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New York, Twayne Publishers [1971]


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSD 72-772Item locationOffsite

Die Handschriften der antiken Ärzte [von] Hermann Alexander Diels.

Leipzig, Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1970.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberJFF 72-906Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Hippocrate ... [OEuvres] Texte établi et traduit par Robert Joly ...

Paris, les Belles lettres, 1967-


13 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFK 09-96 Library has: t. 2, ptie 1-3; t. 4, ptie 3; t. 5, ptie 1; t. 6, ptie 1-2; t. 8; t. 10, ptie 2; t. 11; t. 12, ptie. 1; t. 13.Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

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FormatTextCall numberJFK 09-96 t. 6, ptie. 2Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJFK 09-96 t. 6, ptie. 1Item locationOffsite

Mnésithée et Dieuchès. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1972. xi, 280 p. plate. 25 cm.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberYAEC (Philosophia antiqua. v. 20) v. 19-21 (1970-72)Item locationOffsite

Hippokratikē iatrikē; horkos peri hierēs nousou, peri aerōn, ydatōn, topopōn, prognōstikon. Eisagōgē, keimeno-metaphrasē, sēmeiōseis Dēm. D. Lypourlē.

Thessalonikē, 1972.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 75-2615Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Medicina magica e religione popolare in Grecia fino all'età di Ippocrate.

Roma, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1967.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberL-11 2645 [n.] 2, 7 v. 1-2Item locationOffsite

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Bestimmung der Intensität im medizinischen System Galens: ein Beitr. z. theoret. Pharmakologie, Nosologie u. Therapie in d. Galenischen Medizin / Georg Harig.

Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1974.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 76-173Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The Old English Medicina de quadrupedibus, edited by Hubert Jan de Vriend.

Tilburg, D.U.H. Gianotten, 1972.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFF 77-148Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Storia della psichiatria antica / Giuseppe Roccatagliata.

Milano : U. Hoepli, 1973 i. e. 1974.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 76-2161Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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La Collection hippocratique et son rôle dans l'histoire de la médecine : colloque de Strasbourg, 23-27 octobre 1972 / organisé par le Centre de recherches sur la Grèce antique avec le concours des Facultés de philosophie et des langues classiques.

Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1975.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFE 77-2656Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Physica Plinii Bambergensis (Cod. Bamb. med. 2, fol. 93v-232r) / primum edidit Alf Önnerfors.

Hildesheim ; New York : G. Olms, 1975.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSD 78-630Item locationOffsite

Textkritische Untersuchungen zu der hippokratischen Schrift Prorrhetikos I : e. ungedr. Hamburger Diss. aus d. Jahre 1954 / Hilde Polack. 1. Aufl.

Hamburg : Buske, 1976.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 78-7582Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Die hippokratische Schrift De morbis I: Ausgabe, Ubersetzung und Erläuterungen / Renate Wittern.

Hildesheim; New York: G. Olms, 1974.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 78-4830Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The Greek herbal of Dioscorides / illustrated by a Byzantine, A. D. 512; Englished by John Goodyer A. D. 1655; edited and first printed A. D. 1933 by Robert T. Gunther.

London, New York: Hafner, 1968.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 80-2206Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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I codici greci di medicina nelle tre Venezie / Mariarosa Formentin.

Padova : Liviana, 1978.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 81-228Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Hippocratica : actes du Colloque hippocratique de Paris, 4-9 septembre 1978 / éd. préparée par M. D. Grmek.

Paris : Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1980.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFF 81-166Item locationOffsite

The Syriac Book of medicines: Syrian anatomy, pathology and therapeutics in the early Middle Ages, with sections on astrological and native medicine and recipes / by an anonymous physician; Syriac text edited from a rare manuscript, with an introduction to the history of Hellenistic and Oriental medicine, an index and an English translation [by] Ernest A. Wallis Budge.

St. Helier [Jersey]: Armorica Book Co.; Amsterdam: APA-Philo Press, 1976.


2 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*ODQ 80-3934 v. 2Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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FormatTextCall number*ODQ 80-3934 v. 1Item locationOffsite

Medizinische Rezepte und Verwandtes / herausgegeben von Hermann Harrauer und Pieter J. Sijpesteijn.

Wien : In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1981.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*OBKQ+ 77-689 Folge 12-13 (1980-1981)Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Science, folklore, and ideology : studies in the life sciences in ancient Greece / G.E.R. Lloyd.

Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSE 83-772Item locationOffsite

Krankenjournale / Rufus von Ephesos ; hrsg., übers. u. erl. von Manfred Ullmann.

Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1978.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 83-1541Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Scribonii Largi Compositiones / edidit Sergio Sconocchia.

Leipzig : Teubner, 1983.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 85-341Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Cinq cents ans de bibliographie hippocratique, 1473-1982 / G. Maloney, R. Savoie.

