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Displaying 1-50 of 119 results

Man and the stars : contact & communication with other intelligence / Duncan Lunan.

London : Souvenir Press, 1974.


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FormatTextCall numberJSE 75-6Item locationOffsite

Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence (CETI) Edited by Carl Sagan.

Cambridge, MIT Press [1973]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJSD 76-470Item locationOffsite

Two systems analyses of SETI / R. E. Machol.

Anaheim, Calif. : International Astronautical Federation, 1976.


0 resources

Refinement to Drake's equation / R. N. Bracewell.

Anaheim, Calif. : International Astronautical Federation, 1976.


0 resources

The rationale for the water hole / B. M. Oliver.

Anaheim, Calif. : International Astronautical Federation, 1976.


0 resources

Activity of the IAA CETI Committee in the period 1965-1976, and CETI outlook / P. Pesek.

Anaheim, Calif. : International Astronautical Federation, 1976.


0 resources

Intelligenze extraterresti / [di] Maurizio Blondet, Roberto Pinotti.

Firenze : Olimpia, 1981.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJSE 83-791Item locationOffsite

Extraterrestrials : science and alien intelligence / edited by Edward Regis, Jr.

Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1985.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJSE 86-526Item locationOffsite

Spacecraft transmitter reliability : synopsis of a workshop sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center and the U.S. Air Force, and held at NASA Lewis Research Center, September 25-26, 1979.

Washington, D.C. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Office ; [Springfield, Va. : For sale by the National Technical Information Service], 1980.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberJSF 85-1159Item locationOffsite

International cooperation and competition in civilian space activities.

Washington, D.C. : Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1985.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSF 85-949Item locationOffsite

Les voyageurs du grand univers / Philippe Héduy.

Paris : A. Michel, c1977.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJBY Q-533Item locationOffsite

SETI pioneers : scientists talk about their search for extraterrestrial intelligence / David W. Swift.

Tucson : University of Arizona Press, c1990.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJSE 90-2340Item locationOffsite

The extraterrestrial encyclopedia : our search for life in outer space / by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

New York : Facts on File, c1991.


2 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJSF 97-503Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFF 92-616Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The legend of the sons of God: a fantasy? [by] T. C. Lethbridge.

London, Routledge and K. Paul, 1972.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 91-7472Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Język kosmosu / Marian Jurkowski.

Warszawa : Książka i Wiedza, 1986.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*QO 93-977Item locationOffsite

Third Decennial US-USSR Conference on SETI / edited by G. Seth Shostak.

San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993.


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FormatTextCall numberJSE 94-1297Item locationOffsite

Millennium / Jack Anderson.

New York : Forge, 1994.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 95-10613Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

A l'ecoute des planetes.

[Paris] Fayard [1963]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberONH (Bergier, J. A l'ecoute des planetes) 1963Item locationOffsite

Interstellar communication; a collection of reprints and original contributions.

New York, W.A. Benjamin, 1963.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberOTB (Cameron, A. G. W. Interstellar communication)Item locationOffsite

Factoring humanity / Robert J. Sawyer.

New York : Tor, 1998.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 99-11587Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Record of National Symposium on Extended Range and Space Communications. Sponsored by the Institute of Radio Engineers, Professional Groups of Antennas and Propagation and Communications Systems, together with the George Washington University, Oct. 6-7, 1958.

Washington, D.C., [E.R.S.T. Symposium Committee, Institute of Radio Engineers, 1959]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberVBA p.v. 2207 no. 1-14Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Intelligent life in the universe [by] I. S. Shklovskii [and] Carl Sagan. Authorized translation by Paula Fern.

San Francisco : Holden-Day, 1966.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberOTB (Skhlovski, I. S. Intelligent life in the universe)Item locationOffsite

Beyond contact : a guide to SETI and communicating with alien civilizations / Brian McConnell.

Beijing ; Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, c2001.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJBE 04-1621Item locationOffsite

Vnezemnye tsivilizatsii : Trudy Soveshchaniia, Biurakan, 20-23 Maia 1964 g / [edited by G.M. Tovmasyan]

Erevan : Izd-vo Akademii nauk Armianskoi SSR, 1965.


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FormatTextCall number*QH (Biurakanskaia)Item locationOffsite

¿Los dioses astronautas? / Eduardo Frank.

Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, México : Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, 2004.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJAX B-18358Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The legend of the sons of God : a fantasy? / T.C. Lethbridge.

London : Arkana ; New York : Viking Penguin, 1990, c1972.


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 92-15356Item locationOffsite

The last pictures / Trevor Paglen.

New York : Creative Time Books ; Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London : University of California Press, 2012.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJQE 12-1171Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art & Architecture Room 300

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Archaeology, anthropology, and interstellar communication / edited by Douglas A. Vakoch.

Washington, DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Communications, History Program Office, 2014.


1 resource

Waiting for contact : the search for extraterrestrial intelligence / Lawrence Squeri.

Gainesville : University Press of Florida, [2016]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 16-12309Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Archaeology, anthropology, and interstellar communication / edited by Douglas A. Vakoch.

Washington, DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Communications, Public Outreach Division, History Program Office, 2014.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 17-6802Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Comment parler à un alien? : langage et linguistique dans la science-fiction / Frédéric Landragin.

Saint-Mammès : Le Bélial, [2018]


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FormatTextCall numberReCAP 19-67145Item locationOffsite

The aliens are coming! : the extraordinary science behind our search for life in the universe / Ben Miller.

New York : The Experiment, 2016.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 17-419Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Making contact : Jill Tarter and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence / Sarah Scoles.

New York : Pegasus Books, 2017.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 17-7487Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

XX : a novel / Rian Hughes.

New York, NY : The Overlook Press, an imprint of ABRAMS, 2020.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 21-3348Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Not available - Please for assistance.

La tetera de Russell / Pablo Sebastiá Tirado.

Madrid : Reino de Cordelia, 2020.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJX 21-101630Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

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