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The structure of the Keynesian revolution / Ghanshyam Mehta.

Bombay : Allied Publishers, 1978.


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FormatCall numberHB99.7 .M44 1978gItem locationOff-site

World changes : Thomas Kuhn and the nature of science / edited by Paul Horwich.

Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1993.


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FormatCall numberQ175.3 .T48 1993Item locationOff-site

Paradigms & barriers : how habits of mind govern scientific belief / Howard Margolis.

Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1993.


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FormatCall numberQ174.8 .M37 1993Item locationOff-site

The incommensurability thesis / Howard Sankey.

Aldershot, [U.K.] : Avebury ; Brookfield, Vt. : Ashgate Pub. Co., [1994], ©1994.


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FormatCall numberQ175 .S2519 1994Item locationOff-site

Wissenschaftstheorie und Paradigmabegriff / Kurt Bayertz.

Stuttgart : Metzler, 1981.


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FormatTextCall numberQ175 .B38Item locationOff-site

A paradigm in crisis : a study of Thomas Kuhn\u0027s theory of science / Janet A. Kourany.

[New York] : [publisher not identified], 1977.


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FormatTextCall numberFC77- 14,818Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberLD1237.5D 1977 .K687Item locationOff-site

Popper and after : four modern irrationalists / by D.C. Stove.

Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1982.


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FormatCall numberQ175 .S83 1982Item locationOff-site

Los segundos pensamientos de Kuhn / Alan E. Musgrove ; versión castellana de Rafeal Beneyto.

Valencia : Revista Teorema, 1978.


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FormatCall numberQ143.K83 M87 1978gItem locationOff-site

"Deconstruction gone mad?" : the social construction of the Kuhnian Revolution & its consequences for the sociology of science / Zaheer Baber.

Singapore : Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Singapore, [1998]


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FormatCall numberQ175.55 .B368 1998gItem locationOff-site

Paradigms, theories, frameworks, incommensurability, & theory ladenness / K.P. Mohanan.

Singapore : Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Singapore, [1998]


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FormatCall numberQ175 .M726 1998gItem locationOff-site

Thomas Kuhn / edited by Thomas Nickles.

Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003.


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FormatCall numberQ175 .T4965 2003Item locationOff-site
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Not available - Please for assistance.

Paradigms and revolutions : appraisals and applications of Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science / edited by Gary Gutting.

Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, [1980], ©1980.


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FormatCall numberQ175.3 .P37Item locationOff-site

Kuhn vs. Popper : the struggle for the soul of science / Steve Fuller.

New York : Columbia University Press, [2004], ©2004.


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FormatTextCall numberQ175.46 .F85 2004Item locationOff-site

T.S. Kuhn and social science / Barry Barnes.

New York : Columbia University Press, 1982.


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FormatCall numberQ143.K83 B37Item locationOff-site

T.S. Kuhn and social science / Barry Barnes.

London : Macmillam, 1982.


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FormatCall numberQ143.K83 B37 1982Item locationOff-site

Tra paradigmi e rivoluzioni : Thomas Kuhn / Giuseppe Giordano.

Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, c1997.


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FormatCall numberQ175.K953G56 1997Item locationOff-site

Ku'en / Wu Yiyi zhu.

Taibei Shi : Dong da tu shu gong si, 1996.


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FormatTextCall numberQ143.K83 W8Item locationOff-site

On Kuhn / Hanne Andersen.

Belmont, CA : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, c2001.


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FormatTextCall numberQ143.K83 A53 2001Item locationOff-site

Scientific irrationalism : origins of a postmodern cult / David Stove ; foreword by Keith Windschuttle ; afterword by James Franklin.

New Brunswick, N.J. ; London : Transaction Pub., c2001.


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FormatTextCall numberQ175 .S827 2001Item locationOff-site

Paradigms explained : rethinking Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science / Erich von Dietze.

Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2001.


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FormatCall numberBD225 .V66 2001Item locationOff-site

Kuhn : philosopher of scientific revolutions / Wes Sharrock and Rupert Read.

Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2002.


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FormatCall numberQ175 .S5245 2002Item locationOff-site

The growth of knowledge : an inquiry into the Kuhnian theory / Veli Verronen.

Jyväskylä : Jyväskylän yliopisto : Distributor, Jyväskylän University Library, 1986.


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FormatCall numberQ175.V427 1986Item locationOff-site

Relatywistyczna wizja nauki : analiza krytyczna koncepcji T.S. Kuhna i S.E. Toulmina / Alina Motycka.

Wrocław : Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich, 1980.


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FormatTextCall numberQ175 .M874Item locationOff-site

Scientific irrationalism : origins of a postmodern cult / David Stove ; foreword by Keith Windschuttle ; afterword by James Franklin.

New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Publishers, 2001.


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FormatTextCall numberQ175 .S827 2001Item locationOff-site

Paradigms explained : rethinking Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science / Erich von Dietze.

Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2001.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberBD225 .V66 2001Item locationOff-site

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