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Fatty acids / edited by Everett H. Pryde.


Champaign, Ill. : American Oil Chemists' Society, c1979.


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Fatty acids: industry, technology and research in India; proceedings of the seminar held from 10-12 February 1965.


Hyderabad, Regional Research Laboratory, 1966.


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FormatTextCall numberJSF 72-537Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids; synthesis and applications [by] N. E. Bednarcyk [and] W. L. Erickson.


Park Ridge, N.J., Noyes Data Corp., 1973.


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FormatTextCall numberJSK 73-114 no. 9 no. 9Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids and glycerides / edited by Arnis Kuksis.


New York : Plenum Press, c1978.


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FormatTextCall numberJSK 79-178 v. 1 v. 1Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids manufacture : recent advances / edited by J. C. Johnson.


Park Ridge, N.J. : Noyes Data Corp., 1980.


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FormatTextCall numberJSK 73-114 no. 157 no. 157Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids / edited by Everett H. Pryde.


Champaign, Ill. : American Oil Chemists' Society, c1979.


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FormatTextCall numberJSE 80-1384Item locationOffsite

Geometrical and positional fatty acid isomers / edited by Edward A. Emken and Herbert J. Dutton.


Champaign, Ill. : American Oil Chemists' Society, [c1979].


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FormatTextCall numberJSE 81-406Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJSE 81-235Item locationOffsite

Crystallization and polymorphism of fats and fatty acids / edited by Nissim Garti, Kiyotaka Sato.


New York : M. Dekker, c1988.


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FormatTextCall numberJSE 89-1466Item locationOffsite

A bibliography on fatty acids in foods and other commodities 1920-1949, [comp. by Walter O. Lundberg and others]


Washington, 1956.


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FormatTextCall numberF-10 2676 no. 1-7Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

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Recent research on carnitine, its relation to lipid metabolism; papers. Edited by George Wolf.


Cambridge, M.I.T. Press [1965]


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FormatTextCall numberPPB (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Recent research on carnitine) 1965Item locationOffsite

High-pressure hydrogenation of fatty acid esters to fatty alcohols.


Delft, Waltman [1969]


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FormatTextCall numberPOD (Muttzall, K. M. K. High-pressure hydrogenation of fatty acid esters)Item locationOffsite

Fatty acid metabolism in microorganisms.


New York, Wiley [1963]


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FormatTextCall numberPPB (Hofmann, K. Fatty acid metabolism in microorganisms)Item locationOffsite

The analysis of fermentation acids; the qualitative and quantitative estimation of formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, and lactic acids in biological material ...


Los Angeles, Westernlore Press [1947]


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FormatTextCall numberPMO (McNair, J. B. Analysis of fermentation acids)Item locationOffsite

An introducton to the chemistry and biochemistry of fatty acids and their glycerides / [by] F.D. Gunstone.


[London] : Chapman and Hall, 1967.


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FormatTextCall numberPOF (Gunstone, F. D. Introduction to the chemistry and biochemistry of fatty acids)Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids: their chemistry, properties, production, and uses. Edited by Klare S. Markley.


New York, Interscience Publishers, 1960-68.


5 items

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FormatTextCall numberPOF (Markley, K. S. Fatty acids. 1960 (5 v.)) 2nd Ed. Pt. 5 (1968)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberPOF (Markley, K. S. Fatty acids. 1960 (5 v.)) 2nd Ed. Pt. 4 (1967)Item locationOffsite
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Constantes et données numériques des corps purs de la chimie des corps gras; préf. de J.P. Sisley.


Paris, Dunod, 1949.


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FormatTextCall numberPOF (Parisot, A. Constantes et donnees numeriques)Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids and their derivatives.


New York, J. Wiley [1948]


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FormatTextCall numberPOF (Ralston, A. W. Fatty acids and their derivatives)Item locationOffsite

Die Fabrikation der Fettsäuren; mit einem theoretischen Teil, Chemie und physikalische Chemie der Fettsäuren und ihrer Darstellung von Egon Böhm.


Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1932.


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FormatTextCall numberVOF (Boehm, E. Fabrikation der Fettsauren)Item locationOffsite

[Papers on the practical use of fatty acids in the chemical and manufacturing departments of various industries]


[Kearny, N.J., 194-?]


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Woburn Chemical Corporation, Kearny, N.J. Papers on the practical use of fatty acids)Item locationOffsite

Melting and solidification of fats ...


New York, Interscience Publishers, 1950.


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Bailey, A. E. Melting and solidification of fats)Item locationOffsite

Sulphated oils and allied products, their chemistry and analysis, by Donald Burton and George F. Robertshaw. Foreword by Prof. T. P. Hilditch.


New York, N.Y., Chemical publishing co. inc., 1940.


