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Physician law : evolving trends & hot topics 2016 / Wes Cleveland, editor (2016 Physicians Legal Issues Conference Planning Committee).
Chicago, Illinois : ABA Health Law Section, [2016]
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKF3821 .P478 2016 | Item locationOff-site |
Defining human life : medical, legal, and ethical implications / edited by Margery W. Shaw, A. Edward Doudera.
Ann Arbor, Mich. : AUPHA Press, 1983.
1 item
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Format | Call numberKF3771.A75 D43 1983 | Item locationOff-site |
Congress and health.
[New York] National Health Council.
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Format | Call numberJK1096 .C6 5th ed. (1983:June) | Item locationOff-site |
Law for the medical practitioner / Charles W. Quimby, Jr.
Washington, D.C. : AUPHA Press, c1979.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA1051 Q4 1979 | Item locationOff-site |
Legal aspects of health care administration / George D. Pozgar, with the assistance of the law firm Hayt , Hayt & Landau.
Germantown, Md. : Aspen Systems Corp., 1979.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.A3 P87 1979 | Item locationOff-site |
Medical risk management : preventive legal strategies for health care providers / Edward P. Richards III, Katharine C. Rathbun.
Rockville, Md. : Aspen Systems Corporation, 1983.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberR729 R39 1983 | Item locationOff-site |
Defining human life : medical, legal, and ethical implications / edited by Margery W. Shaw, A. Edward Doudera.
Ann Arbor, Mich. : AUPHA Press, 1983.
1 item
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Format | Call numberHQ767.5.Un3 D36 1983 | Item locationOff-site |
U.S. national health policy : an analysis of the Federal role / by Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld and Marcia Lynn Whicker.
New York : Praeger, 1984.
1 item
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Format | Call numberRA395.A3 K92 1984 | Item locationOff-site |
Ethics, humanism, and medicine : proceedings of three conferences / sponsored by the Commmittee on Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine at the University of Michigan, 1978-1979 ; Marc D. Basson, editor.
New York : A.R. Liss, c1980.
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Format | Call numberR724 Et35 1980 | Item locationOff-site |
Physicians, law, and ethics / Carleton B. Chapman.
New York : New York University Press, 1984.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberR724 C36 1984 | Item locationOff-site |
The Priorities of section 1502 : papers on the national health guidelines.
Rockville, Md. : U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Health Resources Administration, 1977.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKF3821 P93 1977 | Item locationOff-site |
Human rights and health care law / by Eugene I. Pavalon ; medical consultant, David Birnbaum.
New York : American Journal of Nursing Co., Educational Services Division, c1980.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKF3823 P28 1980 | Item locationOff-site |
Recht und Ethik in der Medizin / herausgegeben von W. Doerr, W. Jacob, A. Laufs.
Berlin ; New York : Springer Verlag, 1982.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberK3601 .R42 1982 | Item locationOff-site |
Canadian medicine : a study in restricted entry / Ronald Hamowy.
[Vancouver, B.C.] : Fraser Institute, c1984.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKE2708 .H36 1984 | Item locationOff-site |
Medicína a právo : soubor prací a diskuzních příspěvků přednesených na ideologické konferencí Lékařské fakulty a Právnické fakulty Univerzity J.E. Purkyně v Brně, dne 1. prosince 1983 / k tisku připravil Milan Dokládal.
V Brně : Lékarská fakulta Univerzity J.E. Purkyně, 1985.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKJP3098 .A85 1983 | Item locationOff-site |
Congress and health : an introduction to the legislative process and its key participants / National Health Council.
New York : National Health Council, 1985.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.A3 C764 1985 | Item locationOff-site |
Legal issues in pediatrics and adolescent medicine / Angela Roddey Holder.
New Haven : Yale University Press, c1985.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKF2910.P42 H71 1985 | Item locationOff-site |
Law and medical ethics / J.K. Mason, R.A. McCall Smith.
London : Butterworths, 1987.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKD3395 .M41 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Lobbying for health care : a guidebook for professionals and associations / Susan Jane Scott, Jane D. Acquaviva.
