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Caudillism and militarism in Venezuela, 1810-1910 / Robert L. Gilmore.

Athens : Ohio University Press, [1964]


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FormatTextCall number354.87 G425Item locationOff-site

The army and the law / by Garrard Glenn ; revised and enlarged by A. Arthur Schiller.

New York : Columbia University Press, 1943.


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FormatCall number355.73 G487Item locationOff-site

El militarismo en el Perú / Víctor Villanueva.

Lima : T. Scheuch, 1962.


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FormatTextCall number355.85 V712Item locationOff-site

Latin America: the hegemonic crisis and the military coup.

Berkeley, Institute of International Studies, University of California [c1969]


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FormatTextCall number320.8 P757 no.7Item locationOff-site

People's war ; the art of combining partisan-military, psycho-social, and political conquest techniques / by Stefan T. Possony.

[Taipei] : World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter, 1970.


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FormatTextCall numberDS777.55 .A8 no.146Item locationOff-site

Trajetória rebelde / Pedro Viegas.

São Paulo : Cortez Editora, [2004], ©2004.


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FormatTextCall numberF2538.27.V53 A3 2004Item locationOff-site

Militär und Staatsbildung in den Anfängen der Unabhängigkeit Mexikos.

Köln : Böhlau, 1969.


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FormatTextCall numberF1401 .L322 Bd.1Item locationOff-site

State and soldier in Latin America : redefining the military's role in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile / Wendy Hunter.

Washington, DC (1550 M St., NW, Ste. 700, Washington 20005-1708) : United States Institute of Peace, [1996]


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FormatCall numberY 3.P 31:19/NO.10Item locationOff-site

Forças armadas e política no Brasil / José Murilo de Carvalho.

Rio de Janeiro : Jorge Zahar Editor, c2005.


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FormatCall numberF2538 .C34 2005Item locationOff-site

El militar de carrera en España / Julio Busquets.

Barcelona : Ediciones Ariel, 1984.


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FormatTextCall numberU21.5 .B8 1984Item locationOff-site

Operação Araguaia : os arquivos secretos da guerrilha / Taís Morais e Eumano Silva.

São Paulo, SP, Brasil : Geração Editorial, 2005.


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FormatTextCall numberF2586 .M75 2005Item locationOff-site

Ejercito y politica en España : 1866-1898 / Daniel R. Headrick.

Madrid : Editorial Tecnos, ©1981.


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FormatTextCall numberUA782 .H43318 1981Item locationOff-site

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