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The natural way to long life [by] G. J. Barukoff. [1st ed.

Colombo?] Asian Congress of Religion & Health [1967]


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 77-307Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Sman gzuṅ cha lag bco brgyad. Eighteen pars [sic] of the medical scridtue [sic]. Gʹyu-thog Yon-tan-mgon-pos mdzad pa.

[Sarnath, Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, 1967]


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 76-3322Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Bdud rtsiʼi sñiṅ po yan lag brgyad pa gsaṅ ba man ṅag gi rgyud las dum bu daṅ po rtsa rgyud daṅ, gñis pa bśad rgyud, bźi pa phyi ma rgyud, yin tan mgon poʼi gsol ʼdebs, gso rig bstan pa rgyas paʼi smon las, phyi rgyud tsa chuʼi lhan thabs tsha graṅ ʼgal mdo, byaṅ khog lus thig bcas bźugs so.

Dharmasala, Ye-śes Don Ldan nas rgyu sbyar dpar bskrun źus pa at the Imperial Printing Press [1967?]


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 79-2363Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Tibetan medicine : illustrated in original texts / presented and translated by Rechung Rinpoche.

Berkeley : University of California Press, 1973.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 79-4230Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Tibetan medicine, with special reference to Yoga śataka / by Bhagwan Dash. 1st ed.

Dharamsala, H.P. : Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1976.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 80-362Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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ʼTsho byed las daṅ po la ñe bar mkho baʼi zin tig gces par btus pa bdud rtsiʼi thigs pa źes bya ba bźugs so.

Dharamsala, Council of Religious Affairs of H. H. the Dalai Lama, 1965.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 79-1695Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Gso dpyad rgyal poʼi dkor mdzod [Rje-btsun chen po Grags-pa-rgyal-mtshan de ñid kyis yoṅs su rdzogs so]

Gantok, Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 1966.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 79-540Item locationOffsite

ʼTsho byed gźon nuʼi mgul rgyan. [Khro-sprul 'Gyur-med-ṅag-dbaṅ nas phyogs bsgrigs]

Sarnath, Monoglian Lama Guru Deva, 1967.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 80-779Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Sman gźuṅ zur bkol daṅ Sman rtsis khan gi ʼdon chog bcas phyogs bsdus so.

Sa-ra-na-tha, Ye-śes-don-ldan nas legs bśad gter mdzod khaṅ du dpar bskrun źus so, 1966.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 80-831Item locationOffsite

Heilen und Schenken : Festschrift für Günther Klinge zum 70. Geburtstag / hrsg. von Herbert Franke u. Walther Heissig.

Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1980.


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FormatTextCall number*OAC (Asiatische Forschungen. Bd. 72-73) T. 1-2Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Gso rig dgos pa kun ʼbyung : an exhaustive treatise on Tibetan medicine / by Gong-sman Dkon-mchog-bde-legs.

Leh : S. W. Tashigangpa, 1971-76.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 80-2015 v. 3Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 80-2015 v. 2Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 80-2015 v. 1Item locationOffsite

Fundamentals of Tibetan medical practice; Lha-sa Sman-rtsis-khaṅ prints of works of Mkhyen-rab-nor-bu, ʼJu Mi-pham, Chos-grags-rgya-mtsho, and ʼJam-mgon Koṅ-sprul.

Leh, Smanrtsis shesrig spendzod, 1974.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 80-2173Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Three Tibetan medical texts from the library of Ri-bo-che rje-drun Rin-po-che of Padma-bkod.

Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh : Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery, 1973.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 82-1702Item locationOffsite

Gʹyu thog cha lag bco brgyad : a corpus of Tibetan medical teachings attributed to Gʹyu-thog the Physician.

[Delhi] : Topden Tshering ; Dolanji, H.P. : distributor, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre, 1976.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 82-137 v. 2Item locationOffsite
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Rgyud bźi.

Leh : T. S. Tashigangpa, 1975.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 82-2656Item locationOffsite

Slob ma la phan paʼi zin tig : a collection of instructions on Tibetan medicine and treatment / by Gtsaṅ-sman Dar-ma-mgon-po.

Gangtok : Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1976.


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Tibetan Buddhist medicine and psychiatry : the diamond healing / Terry Clifford ; foreword by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama ; introduction by Lokesh Chandra.

York Beach, Me. : S. Weiser, 1984.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 85-619Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Gso-ba rig-pa, le système médical tibétain / Fernand Meyer.

Paris : Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, c1981.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 84-226Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Bdud rtsi sñiṅ po yan lag brgyad pa gsaṅ ba man ṅag gi rgyud las Dum bu bźi pa Phyi ma rgyud kyi gźuṅ daṅ ʼgrel pa mun sel sgron me : a detailed study of the fourth of the Four medical tantras, Phyi ma rgyud / Ṅag-dbaṅ-dkon-mchog-bstan-rgyal.

Dalhousie, H.P. : Damcho Sangpo, 1979.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 85-230Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Beiträge zur Geschichte der medizinischen Literatur Tibets / Manfred Taube.

Sankt Augustin : VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1981.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 85-1661Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Fundamentals of Tibetan medicine : according to the Rgyud-bzhi / translator & editor, T.J. Tsarong ; associate editors, J.G. Drakton, L. Chomphel.

Dharamsala : Tibetan Medical Centre, 1981.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 85-2576Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Collected astrological and prognosticatory texts from Bhutan.

Thimphu : Kunsang Topgyal, 1981.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 86-1281Item locationOffsite

Health through balance : an introduction to Tibetan medicine / Yeshi Donden ; edited and translated by Jeffrey Hopkins ; co-translated by Lobsang Rabgay and Alan Wallace.

Ithaca, N.Y., USA : Snow Lion Publications, 1986.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 86-3903Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Four treatises on the principle and practice of Tibetan medicine, including an extremely rare 8th century manuscript.

Dharamsala : Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, 1980.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ+ 86-2023Item locationOffsite

Handbook of traditional Tibetan drugs : their nomenclature, composition, use, and dosage / compiled by T.J. Tsarong.

Kalimpong : Tibetan Medical Publications, 1986.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 87-3736Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Illustrated materia medica of Indo-Tibetan medicine / by Bhagwan Dash ; foreword by Priya Vrat Sharma.

Delhi, India : Classics India Publication, 1987.


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FormatTextCall number*OKQ 88-4134Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Formulary of Tibetan medicine / Bhagwan Dash.

Delhi, India : Classics India Publications, 1988.


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FormatTextCall number*OZ 89-1521Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

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