Rockville, Md. : American Occupational Therapy Association, c1985.
1 item
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Format | Call numberKF3821.Z9 Sc8 1985 | Item locationOff-site |
The health of a city : Oxford, 1770-1974 / Jessie Parfit.
Oxford [Eng.] : Amate Press, 1987.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA418.3.En3 P21 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Medical science and health care in the coming century : a report from Japan / edited by W. Mori and S. Homma.
Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier ; New York, NY, U.S.A. : Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1987.
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Format | Call numberRA395.J3 M42 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Legal aspects of health care administration / by George D. Pozgar, with the assistance of the law firm, Garfunkel, Wild & Travis, and Nina S. Pozgar.
Rockville, Md. : Aspen Publishers, 1987.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.A3 P87 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
The Right to health in the Americas : a comparative constitutional study / editors, Hernán L. Fuenzalida-Puelma, Susan Scholle Connor.
Washington, D.C. : Pan American Health Organization, Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the World Health Organization, c1989.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberKF3821 .R44 1989 | Item locationOff-site |
National health act of 1945. Report to the Committee on education and labor relating to the bill (S. 1606) to provide for a national health program, December 4, 1945.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1945.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA11.A3 Un381 | Item locationOff-site |
The National Health Service Act, 1946 : with particular reference to hospital administration / by J. E. Stone.
[Cambridge : Printed by W. Heffer & Sons, 1950?]
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.G79 St7 1950 | Item locationOff-site |
Essai sur la réforme de la médecine.
Paris, R. Julliard [1944]
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.F84 N28 | Item locationOff-site |
Investigation of HEW; report, pursuant to section 136 of the Legislative reorganization act of 1946, Public law 601, 79th Congress, and House resolution 35, 89th Congress.
Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.A3 Un34 1966 | Item locationOff-site |
Investigation of HEW : hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Investigation of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Eighty-ninth Congress, second session, on organization of Department of Health, Education and Welfare, April 18, ... 1966.
Washington : U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.A3 Un341 1966 | Item locationOff-site |
Gerichtliche und soziale Medizin, einschliesslich des Aerzterechts, ein Lehrbuch für Studenten und ärzte / von Berthold Mueller und Kurt Walcher.
München, Lehmanns, 1944.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.G31 M88 1944a | Item locationOff-site |
Der Arzt: 1. Der Arzt, von ministerialrat dr. Cropp. 2. Der Vertrauensarzt, von ministerialrat dr. dr. M. Bauer. 3. Der staatliche Gewerbearzt, von ministerialrat dr. dr. M. Bauer. 4. Der Versorgungsarzt, von ministerialrat dr. dr. M. Bauer. 5. Der Sanitätsoffizier, von Oberfeldarzt dr. med. habil. Walther.
Berlin, C. Heymann, 1938.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.G31 Ar9 1938 | Item locationOff-site |
Gerichtliche und soziale Medizin, einschliesslich des Aerzterechts / von Berthold Mueller und Kurt Walcher.
München, Lehmann, 1944.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA395.G31 M88 1944 | Item locationOff-site |
Licensing and regulation of medical and medical-related practitioners in health service teams / Ruth Roemer.
[Los Angeles] : Institute of Government and Public Affairs, 1970.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA396.A3 R62 1970 | Item locationOff-site |
Medical care.
[Durham, N.C.] : Duke University, School of Law, 1939.
1 item
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Format | Call numberRA410 M46 1939 | Item locationOff-site |
Legal aspects of health care administration / George D. Pozgar.
Rockville, Md. : Aspen Publishers, 1990.
1 item
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Format | Call numberRA395.A3 P87 1990 | Item locationOff-site |
The doctor, the hospital, and the patient in England : rights and responsibilities under National Health Service / [by] Arthur F. Southwick, Jr.
