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The fragile middle class : Americans in debt / Teresa A. Sullivan, Elizabeth Warren, Jay Lawrence Westbrook.
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2000], ©2000.
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Format | Call numberHG3766 .S794 2000 | Item locationOff-site |
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Format | Call number | Item locationOff-site |
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Helpmates of man : middle-class women and gender ideology in nineteenth-century Ontario / Barbara Maas.
Bochum : N. Brockmeyer, 1990.
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Format | Call numberHQ1459.O57 M3 1990g | Item locationOff-site |
Italiano e siciliano nelle scritture di semicolti : testi documentari del XVIII secolo / Antonia G. Mocciaro.
Palermo : Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 1991.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberPC1801 .M63 1991 | Item locationOff-site |
Diners, bowling alleys and trailer parks : chasing the American dream in the postwar consumer culture / Andrew Hurley.
New York : Basic Books, ©2001.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHC110.C6 H87 2001 | Item locationOff-site |
Winner-take-all politics : how Washington made the rich richer-and turned its back on the middle class / Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson.
New York : Simon & Schuster, [2010]
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHN89.S6 H33 2010 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Be my valentine : bouquets, marriage, and middle class hegemony in urban China / Roberta Zavoretti.
Halle/Saale : Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 2013.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberGT4925 .Z38 2013x | Item locationOff-site |
Unforgotten : love and the culture of dementia care in India / by Bianca Brijnath.
New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2014.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberRC524 .B75 2014 | Item locationOff-site |
The Indian middle class / Surinder S. Jodhka, Aseem Prakash.
New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2016.
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Format | Call numberHT690.I4 J63 2016 | Item locationOff-site |
Window to Bhutan : a study of emerging new social patterns with urban educated middle class working women in main focus / Madhu Rajput.
New Delhi : Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2016.
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Format | Call numberHQ1745.3 .R35 2016 | Item locationOff-site |
The Indian middle class / Surinder S. Jodhka, Aseem Prakash.
New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2016.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.I4 J63 2016 | Item locationOff-site |
Window to Bhutan : a study of emerging new social patterns with urban educated middle class working women in main focus / Madhu Rajput.
New Delhi : Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2016.
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Format | Call numberHQ1745.3 .R35 2016 | Item locationOff-site |
Architecture in the family way : doctors, houses, and women, 1870-1900 / Annemarie Adams.
Montreal ; Buffalo : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberNA7328 .A325 1996 | Item locationOff-site |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Du shi she hui de xing qi : jin dai Shanghai de zhong chan jie ceng yu zhi ye tuan ti / Jiang Wenjun zhu.
Shanghai Shi : Shanghai ci shu chu ban she, 2017.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberDS796.S25 J36 2017 | Item locationOff-site |
Education and middle-class society in imperial Austria, 1848-1918 / Gary B. Cohen ; [maps by J. Mahlke].
West Lafayette, Ind. : Purdue University Press, ©1996.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberLC4975.A9 C65 1996 | Item locationOff-site |
Social conservatism and the middle classes in Germany, 1914-1933 / by Herman Lebovics.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1969.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.G3 L4 | Item locationOff-site |
Middle-class culture in Elizabethan England / by Louis B. Wright.
Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1935.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberPR421 .W754 1935 | Item locationOff-site |
An African bourgeoisie : race, class, and politics in South Africa / Leo Kuper.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 1965.
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FormatBook/Text | Call number1860.551.2 | Item locationOff-site |
White collar; the American middle classes.
New York, Oxford University Press, 1951.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.U6 M6 | Item locationOff-site |
Mittelstand in der Bundesrepublik : ein Beitrag zu Problemen der Bündnispolitik im antimonopolistischen Kampf / Erich Hanke.
Frankfurt / Main : Verlag Marxistische Blätter, 1973.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHD2346.G3 H36 | Item locationOff-site |
Mittelschicht und Polisbildung / Peter Spahn.
