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Poetik des Staubes bei Goethe und Hafis / Karin Knobel.

Nordhausen : Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2013.


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FormatTextCall numberPT1898 .W5 K56 2013gItem locationOff-site

K̲h̲usrū, Ḥāfiz̤ aur Īrān = Khusro, Hafiz aur Iran / Ḥasan ʻAbbās Fit̤rat.

Pūne : Ḥājī G̲h̲ulām Muḥammad Aʻz̤am Ejūkeshan Ṭarasṭ, 2007.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z864 2007gItem locationOff-site

Maktab va maslaki Ḣofiz / Qurbon Voseʺ.

Dushanbe : Adabiëti bachagona, 2013.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465.Z8 V67 2013gItem locationOff-site

Bar āstān-i jānān : guzārish-i bīst ghazal az nīmah-ʼi nukhustīn-i dīvān-i Ḥāfiẓ = At the threshold of the true-love / Duktur Mīr Jalāl al-Dīn Kazzāzī.

Tihrān : Sāzmān-i Muṭālaʻah va Tadvīn-i Kutub-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī-i Dānishgāhhā (SAMT), Markaz-i Taḥqīqāt va Tawsiʻah-ʼi ʻUlūm-i Insānī, 1391 [2012]


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z8917 2012Item locationOff-site

Rāz-i maḥabbat va āshnāyī dar ghazalīyāt-i Ḥāfiẓ / Nāṣir Mahdavī.

Tihrān : Intishārāt-i Kavīr, 1392 [2013 or 2014]


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z89378 2013gItem locationOff-site

Lieder / by Max Kowalski.

New Rochelle, NY : Bridge Records, [2015]


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FormatAudioCall numberCD26839Item locationOff-site

Ahmed Sudi Bošnjak : komentator perzijskih klasika / Namir Karahalilović, Munir Drkić.

Mostar : Fondacija "Baština duhovnosti", 1435/2014.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6405.2.B68 K53 2014gItem locationOff-site

Musoḣiba bo Ḣofiz / Muḣammadrizo Tojdinī.

Dushanbe : "Adib", 2015.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z98144 2015gItem locationOff-site

Ḥāfiẓ va zāhidān-i rīyāiyī / Ardashīr Luṭfʻaliyān.

[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [2013?]


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465.Z8 L87 2013gItem locationOff-site

Sharḥ-i taḥqīqī-i Dīvān-i Khvājah Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfiẓ Shīrāzī = Poems of Hāfez: a modern reading : barʹasās-i taṣḥīḥ-i Khānlarī / Manṣūr Rastgār Fasāʼī.

Tihrān : Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī va Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī, 1394- [2015-]


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This is what happened / Volti, San Francisco.

[St. Paul, Minn.] : Innova, [2017]


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FormatAudioCall numberCD29775Item locationOff-site

Music of the Persian mystics / Zohreh Jooya ; Majid Derakhshani.

West Sussex : Arc Records, 2017.


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FormatAudioCall numberCD30248Item locationOff-site

Hâfız Dîvânı'nın Kazan Tatar Türkçesine şerhi / Musa Carullah Bigiyef.

Fatih, İstanbul : Akademi Titiz Yayınları, 2017.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465.Z8 B53 2017gItem locationOff-site

Dar pay-i ān āshinā.

Tihrān : Nashr- Nay, 2016.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z9635 2016 v.2Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z9635 2016 v.1Item locationOff-site

Univerzum Hafiza Širazija / Elvir Musić.

Mostar : Fondacija "Baština duhovnosti", 1439/2018.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z8863 2018gItem locationOff-site

Maʻshūq-i Ḥāfiẓ / Shāpūr Mīnūchihr.

Köln : Furūgh, 2017.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z8945 2017gItem locationOff-site

Lirika / Khafiz ; perevod s farsi.

Moskva : Gosudarstvennoe izdatelʹstvo khudozhestvennoi literatury, 1956.


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FormatCall numberPK6465.Z77 I83 1956gItem locationOff-site

Des Hafis Liebeslieder : Opus 24 / Karol Szymanowski ; Nachdichtung von Hans Bethge, erste Reihe.

Huntsville, Tex. (P.O. Box 1697, Huntsville 77342-1697) : Recital Publications, 1993.


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FormatCall number75.1 Sz93 P6Item locationOff-site

Hafis-Lieder : six books in one volume / Theodor Streicher ; with an introduction by Richard B. Wursten.

Huntsville, Tex. : Recital Publications, 1991.


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FormatCall number75.1 St83 H11Item locationOff-site

Hafis : der größte Lyriker persischer Zunge / Nasser Kanani.

Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, [2019]


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FormatCall numberPK6465 .K36 2019gItem locationOff-site

Hafis' Liebeslyrik im Spiegel der deutschen Dichtung, oder, Hafis und die deutschsprachigen "Hafisianer" / Nasser Kanani.

Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, [2021]


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FormatCall numberPK6465 .Z89 2021gItem locationOff-site

Dilʹdār / mūsīqī-i Arshad Tahmāsbī ; āvāz-i Muḥsin Karāmatī = Deldâr / music, Arshad Tahmâsbi ; vocal, Mohsen Kerâmati

Tihrān : Muʼassasah-yi Farhangī-Hunarī Māhūr, 2012


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Ḥāfiẓ-i andīshah : naẓarī bih andīshah-ʼi Ḥāfiẓ, hamrāh bā intiqādʹgūnahʹī az taṣavvuf / Muṣṭafá Raḥīmī.

Tihrān : Nashr-i Nūr, 1371 [1992 or 1993]


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z954 1992gItem locationOff-site
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Not available - Please for assistance.

Ḥāfiẓ-i ʻārif / pazhūhandah Rukn al-Dīn Humāyūn Farrukh.

[Tihrān?] : Chāpkhānah-i Khurramī, 1360- [1981-


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .A62 1981 v.2Item locationOff-site

Şerh-i Divan-i Hafız / lil-Seyyit Mehmet Vehbî Konevî.

[Istanbul] : Matbaa-yı Âmire, 1288 [1872]


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465.D53 K66 1872g cilt 1Item locationOff-site
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Ḣofizi Sherozī.

Dushanbe, 1971.


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Jashnnomai Ḣofiz / [Mukharriri masʺul A. Abdulloev. Peshguftor R. Ḣodizoda].

Dushanbe : "Donish", 1971.


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FormatTextCall numberTAJI 00635Item locationOff-site

Der Feueranbeter ; Nachdichtung des Hafis / von Klabund.

München : Roland-Verlag Dr. Albert Mundt, 1919.


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FormatCall number834H396 Q5Item locationOff-site

Herrscher und Dichter in Goethes und Hafis Divan / Caveh Shareghi-Boroujeni.

Hamburg : H. Lüdke, c1979.


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FormatTextCall numberPT1898.W5 S5Item locationOff-site

Ḥafiẓʹshināsī : yā ilhāmāt-i Khvājah / nigārash-i Muḥammad ʻAlī Bāmdād.

[Tihrān] : [publisher not identified], [1950]


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z887 1950zItem locationOff-site

Chand nuktih dar taṣḥīḥ-i dīvān-i Ḥāfiẓ / [biqalam-i Parvīz Nātil Khānlarī.

[Tihrān] : Intishārāt-i Sukhan, [1959]


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FormatCall number892.8H11 DNItem locationOff-site

Ḥāfiẓ al-Shīrāzī : shāʻir al-ghināʼ wa-al-ghazal fī Īrān / taʼlīf Ibrāhīm Amīn al-Shawāribī.

Miṣr : Maṭbaʻat al-Maʻārif wa-Maktabatuhā, [1944]


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FormatCall number892.8H11 DSItem locationOff-site

Zum Text des Hafiz.

[Köln] ; Druck : Photostelle der Universität zu Köln, 1958.


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FormatCall number892.8H11 DBItem locationOff-site

Ḥāfiẓ tashriḥ.

Ṭihrān : [Kitābkhāna-yi Ṭihrān], [1307, 1928]


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Ḥāfiẓʹnāmah / ʻAbd al-Raḥīm Khalkhāli.

Tihrān : Majlis, 1320 [1941]


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FormatTextCall number892.8H11 DKItem locationOff-site

Studier over Hâfiz : med sideblik til andre persiske lyrikere / af Harald Rasmussen ...

København : P. Michelsen, 1892.


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FormatTextCall number892.8H11 DRItem locationOff-site

Goethes erlebnis des Ostens / von Hans Heinrich Schaeder.

Leipzig : J.C. Hinrichs, 1938.


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FormatCall numberGF Sch13Item locationOff-site

Ḥāfiẓ, shak̲h̲s aur shāʻir / Kabīr Aḥmad Jāʼisī.

Paṭnah : K̲h̲udā Bak̲h̲sh Oriyanṭal Pablik Lāʼibrerī, 2001.


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FormatCall numberPK6465.J35 Z68 2001gItem locationOff-site

Zwölf Hafis-Lieder : für eine Singstimme und Klavier, Op. 33 / Othmar Schoeck.

Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel, 1949, c1921.


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FormatCall number75.1 Sch62 H119 op.33Item locationOff-site

Jamāliyāt-i Ḥāfiẓ Shirāzī / Shakīlurraḥmān.

Naʾī Dihlī : Nirālī Dunyā Pablīkeshanz, 2003.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465 .Z9765 2003Item locationOff-site

Dīvān-i Hāfiz / tarjumah va sharḥ ʻIbad Allah Akhtar.

Lāhūr : al-Kitāb, 1979.


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FormatTextCall numberPK6465.D5 1979Item locationOff-site

ʻIrfān-i Ḥāfiẓ : Ḥāfiẓ-i Shīrāzī ke mashhūr va maqbūl Fārsī Dīvān ke ashʻār kī ṣūfīyānah va ʻārifānah Ūrdu sharḥ ... / Ashraf ʻAlī Thānvī.

Karācī : Nafīs Ākīḍimī, 1976.


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FormatTextCall numberP-U 77-930876Item locationOff-site

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Z̲ikr-i Ḥāfiẓ, maʻ intik̲h̲āb-i kalām / Sajjād Ẓahīr.

Karācī : Maktabah-yi Dāniyāl, 1983.


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FormatTextCall numberP-U 84-930174Item locationOff-site

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