Ann Arbor : Bureau of Business Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, [1967]
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Format | Call numberRA412.5.G79 So8 1967 | Item locationOff-site |
Medicolegal cases : abstracts of court decisions of medicolegal interest, 1941-1946 / compiled by the Bureau of Legal Medicine and Legislation, American Medical Association.
Chicago : American Medical Association, 1950.
1 item
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Format | Call numberRA399.A3 Am32 1941/46 | Item locationOff-site |
Medicolegal cases; abstracts of court decisions of medicolegal interest, 1931-1935. Compiled by the Bureau of Legal Medicine and Legislation, American Medical Association.
Chicago, Ill., American Medical Association, 1936.
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Format | Call numberRA399.A3 Am32 1931/35 | Item locationOff-site |
Mental hygiene law and general orders.
Utica, State Hospitals Press, 1951-
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA121.H1 N48 1951 | Item locationOff-site |
Public health laws of the city of Pittsburgh; an annotated compilation of the laws, regulations and ordinances of the State of Pennsylvania and the city of Pittsburgh governing the administration of public health in Pittsburgh.
[Pittsburgh] Schools of Law, University of Pittsburgh, 1950.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA142 P68 1950 | Item locationOff-site |
Medicolegal cases; abstracts of court decisions of medicolegal interest 1926-1930./ Edited by Wm. C. Woodword.
Chicago, American Medical Association, 1932.
1 item
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Format | Call numberRA399.A3 Am32 1926/30 | Item locationOff-site |
General information and Illinois laws relating to the public health / R. R. Cross, M. D., director, Department of public health. Compiled by Claude Wm. Chamberlain, PH. D., supervisor of health education. (Printed by authority of the state of Illinois).
[Springfield], 1940.
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Format | Call numberRA54.A5 Il6 1940 | Item locationOff-site |
Congress and health : an introduction to the legislative process and its key participants.
New York : National Health Council, 1977.
1 item
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Format | Call numberRA395.A3 C764 1977 | Item locationOff-site |
The experimental health program of the United States Department of agriculture. A study made for the Subcommittee on wartime health and education of the Committee on education and labor, United States Senate, pursuant to S. Res. 74 (78th Congress) and S. Res. 62 (79th Congress) authorizing an investigation of the distribution and utilization of health personnel and facilities, and related services. January 1946 ...
Washington, U. S. Govt. print. off., 1946.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA427 Un32 1946 | Item locationOff-site |
The physician-legislators of France : medicine and politics in the early Third Republic, 1870-1914 / Jack D. Ellis.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1990.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberR505 .E44 1990 | Item locationOff-site |
Local public health units. Hearings ... Eighty-second Congress, first session, on H.R. 274 and H.R. 913, bills to amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize assistance to states and political subdivisions in the development and maintenance of local public health units, particularly in national defense areas, and for other purposes. April 10, 11, 12, 13, May 8, 9, and 10, 1951.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1951.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA445 Un33 1951 | Item locationOff-site |
Der öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst von dr. med. Arthur Gütt ... und dr. med. E. Moebius ...
Berlin, C. Heymann, 1935.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA501 G98 | Item locationOff-site |
Public health and medical licensure in the state of Mississippi, by Felix J. Underwood and R. N. Whitfield.
Jackson, Tucker, 1938-
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA447.M69 Un2 v.2 | Item locationOff-site |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA447.M69 Un2 v.1 | Item locationOff-site |
Igiene e sanità negli statuti di Milano del sec. XIV (codice inedito).
Milan : Hoepli, 1946.
1 item
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Format | Call numberRA508 L11 1946 | Item locationOff-site |
Der öffentliche gesundheitsdienst; erläuterungen zum Gesetz über die Vereinheitlichung des Gesundheitswesens vom 3. juli 1934, nebst durchFührungsverordnungen, Gebührenordnung und Anhang mit Erlassen.
Berlin, C. Heymann, 1939.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRA501 G98 1939 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Ethics and law in health care and research / edited by Peter Byrne.
Chichester ; New York : Wiley, [1990], ©1990.
1 item
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Format | Call numberR724 .E8213 1990 | Item locationOff-site |