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Forschungsthema, Militär : militärische Organisationen im Spannungsfeld von Krieg, Gesellschaft und soldatischen Subjekten / Maja Apelt (Hrsg.).
Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberU21.5 .F65 2010 | Item locationOff-site |
L'armée imaginaire : les soldats prolétaires dans les légions romaines au dernier siècle de la République / François Cadiou.
Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2018.
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FormatText | Call numberU35 .C32 2018 | Item locationOff-site |
World perspectives in the sociology of the military / edited by George A. Kourvetaris and Betty A. Dobratz.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Books, ©1977.
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FormatText | Call numberU21.5.W65 | Item locationOff-site |
Military elites / by Roger A. Beaumont.
Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill, ©1974.
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FormatText | Call numberUA15.B4 | Item locationOff-site |
Soldiers and kinsmen in Uganda : the making of a military ethnocracy / Ali A. Mazrui.
Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage Publications, ©1975.
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FormatText | Call numberDT433.28.M39 | Item locationOff-site |
Eine Militärsoziologie : technische Entwicklung und Autoritätsprobleme in modernen Armeen.
Neuwied : Luchterhand, 1967.
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FormatText | Call number9963.655 | Item locationOff-site |
The soldier and social change : comparative studies in the history and sociology of the military / Jacques van Doorn.
Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage Publications, ©1975.
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FormatText | Call numberU21.5.D63 | Item locationOff-site |
Continuities in social research : studies in the scope and method of "The American soldier" / edited by Robert K. Merton and Paul F. Lazarsfeld.
Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press, 1950.
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FormatText | Call numberHM291.S93M5 | Item locationOff-site |
L'armée dans la nation.
Paris, A. Fayard [1961]
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FormatText | Call number99783.324 | Item locationOff-site |
Kriegs- und Militärsoziologie / Peter Meyer.
München : Goldmann, 1977.
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FormatText | Call numberU21.2 .M49 | Item locationOff-site |
Bedingungen und Dimensionen militärischer Sozialisation : e. Beitr. zur Bundeswehrsoziologie / Peter Liliensiek.
Frankfurt am Main ; Bern ; Cirencester/U.K. : Lang, 1979.
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FormatText | Call numberUA710 .L49 1979 | Item locationOff-site |
Holy war; the lure of victory and the passing of America as a world power [by] James A. Thomas.
New Rochelle, N.Y., Arlington House [1973]
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FormatText | Call number10886.902 | Item locationOff-site |
Life in the rank and file : enlisted men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom / edited by David R. Segal, H. Wallace Sinaiko.
Washington : Pergamon-Brassey's International Defense Publishers, ©1986.
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FormatText | Call numberU21.5 .L53 1986 | Item locationOff-site |
Military sociology : the richness of a discipline / Gerhard Kümmel, Andreas D. Prüfert (eds.) ; with contributions of Astrid Albrecht-Heide [and others].
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2000.
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FormatText | Call numberU21.5 .M539 2000 | Item locationOff-site |
The British army, manpower, and society into the twenty-first century / edited by Hew Strachan.
London ; Portland, OR : Frank Cass, 2000.
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FormatText | Call numberUB335.G7 .B75 2000 | Item locationOff-site |
Tsar and cossack, 1855-1914 / Robert H. McNeal.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 1987.
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FormatText | Call numberUA770 .M38 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Sozialwissenschaften und Militär : eine kritische Analyse / Franz Kernic.
Wiesbaden : Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, ©2001.
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FormatText | Call numberU21.5 .K47 2001 | Item locationOff-site |
Forschungsthema, Militär : militärische Organisationen im Spannungsfeld von Krieg, Gesellschaft und soldatischen Subjekten / Maja Apelt (Hrsg.).
Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberU21.5 .F65 2010 | Item locationOff-site |
Jendā to shakai : danseishi, guntai, sekushuariti / Kimoto Kimiko, Kidō Yoshiyuki hen ; Akaishi Noriaki [and others].
Tōkyō : Junpōsha, 2010.
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FormatText | Call numberHQ1075 .J45 2010 | Item locationOff-site |
Theorie des Krieges als Sozialwissenschaft / Clausewitz-Kolloquium ; herausgegeben von Gerhard Vowinckel.
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, ©1993.
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FormatText | Call numberU21.2 .C542 1991 | Item locationOff-site |
The Military in new times : adapting armed forces to a turbulent world / edited by James Burk.
Boulder : Westview Press, 1994.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberUA11 .M466 1994 | Item locationOff-site |