Frankfurt a.M. ; Bern ; Las Vegas : P. Lang, ©1977.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberJC73 .S66 1977 | Item locationOff-site |
Culture and privilege in capitalist Asia / edited by Michael Pinches.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1999.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHB501 .C847 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
Mythos Mittelschichten? : zur Wiederkehr eines Paradigmas der Demokratieforschung / Bert Becker, Jürgen Rüland, Nikolaus Werz (Hg.).
Bonn : Bouvier, 1999.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT682 .M98 1999 | Item locationOff-site |
Wszystka spuścizna w Bogu spoczywającego : majątek ruchomy zwykłych mieszkańców Elbląga i Gdańska w XVII wieku / Andrzej Klonder.
Warszawa : Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, 2000.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHV315.7 .K66 2000 | Item locationOff-site |
The new middle class and regime stability in Saudi Arabia / Mark Heller and Nadav Safran.
Cambridge, Mass. : Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, ©1985.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.S33 H44 | Item locationOff-site |
Dividing classes : how the middle class negotiates and rationalizes school advantage / Ellen Brantlinger.
New York : RoutledgeFalmer, 2003.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberLC205 .B73 2003 | Item locationOff-site |
Middle-class couples : a study of segregation, domination, and inequality in marriage / Stephen Edgell.
London ; Boston : G. Allen & Unwin, 1980.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHQ614 .E34 | Item locationOff-site |
Rebels without a cause? : middle class youth and the transition from school to work / Peter Aggleton.
London ; New York : Falmer Press, 1987.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberLA637.7 .A54 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Not only the poor : the middle classes and the welfare state / Robert E. Goodin, Julian Le Grand, with John Dryzek [and others].
London ; Boston : Allen & Unwin, 1987.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT684 .G57 1987 | Item locationOff-site |
Being together, working apart : dual-career families and the work-life balance / edited by Barbara Schneider and Linda J. Waite.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHQ536 .B432 2005 | Item locationOff-site |
Great depression and the middle class : experts, collegiate youth and business ideology, 1929-1941 / Mary C. McComb.
New York : Routledge, [2006]
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.U6 M37 2006 | Item locationOff-site |
Identitätsverlust und Identitätsgewinn : Studien zum Verhältnis von kaiserzeitlicher Stadt und frühem Christentum / Eckhard Plümacher.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlag, 1987.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberBR170 .P58 | Item locationOff-site |
Reproducing class : education, neoliberalism, and the rise of the new middle class in Istanbul / Henry J. Rutz and Erol M. Balkan.
New York : Berghahn Books, 2009.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT684 .R88 2009 | Item locationOff-site |
The new middle classes : globalizing lifestyles, consumerism and environmental concern / edited by Hellmuth Lange, Lars Meier.
Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, 2009.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT684 .N478 2009 | Item locationOff-site |
Splintered classes : politics and the lower middle classes in interwar Europe / edited by Rudy Koshar.
New York : Holmes & Meier, 1990.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.E73 S65 1990 | Item locationOff-site |
Mikro-astikē leitourgia kai organōsē stēn Hellada / Andreas N. Lytras.
Athēna : Ekdoseis Papazēsē, 2010.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHD2336.G8 L98 2010 | Item locationOff-site |
Role of the middle class in nationalist movement, 1912-1947 / Ran Vijoy Kumar.
New Delhi, India : Commonwealth Publishers, 1989.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberDS485.B5175 K86 1989 | Item locationOff-site |
Die unsichtbare Hand : Ökonomie, Sittlichkeit und Kultur der englischen Mittelklasse, 1650-1850 / Wolfgang Riedel.
Tübingen : G. Narr, ©1990.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHC254.5 .R53 1990 | Item locationOff-site |
Taishōki ni okeru shin chūkansō shufu no jikan ishiki no keisei / Satō Yukiko cho.
Tōkyō : Kazama Shobō, 2011.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHQ1762 .S375 2011 | Item locationOff-site |
Young, white, and miserable : growing up female in the fifties / Wini Breines.
Boston : Beacon Press, ©1992.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHQ76.2.U5 G395 1992 | Item locationOff-site |
Abandoned : the betrayal of the American middle class since World War II / William J. Quirk and R. Randall Bridwell.
Lanham, Md. : Madison Books : