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Las Casas : die unglaubliche Geschichte von der Entdeckung der Neuen Welt / Martin Neumann.
Freiburg : Herder, 1990.
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FormatText | Call numberReCAP 11-11107 | Item locationOffsite |
Thevet l'Angoumoisin, ou, Le voyageur en son cabinet / Sophie Apert.
Paris : Croît vif, 2007.
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FormatText | Call numberReCAP 08-21913 | Item locationOffsite |
James Fitzjames : the mystery man of the Franklin Expedition / William Battersby.
Toronto : Dundurn Press, ©2010.
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FormatText | Call numberJFE 16-5275 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Jacques Cartier ...
Québec : Impr. L. Brousseau, 1889.
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FormatText | Call number92C245 D | Item locationOff-site |
Abel Tasman and the discovery of New Zealand / B.J. Slot.
Amsterdam : Otto Cramwinckel, 1992.
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FormatText | Call numberDU193.3.T37 S56 1992 | Item locationOff-site |
Hellēnes nautikoi ston Prōto Periplou tēs gēs / Pedro Olagia = Marinos griegos en la primera vuelta al mundo / Pedro Olalla.
Athēna : Embajada de España en Atenas : Vivliopōleion tēs Hestias, 2021.
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Format | Call numberG420.M2 O53 2021g | Item locationOff-site |
Issledovatelʹ Mongolii A.D. Simukov : pisʹma, dnevniki, dokumenty / sostaviteli Yuki Konagaya, Natal'ya Simukova = Explorer of Mongolia A.D.Simukov : letters, diaries, documents / compiled by Yuki Konagaya, Natalia Simukov.
Osaka : National Museum of Ethnology, 2021.
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FormatText | Call numberDS798.2 .S54 2021g | Item locationOff-site |
African exploits : the diaries of William Stairs, 1887-1892 / [edited by] Roy MacLaren.
Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [1998], ©1998.
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Format | Call numberDT363.2.S73 A3 1998g | Item locationOff-site |
Captain Cook, R. N. : the resolute mariner: an international record of oceanic discovery / [by] Thomas Vaughan [and] A. A. St. C. M. Murray-Oliver.
Portland : Oregon Historical Society, [1974]
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Format | Call numberG246.C7 V38 | Item locationOff-site |
Jacques Cartier, sa vie et ses voyages / par Joseph Pope ; traduit de l\u0027anglais par L. Philippe Sylvain.
Ottawa : [publisher not identified], 1890.
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FormatText | Call number92C245 P | Item locationOff-site |
Hernán Cortés y la mar del Sur / Miguel Léon-Portilla.
Madrid : Ediciones Cultura Hispánica : Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, [1985?]
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberF1230.C835 L46 1985 | Item locationOff-site |
Père Marquette, priest, pioneer and adventurer / by Agnes Repplier; decorations by Harry Cimino.
Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc., 1929.
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Format | Call numberMD82 M357R | Item locationOff-site |
A woman's way through unknown Labrador / Mina Benson Hubbard ; edited and with an introduction by Sherrill Grace.
Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004.
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FormatText | Call numberF1140 .H8 2004g | Item locationOff-site |
Christophe Colomb juif : défense et illustrations / Sarah Leibovici ; postface de Shmuel Trigano.
Paris : Maisonneuve & Larose, 1986.
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Format | Call numberE112 .L44 1986g | Item locationOff-site |
The Franciscan Père Marquette ; a critical biography of Father Zénobe Membré, O.F.M., La Salle's chaplain and missionary companion, 1645 (ca.)-1689, with maps and original narratives / by Marion A. Habig ...
New York : J.F. Wagner, Inc., [1934]
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FormatText | Call number932.3 F848 no.13 | Item locationOff-site |
The woman who mapped Labrador : the life and expedition diary of Mina Hubbard / diary introduced and edited by Roberta Buchanan and Bryan Greene ; biography by Anne Hart.
Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2005], ©2005.
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FormatText | Call numberF1137 .H83 2005g | Item locationOff-site |
Cipango! (the story) : A brief historical account of the dramatic reversals in the life of Christopher Columbus ... / Anne Paolucci.
Wilmington, DE : Published for The Bagehot Council by Griffon House Publications, [2004], ©2004.
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FormatText | Call numberE111 .P243 2004 | Item locationOff-site |
The wicked mate : the Antarctic diary of Victor Campbell : an account of the Northern Party on Captain Scott's last expedition from the original manuscript in the Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland / edited by H.G.R. King ; foreword by Lord Shackleton.
Alburgh, Harleston, Norfolk : Erskine Press : Bluntisham Books, 1988.
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Format | Call numberG850 1910 .S463 1988g | Item locationOff-site |
The noose of laurels : the discovery of the North Pole / Wally Herbert.
London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1989.
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Format | Call numberG635.P4 H4 1989b | Item locationOff-site |
Atlas of exploration / foreword by John Hemming, director of the Royal Geographical Society.
New York : Oxford University Press, c1997.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatCartographic | Call numberG1036.S12 R6 1997 | Item locationOff-site |
Iogann Georg Gmelin, 1709-1755 / L.P. Belkovet︠s︡ ; otvetstvennyĭ redaktor I︠U︡. Kh. Kopelevich.
Moskva : "Nauka", 1990.
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FormatText | Call numberDK769.G63 B45 1990 | Item locationOff-site |
Ontdekkingsreizen van Nederlanders (1590-1650) / V.D. Roeper & G.F.D. Wildeman.
Utrecht ; Antwerpen : Kosmos-Z & K, [1993]
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Format | Call numberG232 .R64 1993 | Item locationOff-site |
Victorian explorer : the African diaries of Captain William G. Stairs, 1887-1892 / edited by Janina M. Konczacki.
Halifax, N.S. : Nimbus, [1994]
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FormatText | Call numberDT363.2.S73 A3 1994 | Item locationOff-site |
Uomini dell'altro mondo : l'incontro con i popoli americani nella cultura italiana ed europea : atti del convegno di Siena, 11-13 marzo 1991.
Roma : Bulzoni, ©1993.
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FormatText | Call numberE101 .U55 1993 | Item locationOff-site |
Champlain and the St. John, 1604-1954 / edited by George MacBeath ; assistant editors: Jessie I. Lawson, Wm. D.F. Smith, William F. Ryan ; with an introduction by A.G. Bailey.
[Saint John, N.B.] : New Brunswick Historical Society, 1954.
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FormatText | Call numberCan 205.40 | Item locationOff-site |
Chomedey de Maisonneuve / Rachel Lamarre.
Montréal : Lidec, c1994.
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FormatText | Call numberF1054.5.M853 M355 1994 | Item locationOff-site |
Jacques Cartier : de Saint-Malo de l'Île aux rapides de la Chine / Bernard Hue.
[Montélimar, France] : Éditions Armine-Édiculture, ©1997.
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FormatText | Call numberE133.C3 H84 1997 | Item locationOff-site |
Acapulco : expediciones, viajes e invasiones marítimas / Alejandro Martínez Carbajal.
[Mexico] : [publisher not identified], [1993?]
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FormatText | Call numberF1391.A3 M37 1993 | Item locationOff-site |
Silk, spices, and glory : in search of the Northwest Passage / M.A. Macpherson.
Calgary, Alta. : Fifth House Publishers ; Allston, Mass. : Fitzhenry & Whiteside, c2001.
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FormatText | Call numberG640 .M34 2001 | Item locationOff-site |
John Franklin : traveller on undiscovered seas / John Wilson.
Montréal : XYZ Pub., 2001.
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FormatText | Call numberF1090.5 .W55 2001 | Item locationOff-site |
First crossing : Alexander Mackenzie, his expedition across North America, and the opening of the continent / Derek Hayes.
Vancouver, B.C. : Douglas & McIntyre, c2001.
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Format | Call numberF1060.7.M1783 H39 2001b | Item locationOff-site |
Romances y jitanjáforas / Ignacio B. Anzoátegui ; ilustraciones de Héctor Basaldúa.
Buenos Aires : Editorial Santiago Apóstol : Ediciones Nueva Hispanidad, 1999.
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FormatText | Call numberPQ7797.A6245 R66 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
Outro mundo novo vimos : 21 jul.- 4 nov. 2001, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga / [coordenaçao, Ana Maria Rodrigues ; autores, António Augusto Marques de Almeida ... et al.].
Lisboa : Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descubrimentos Portugueses : Edições Inapa, 2001.
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FormatText | Call numberG282 .O98 2001 | Item locationOff-site |
Sur les traces d'un explorateur au XIXe siècle en Amazonie : le livre : [exposition itinèrante, 1998-] / organisée par Astrolabe, CRESTIG et FLASH].
La Rochelle : Astrolabe arts, sciences et techniques, 1998.
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FormatText | Call numberF2546 .S87 1998 | Item locationOff-site |
Mary Schäffer : an adventurous woman's exploits in the Canadian Rockies / by Jill Foran.
Canmore, Alta. : Altitude Pub. Canada, 2003.
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FormatText | Call numberF1090 .F67 2003 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Sailing with Flinders : the journal of seaman Samuel Smith / edited with an introduction by Peter Monteath.
North Adelaide, S. Aust. : Corkwood Press, [2002]
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FormatText | Call numberDU98 .S65 2002 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Dictionnaire des explorateurs des pôles / Michel d'Arcangues.
Paris : Séguier, c2002.
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Format | Call numberG584 .A73 2002 | Item locationOff-site |
David Thompson : the epic expeditions of a great Canadian explorer : history/biography / by Graeme Pole.
Canmore, Alta. : Altitude Pub. Canada, 2003.
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FormatText | Call numberF1060.7.T48 P65 2003 | Item locationOff-site |
Red serge and polar bear pants : the biography of Harry Stallworthy, RCMP / William Barr.
Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, 2004.
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FormatText | Call numberHV7911.S72 B37 2004 | Item locationOff-site |
Richard Francis Burton : a bibliography of contributions to select Indian newspapers / Burke E. Casari.
West Vancouver, BC : Voyager Press Books, 2005.
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FormatText | Call numberZ8136.2 .C38 2005 | Item locationOff-site |
Lady Franklin's revenge : a true story of ambition, obsession, and the remaking of Arctic history / Ken McGoogan.
Toronto : HarperCollins Publishers, c2005.
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FormatText | Call numberG246.F68 M34 2005 | Item locationOff-site |
Les explorateurs du XIIIe au XVIe siècle : premiers regards sur des mondes nouveaux / Michel Mollat.
Paris : CTHS, 2005.
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FormatText | Call numberG89 .M55 2005 | Item locationOff-site |
Vladimir Korolev (Ėzhʹes Mikol Mikol Volodʹ) : bibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ : k 30-letii︠u︡ pervoĭ publikat︠s︡ii.
Syktyvkar : [publisher not identified], 1999.
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FormatText | Call numberZ6827 .V53 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
Exploration and discovery, edited by Robert G. Albion.
New York, Macmillan [1965]
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FormatText | Call numberG80 .A45 | Item locationOff-site |
Canadian exploration literature / edited and introduced by Germaine Warkentin.
Toronto, Ont. : Dundurn Press, c2006.
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FormatText | Call numberF1060.7 .C23 2006 | Item locationOff-site |
Forgotten highways : wilderness journeys down the historic trails of the Canadian Rockies / by Nicky L. Brink and Stephen R. Bown.
[Edmonton] : Brindle & Glass, c2007.
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FormatText | Call numberF1090.B8 B747 2007 | Item locationOff-site |
Adventurous dreams, adventurous lives / collected and edited by Jason Schoonover ; foreword by Meave Leakey.
Vancouver : Rocky Mountain Books, c2007.
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FormatText | Call numberCT9970 .S36 2007 | Item locationOff-site |
Burning water / George Bowering.
Vancouver : New Star Books, 2007.
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FormatText | Call numberPR9199.3.B63 B8 2007 | Item locationOff-site |
Christophe Colomb contre ses mythes / Michel Lequenne.
Grenoble : Jérôme Millon, c2002.
0 resources
Vilhjalmur Stefansson : Arctic adventurer / Tom Henighan.
Toronto : Dundurn Press, c2009.
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FormatText | Call numberG635.S7 H45 2009 | Item locationOff-site |