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Bestiaire insolite du Japon / Diane de Margerie.

Paris : Albin Michel, [1997], ©1997.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberGR705 .M37 1997Item locationOff-site

Shōhon utsushi gōkan nenpyō / [chosha Satō Satoru ; henshū Kokuritsu Gekijō Chōsa Yōseibu].

Tōkyō : Nihon Geijutsu Bunka Shinkōkai, Heisei 23 [2011]


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FormatCall numberPL747.4 .S28 2011Item locationOff-site

Satsuki ame nureta Naka-chō / [henshū Kokuritsu Gekijō Chōsa Yōseibu].

Tōkyō : Nihon Geijutsu Bunka Shinkōkai, Heisei 22 [2010]


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FormatCall numberPL799.K36 S28 2010Item locationOff-site

Uwabami Oyoshi uwasa no adauchi / [henshū] Kokuritsu Gekijō Chōsa Yōseibu.

Tōkyō : Nihon Geijutsu Bunka Shinkōkai, Heisei 23 [2011]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberPL796 .U93 2011Item locationOff-site

Sumidagawa tsui no kagamon / rissakusha Sakurada Jisuke ; henshū Kokuritsu Gekijō Chōsa Yōseibu.

Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Nihon Geijutsu Bunka Shinkōkai, Heisei 26 [2014]


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FormatCall numberPL767 .S25 2014Item locationOff-site

Higashiyama sakura sōshi / Kokuritsu Gekijō Chōsa Yōseibu hen.

Tōkyō : Nihon Geijutsu Bunka Shinkōkai, Heisei 27 [2015]


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FormatCall numberPL799.S4 H54 2015Item locationOff-site

Chang'an yue, Luoyang hua : Riben gu dai wen xue zhong de Zhongguo du cheng jing guan / Gao Bingbing zhu.

Xi'an Shi : Xi bei da xue chu ban she, 2021.


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FormatTextCall numberPL718.C5 G36 2021Item locationOff-site

Munsa yŏhyang / Chin Yŏng-mi yŏkchu.

Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si : Pogosa, 2021.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberDS910.2.J3 M85 2021Item locationOff-site

Yangho yŏhwa / Chang Chin-yŏp yŏkchu.

Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si : Pogosa, 2021.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberDS910.2.J3 Y35 2021Item locationOff-site

Shui hu zhuan zai Riben / Wu Rongbin zhu.

Hangzhou : Zhejiang da xue chu ban she, 2021.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL2694.S53 W8273 2021Item locationOff-site

Zhongguo Riben wen xue yan jiu shi / Wang Xiangyuan zhu.

Beijing : Jiu zhou chu ban she, 2021.


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FormatCall numberPL718.C5 W36 2021Item locationOff-site

Zhong Ri xian dai wen xue guan xi shi lun / Wang Xiangyuan zhu.

Beijing Shi : Jiu zhou chu ban she, 2021.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberPL2274.2.J3 W368 2021Item locationOff-site

Nishikawa Mitsuru kenkyū : Taiwan bungakushi no shiza kara / Chin Sōkō cho ; Ōta Noboru shūtei.

Taihoku-shi : Kokuritsu Taiwan Daigaku Shuppan Chūshin, 2017.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL834.I75 Z54 2017Item locationOff-site

Jiechuan Longzhijie wen ben zhong de Zhongguo qing jie yan jiu / Yu Tianyi zhu.

Jinan Shi : Shandong da xue chu ban she, 2020.


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FormatTextCall numberPL801.K8 Y88 2020Item locationOff-site

Furansu-ryū Nihon bungaku : kō yome ba omoshiroi! Shiki kara Dazai made / Kashiwagi Takao cho.

Suita-shi : Ōsaka Daigaku Shuppankai, 2017.


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FormatTextCall numberPL720.55.F8 K376 2017Item locationOff-site

Komonzu to shite no Nihon kindai bungaku / Dominiku Chen = Modern Japanese literature as a commons / written by Dominique Chen.

Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Īsuto Puresu, 2021.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL726.55 .C44 2021Item locationOff-site

Ci xue wen xian dong chuan yu Ri cang ci ji = Ci-poetry literature's eastward-spreading and Ci-poetry books in Japan / Liu Honghui zhu

Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2020


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FormatTextCall numberPL2336 .L584 2020Item locationOff-site

Bungōtachi no Seiyō bijutsu : Natsume Sōseki kara Matsumoto Seichō made : karā-ban / Tanigawa Atsushi

Tōkyō : Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 2020


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FormatTextCall numberPL726.67.A65 T36 2020Item locationOff-site

Kobun kenkyūhō / Konishi Jin'ichi.

Tōkyō : Chikuma Shobō, 2015.


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FormatTextCall numberPL709 .K645 2015Item locationOff-site

Sedai o koete kataritsugitai sensō bungaku / Sawachi Hisae, Sataka Makoto.

Tōkyō : Iwanami Shoten, 2015.


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FormatTextCall numberPL726.67.W3 S28 2015Item locationOff-site

Yoru o norikoeru / Matayoshi Naoki.

Tōkyō : Shōgakkan, 2016.


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FormatTextCall numberPL873.A83 Y68 2016Item locationOff-site

Edo no hanamichi : Saikaku, Bashō, Chikamatsu to yomu gunki monogatari / Saya Makito.

Tōkyō : Keiō Gijuku Daigaku Shuppankai, 2023.


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FormatTextCall numberPL726.37.W3 S39 2023Item locationOff-site

Heian bungaku no kyōen / Nakano Kōichi hen.

Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : (Kabu) Benseisha, 2023.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL755.2 .H445 2023Item locationOff-site

Heianchō bungaku ni okeru katari to ekurichūru : uta monogatari, Utsuho monogatari, Makura no sōshi kara / Katsumata Shiori.

Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Musashino Shoin, 2023.


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FormatTextCall numberPL755.2 .K387 2023Item locationOff-site

Rakugo x bungaku : sakka yoseatsume / Onda Masakazu.

Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Sairyūsha, 2023.


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FormatTextCall numberPL755.57.R35 O53 2023Item locationOff-site

Ennō kūkan no shigaku : <na> o eru koto, moshikuwa "engisuru shintai" no pafōmatibu / Fukazawa Tōru.

Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Musashino Shoin, 2023.


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FormatTextCall numberPN2924.5.N6 F7745 2023Item locationOff-site

Shiseiji no seishinshi : "kikigaki" to teikō no bungaku / Satō Izumi.

Tōkyō : Seidosha, 2023.


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FormatTextCall numberPL726.55 .S2885 2023Item locationOff-site

Nihon kinsei bungakushi / Suzuki Ken'ichi cho.

Tōkyō : Miyaishoten, 2023.


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FormatTextCall numberPL726.35 .S8955 2023Item locationOff-site

<Kakukoto> no 19-seiki Meiji : genbun itchi, media, shōsetsu saikō / Yamada Shunji.

Tōkyō : Iwanami Shoten, 2023.


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FormatTextCall numberPL525.6 .Y34 2023Item locationOff-site

Not available - Please for assistance.

Halb im Scherz : Inoue Hisashi und die gesaku-Literatur der Edo-Zeit / Nora Bartels.

München : Iudicium Verlag, [2022]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL830.N516 Z53 2022gItem locationOff-site

Nande Nihon kenkyūsuru no ? = Why study Japan? / Shumitto Hori Sachi hen.

Tōkyō-to Kita-ku : Bungaku Tsūshin, 2023.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL709 .N36 2023Item locationOff-site

Not available - Please for assistance.

Wen xue lun zhan yu ji yi zheng zhi : Ya ji shi ye = Literary debates and the politics of memory : toward an inter-Asia perspective / Wang Zhiming [and 3 others] zhu bian ; Qing hua da xue Ya Tai / wen hua yan jiu zhong xin ce hua.

Taibei Shi : Lian he wen xue chu ban she gu fen you xian gong si, 2023.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPJ307 .W46 2023Item locationOff-site

Not available - Please for assistance.

Tree spirits grass spirits / Hiromi Ito ; translated by Jon L. Pitt.

New York, NY: Nightboat Books, [2023]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL853.T56 K6313 2023gItem locationOff-site

Zai hei an zhong deng / Yiyi zhu ; Tian Xiujuan yi.

Haikou Shi : Nan Hai chu ban gong si, 2019.


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FormatTextCall numberPL874.T78 Z35 2019Item locationOff-site

Joshidai kokubun.

Kyōto-shi : Kyōto Joshi Daigaku Kokubun Gakkai.


12 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5861 4146 no.89 1981Item locationOff-site
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5861 4146 no.83-88 1978-80Item locationOff-site
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5861 4146 no.76-82 1975-77Item locationOff-site

"Ma" no kōzō : bungaku ni okeru kankeiso / Okuno Takeo.

Tōkyō : Shūeisha, 1983.


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FormatTextCall numberItem locationOff-site

In pocket.

Tōkyō : Kōdansha.

12 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5861 4100 v.14 no.1-4 1996Item locationOff-site
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5861 4100 v.14 no.5-8 1996Item locationOff-site
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5861 4100 v.14 no.9-12 1996Item locationOff-site

Toyama-ken bungaku jiten / Toyama-ken Bungaku Jiten Henshū Iinkai hen.

Toyama-shi : Katsura Shobō, 1992.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberPL886.T68 T69 1992Item locationOff-site

Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan zō maikuro shiryō mokuroku : 1978-nen.

Tōkyō : Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan, 1979.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5864 6071 (1978) 1978Item locationOff-site

Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan zō maikuro shiryō mokuroku : 1979-nen.

Tōkyō : Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan, 1980.


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FormatTextCall numberJ 5864 6071 (1979) 1979Item locationOff-site

Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan zō maikuro shiryō mokuroku : 1980-nen / [henshū Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan Seiri Etsuranbu].

Tōkyō : Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan, 1981.


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FormatTextCall numberJ 5864 6071 (1980)Item locationOff-site

Bundan jikenshi / Yomiuri Shinbunsha Bunkabu hen.

Tōkyō : Yomiuri Shinbunsha, Shōwa 43 [1968]


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FormatTextCall numberJ 5869 0407Item locationOff-site

Nihon bungaku zenshi / sekinin henshū Ichiko Teiji, henshū Akiyama Ken [and others].

Tōkyō : Gakutōsha, 1978-1979.


6 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5870 6511 v.6Item locationOff-site
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5870 6511 v.5Item locationOff-site
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5870 6511 v.4Item locationOff-site

Koten e no michiannai / Saitō Masako.

Tōkyō : San'ichi Shobō, 1978.


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FormatTextCall numberJ 5868 0411Item locationOff-site

Yameru Shōwa bundanshi : jisatsu sakka ni miru disutopia / Ueda Yasuo.

Tōkyō : Erumu, Shōwa 51 [1976]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJ 5869 4605Item locationOff-site

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