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Soupis článků a publikací o rehabilitaci v česko-slovenské literatuře let 1945-1956.
[Brno] 1957.
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FormatText | Call number*QT (Kulíková, L. Soupis článků a publikací o rehabilitaci v česko-sloenské literatuře) | Item locationOffsite |
Das Problem der Kriegsopfer; Richtlinien für die Arbeit der Kommunistischen Fraktionen. Hrsg. von der Reichsgewerkschaftszentrale der V.K.P.D.
Berlin, Arbeiterbuchhandlung, 1921.
0 resources
Report on professional re-education for war cripples in France.
Paris, Chaix, 1918.
0 resources
HAWEE, 1920, 1. August, 1930. Zehn Jahre Arbeitsfürsorge der Hamburger Werkstätten für Erwerbsbeschränkte, G.m.b.H.
[Bergedorf-Hamburg, Hanseatische Landdruckerei G.m.b.H., 1930]
0 resources
Die Kriminalität der Schwerkriegsbeschädigten im Landgerichtsbezirk Bonn.
Bonn, L. Röhrscheid [1950]
0 resources
Krigsinvalideskolen i Sønderborg, 26. September 1920 - 19. Maj 1925. Beretning afgiven af Skolens Direktion.
København, J.H. Schultz A/S, 1926.
0 resources
Kann ich als Kriegsbeschädigter Beamter werden? Der Zivilversorgungsschein für mittlere und untere Beamtenstellen, der Anstellungsschein für den Unterbeamtendienst und die Geldentschädigung für den Zivilversorgungsschein, ihre Erlangung und Verwendung, nebst Mustern für Scheine, Anträge und Bescheide. Von Demmig ...
Oldenburg i. Gr., G. Stalling [1916?]
0 resources
Report of a Special committee of the State commission of prisons appointed to investigate the matter of mental disease and delinquency.
[Ossining, N.Y., Sing Sing prison] 1918.
0 resources
Probationers in Essex county, New Jersey, by Percy A. Robert.
New York, New York university, 1941.
0 resources
Conditions governing the industrial training of ex-ervice men ...
London, H.M. Stationery Off., 1920.
0 resources
Committee on Re-Employment of Ex-Service Men. Interim report. 12th August, 1920 ...
London, H.M. Stationery Off., 1920.
0 resources
Soldier students; a scheme of educative convalescence for the wounded; Princess Louise military orthopædic hospital (in connection with the Military orthopædic hospital, Shepherd's Bush) the Heritage craft schools, Chailey, Sussex.
[London, Printed by S. Philips and Company Ltd., 1917?]
0 resources
California House for disabled Belgian soldiers ...
[London, Saunders and Cullingham, 1918]
0 resources
Die Einarmigen; ein Aufruf an Staat, Gemeinde, Industrie, Handel und Gewerbe, von Fritz Iwand ...
Strassburg, J.H.E. Heitz, 1915.
0 resources
Die Anstellung versorgungsberechtigter Kriegsbeschädigter im Staats- und Privatdienst. Von G. Engelhardt ...
Berlin, E.S. Mittler und Sohn, 1916.
0 resources
Concerning prisoners, by Bernard Glueck ...
New York City, The National Committee for Mental Hygiene, Inc. [1918]
0 resources
Lettres aux soldats blessés aux yeux, par Brieux ...
Tours [P. Salmon] 1918.
0 resources
Les écoles professionnelles de blessés, par le dr M. Carle ... Préface de m. Edouard Herriot ...
Lyon, A. Rey; Paris, J. B. Baillière & fils, 1915.
0 resources
The repatriation of the soldier. Vocational training, employment, afforestation, land settlement [by] Hon. Colonel W. Fitzpatrick ...
[Melbourne, A.J. Mullett, 1917]
0 resources
Help our mutilated husbands, fathers and sons.
New York, American ouvroir fund [1916]
0 resources
Die Kriegsbeschädigtenfürsorge, von ... Leo Wittmayer ...
Wien, Verlag der F.A. St., 1918.
0 resources
Interim scheme for the training and resettlement of disabled persons.
London, 1941.