St-Jean-Chrysostome, Québec : Sphinx, 1982.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 83-3776Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Le triangle hippocratique dans le monde gréco-romain : le malade, sa maladie et son médecin / par Danielle Gourevitch.

Roma : Ecole française de Rome, Palais Farnèse ; Paris : diffusion de Boccard, 1984.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberBAA (Bibliotheque des ecoles francaises d'Athenes et de Rome) fasc. 251) v. 251Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Le mal d'être femme : la femme et la médecine dans la Rome antique / par Danielle Gourevitch.

Paris : "Les Belles lettres", 1984.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLD 86-816Item locationOffsite

Formes de pensée dans la Collection hippocratique : actes du IVe Colloque international hippocratique (Lausanne, 21-26 septembre 1981) / édition préparée par François Lasserre et Philippe Mudry.

Genève : Droz, 1983.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 85-1113Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Kitāb buqrāt fiʹl-amrād al-biladiyya. Hippocrates: On endemic diseases (airs, waters and places); edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by J. N. Mattock and M. C. Lyons.

Cambridge, published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by Heffer, 1969.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*OGB 85-1777Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Three treatises on the nature of science / Galen ; translated by Richard Walzer and Michael Frede ; with an introduction by Michael Frede.

Indianapolis, Ind. : Hackett Pub. Co., c1985.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFF 85-984Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Medizin und Körperpflege / von Siegfried Laser.

Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1983.


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FormatTextCall numberL-11 2273 Bd. 3, Kapitel R-SItem locationOffsite

Medicine, miracle, and magic in New Testament times / Howard Clark Kee.

Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFD 86-10633Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Physicae Plinii quae fertur Florentino-Pragensis liber secundus / [editit] Walter Wachtmeister.

Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang, c1985.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFD 87-8304Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Souvenirs d'un médecin / Galien de Pergame ; textes traduits du grec et présentés par Paul Moraux.

Paris : Les Belles lettres, 1985.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 87-4987Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Kitāb Buqrāṭ fiʼl-akhlāt (Hippocrates: On humours); and, Kitāb al-ghidh-a, li-Buqrāṭ (Hippocrates: On nutriment). Edited and translated [from the ancient Greek] with introduction, notes and glossary by J. N. Mattock.

Cambridge W. Heffer [for] Cambridge Middle East Centre, 1971.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*OGB 85-2340Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Du régime / Hippocrate ; édité, traduite et commenté par Robert Joly ; avec la collaboration de Simon Byl.

Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1984.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 86-4067Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

A commentary on the prognosticon of Hippocrates / Stephanus the Philosopher ; edition and translation by John M. Duffy.

Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1983.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFE 86-4087Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms / Stephanus of Athens ; text and translation by Leendert G. Westerink.

Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1985-


3 items

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FormatTextCall numberJFL 86-577 v. 2Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJFL 86-577 v. 1Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFL 86-577Item locationOffsite

Inventaire analytique des papyrus grecs de médecine / Marie-Hélène Marganne.

Genève : Droz, 1981.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFD 86-6960Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Galen on bloodletting : a study of the origins, development and validity of his opinions, with a translation of the three works / Peter Brain.

Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSE 87-976Item locationOffsite

On my own opinions / Galen ; edition, translation, and commentary by Vivian Nutton.

Berlin : Akademie Verlag, c1999.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFE 01-11623Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Ps.-Hippokratous Peri hebdomadōn : keimenon kai scholia / hypo Charē Iak. Toul.

Athēnai : Grapheion Dēmosieumatōn tēs Akadēmias Athēnōn, 1975.


1 item

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FormatCall numberM-10 9189 t. 37 t. 33-37Item locationOffsite

Textes médicaux latins antiques : articles / réunis et édités par G. Sabbah.

Saint-Etienne : Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 1984.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFM 83-129 v. 5Item locationOffsite

Dioscorides on pharmacy and medicine / John M. Riddle ; foreword by John Scarborough.

Austin : University of Texas Press, 1985.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSE 87-768Item locationOffsite

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John Caius and the manuscripts of Galen / Vivian Nutton.

Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Cambridge Philological Society, 1987.


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FormatTextCall numberL-10 9215 no. 13Item locationOffsite

"Baṙkʻ Gałianosi" : the Greek-Armenian dictionary to Galen / edited by John A.C. Greppin.

Delmar, N.Y. : Caravan Books, 1985.


1 item

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FormatTextCall number*ONL 88-3969Item locationOffsite

Index de la pharmacopée de ler au Xe siècle / Carmélia Opsomer.

Hildesheim ; New York : Olms-Weidmann, 1989.


2 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberL-11 1942 v. 105 (1989)Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberL-11 1942 v. 105 (1989)Item locationOffsite

La curación por la palabra en la antigüedad clásica / Pedro Laín Entralgo.

Barcelona : Anthropos, 1987.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 90-51Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

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