa Cáceres Lorenzo, Marina Díaz Peralta.

Madrid : Iberoamericana ; Frankfurt am Main : Vervuert, 1997.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4815.C25 C33 1997gItem locationOff-site

El español a través de los tiempos / Rafael Cano Aguilar.

Madrid : Arco/Libros, 1988.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4075 .C29 1988Item locationOff-site

Memorias de la Academia Ecuatoriana correspondiente de la Española.

Quito : La Academia


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FormatTextCall numberAS83 .Q52 no.69 (2009)Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberAS83 .Q52 no.67Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberAS83 .Q52 v.66Item locationOff-site

Gramática de la lengua castellana según ahora se habla / Vicente Salvá ; estudio y edición de Margarita Lliteras.

Madrid : Arco/Libros, [1988], ©1988.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4105 .S3 1988 v.2Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberPC4105 .S3 1988 v.1Item locationOff-site

El ritmo en el español : estudio fonético con base computacional / Guillermo Andrés Toledo.

Madrid : Gredos, [1988], ©1988.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4559 .T6 1988gItem locationOff-site

Acuerdos acerca del idioma.

Buenos Aires : La Academia, 1947-<1993>


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FormatTextCall numberPC4871 .A65Item locationOff-site

El español hablado en Honduras / compilador, Atanasio Herranz ; [J. Aguilar Paz and others].

Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A. : Editorial Guaymuras, 1990.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4844.H6 E86 1990Item locationOff-site

La formación de las lenguas romances peninsulares / Coloma Lleal.

Barcelona : Barcanova, 1990.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4075 .L55 1990Item locationOff-site

Diccionario qhëshwa-castellano, castellano-qhëshwa.

La Paz, Editorial Los Amigos del Libro, 1971.


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Vocabolario critico degli ispanismi siciliani / Andreas Michel.

Palermo : Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 1996.


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FormatTextCall numberPC1802 .M53 1995Item locationOff-site

Spanish at a glance : a new system on the most simple principles for universal self-tuition, with complete English pronunciation of every word / by Franz Thimm.

Havana, Cuba : The American News Company, Inc., [between 1900 and 1999?]


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FormatTextCall numberKPD 6085Item locationOff-site

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Teaching translation from Spanish to English : worlds beyond words / Allison Beeby Lonsdale.

Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press, c1996.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4498 .B43 1996Item locationOff-site

Mein neues Deutsch : Sprachlehrbuch im Vergleich mit Spanisch / Helmut Schwab.

Aachen : Arsis, 1998.


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FormatTextCall numberPF3131 .S39 1998Item locationOff-site

La construcción con predicativo del complemento directo en castellano medieval / Inmaculada C. Báez Montero.

Vigo : Universidade de Vigo. Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4715 .B34 1998Item locationOff-site

Léxico de frecuencia del español hablado en la ciudad de Málaga / Antonio Manuel Avila Muñoz.

[Málaga] : Universidad de Málaga, 1999.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4611 .A85 1999Item locationOff-site

Diccionario mayor de cubanismos / Jose Sanchez-Boudy.

Miami, Fla. : Ediciones Universal, 1999.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4854.C8 S243 1999Item locationOff-site

La academia y los americanismos de La Tía Julia y el escribidor / Ana Isabel Navarro Carrasco.

Alicante : Universidad de Alicante, 2000.


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FormatTextCall numberPQ8498.32.A65 Z757 2000Item locationOff-site

Gramática simpática : dudas y problemas del idioma en 35 fáciles cuestionarios / Gabriel Fonnegra.

Bogotá : C. Valencia Editores, 1995.


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FormatTextCall numberPC4112 .F66 1995xItem locationOff-site

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