0 resources
La reprise du travail par les amputés et estropiés de guerre, par mr le médecin-major de 1re classe J. Gourdon ... (Communication faite à l'Académie de médecine le 25 juin 1918)
Bordeaux, Impr. E. Taffard [1918]
0 resources
Kriegsinvaliden und Gewerkschaften; Material zur Kriegsinvaliden-Fürsorge, von Th. Leipart ...
Berlin, Verlag der Generalkommission der Gewerkschaften Deutschalands (C. Legien) 1915.
0 resources
Milano e la Lombardia per i soldati mutilati in guerra. Relazione dell' opera svolta sino al 31 marzo 1918.
[Roma, Tipografia dell' Unione Editrice, 1918]
0 resources
Canada's work for disabled soldiers. Issued by the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment.
Ottawa, Can. [1920]
0 resources
The unfit made fit, by Dr. Harold Balme.
[London, New York, etc.] Pub. for the British council by Sir I. Pitman & sons ltd and by Longmans Green & co. [1943]
0 resources
Die Berufsbildung der Kriegsinvaliden in Württemberg. Hrsg. vom Württembergischen Landesausschuss für Kriegsinvalidenfürsorge.
[Stuttgart] 1916.
0 resources
Instructions on the treatment of disabled men.
London [Darling & Son] 1918.
0 resources
Die Kriegsinvaliden und der Statt, von Dr. Siegfried Kraus.
München, E. Reinhardt, 1915.
0 resources
A national scheme for vocational training for able-bodied sailors and soldiers, by Douglas Cockerell ...
London, J. Hogg, 1918.
0 resources
Report on the Inter-Allied Conference for the Study of Professional Re-Education, and other questions of interest to soldiers and sailors disabled by the war. Held at Paris 8th to 12th May, 1917, by Lieut.-Colonel Sir A. Griffith Boscawen ... secretary to the Ministry of Pensions.
London [Darling and Son, Ltd.] 1917.
0 resources
A scheme for finding employment for disabled soldiers & sailors.
[Manchester, 1917]
0 resources
Repatriation speakers' handbook.
Ottawa, Repatriation Committee, 1919.
0 resources
Der Einfluss der Wirtschaftskrise auf die Durchführung des Schwerbeschädigten-Gesetzes, von Oberbürgermeister Dr. Jung ...
Mannheim, J. Bensheimer, 1932.
0 resources
Schreib-Unterricht sowie praktische Übungen für Einarmer.
Stuttgart, Stuttgarter Verwundetenschule, 1918.
0 resources
The real life story of the Walking Stick King ... "A memento," [Microform] Published by request ...
Warrington, "Examiner" Off., 1919.
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FormatText | Call number*Z BTZE p.v. 390-396 | Item locationOffsite |
War to peace. The programme of the Canadian government regarding the returned soldiers and re-adjustment of industrial conditions [microform] Issued by the Repatriation Committee.
[Ottawa, 1918]
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FormatText | Call number*Z BTZE p.v. 374-377 | Item locationOffsite |
V.R.A. programs in Israel [microform] Edited by E. Chigier with the supervision of E. Adler.
[Tel-Aviv, 1966]
0 resources
Interim report upon the organization and activities of -- 8th April, 1918, to 30th June, 1919 [microform] Presented by command; ordered to be printed, 21st August, 1919 ...
[Melbourne?] A.J. Mullet [1919]
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FormatText | Call number*Z BTZE p.v. 529-532 | Item locationOffsite |
Report ... on compensation for disabled sailors and soldiers under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906 [microform]
London, H.M. Stationery Off., 1918.
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FormatText | Call number*ZT-TB+ p.v. 125 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Microforms Room 315 |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Die ersten schritte; briefe eines schwerverwundeten .. [microform]
Berlin, Verlag des deutschen Roten kreuzes gmbh. [1942]
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FormatText | Call number*Z BZAC p.v. 429-435 r. 77 | Item locationOffsite |
Grundzüge der ärztlichen Kriegsbeschädigtenfürsorge [microform] Von Prof. Dr. med. E. Blind ...
Leipzig, B. Konegen, 1916.
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FormatText | Call number*Z BTZE p.v. 636-638 | Item locationOffsite |