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Burton, D. Sulphated oils and allied products)Item locationOffsite

Combinaions de la glycérine avec les acides et réproduction artificielle des corps gras neutres, par Marcellin Berthelot ...


Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, 1854.


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Berthelot, P. E. M. Combinaions de la glycérine)Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids and their industrial applications, edited by E. Scott Pattison.


New York, M. Dekker, 1968.


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Fatty Acid Producers' Council. Fatty acids and their industrial applications)Item locationOffsite

An introduction to the chemistry of fats and fatty acids. With a foreword by T.P. Hilditch.


New York, Wiley, 1958.


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Gunstone, F. D. Introduction to the chemistry of fats and fatty acids)Item locationOffsite

Studien auf dem Fettgebiet, mit 131 Tabellen und 31 Abbildungen.


Berlin, Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H., 1935.


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Kaufmann, H. P. Studien auf dem Fettgebiet)Item locationOffsite

Industrial fatty acids and their applications.


New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp. [c1959]


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FormatTextCall numberVON (Pattison, E. S. Industrial fatty acids and their applications)Item locationOffsite

A study of the highly unsaturated fatty acids occurring in fish oils, by John Bernis Brown ...


Easton, Pa., Eschenbach Printing Company, 1920.


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FormatTextCall numberPKR p.v. 54, no. 1 no. 1-12Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Studies of the corn amyloses. II. Properties of corn alpha amylose ... By James H. Werntz ...




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FormatTextCall numberPKR p.v. 84 no. 1-16Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Studies of the corn amyloses. III. The isolation of corn gamma amylose and some properties of corn beta amylose solutions ... By Willet Lawrence Eccles ...




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FormatTextCall numberPKR p.v. 95 no. 1-16Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Le polymorphisme des acides gras, par F. Dupré la Tour ...


Paris, Hermann et cie, 1936.


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FormatTextCall numberPKR p.v. 157 no. 1-6Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The selenium analog of cystine and the diselenides of the lower fatty acids, by Reverend John C. Gordon.


Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America, 1935.


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FormatTextCall numberPKR p.v. 164 no. 1-10Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The fatty acid radicals of liver lecithin, by Henry S. Simms ...


[Baltimore, The Waverly Press, 1922]


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FormatTextCall numberPKR p.v. 45, no. 1 no. 1-10Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Gewinnung der hoḧeren Fettsäuren durch Oxydation der Kohlenwasserstoffe, von F. Wittka. Mit 44 Abbildungen im Text.


Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1940.


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FormatTextCall numberVBA p.v. 912 no. 1-6Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The chemistry of fatty acids.


Chicago : The Company, c1956.


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FormatTextCall numberVBA p.v. 1946 no. 1-7Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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A tentative investigation concerning fatty acids and fatty acid methyl esters.


Hilversum [Netherlands] "De Mercuur," 1946.


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FormatTextCall numberVBA p.v. 988 no. 1-10Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Über die katalytische reduktion der carboxylgruppe ungesättigter fettsäuren ... von Engbert A. Duintjer ...


Zürich, E. Lang, 1941.


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FormatTextCall numberVBA p.v. 757 no. 1-10Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Sobre la composición en ácidos grasos de aceites de maní argentinos.


Buenos Aires, 1956.


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FormatTextCall numberPKA (Buenos Aires (City). Universidad nacional. Ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales, Facultad de. Contribuciones científicas. Serie química. v. 1, no. 1)Item locationOffsite

The conversion of lauric and myristic acids into fatty acids of higher molecular weights in rats. With one figure in the text.


Oslo, I kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad, 1943.


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FormatTextCall numberQAA (Hvalrädets skrifter. Scientific results of marine biological research. nr.27) v. 22-28 (1940-45)Item locationOffsite

Radioisotope studies of fatty acid metabolism, by James F. Mead and David R. Howton.


London, New York, Pergamon Press, 1960.


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FormatTextCall numberPKA (International series of monographs on nuclear energy. Division 6: Medicine. v. 1)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

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Natürliche Fettsäuren als Rohstoffe für die chemische Industrie.


Stuttgart, Enke, 1966.


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FormatTextCall numberPKI (Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Beiträge. N.F., nr.62) n.f. 62 (1966)Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids in foods and their health implications / edited by Ching Kuang Chow.


New York : M. Dekker, 2000.


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FormatTextCall numberJSF 01-837Item locationOffsite

Fatty chemicals [microform].


Washington, DC : Office of Industries, U.S. International Trade Commission, [1994]


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Lipids and insulin resistance : the role of fatty acid metabolism and fuel partitioning / edited by Iwar Klimeš ... [et al.].


New York : New York Academy of Sciences, 2002.


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FormatTextCall numberJSL 94-316 v. 967Item locationOffsite

Fatty acids : their chemistry and physical properties.


New York : Interscience Publishers, 1947.


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FormatTextCall numberPOF (Markley, K.S. Fatty acids)Item locationOffsite

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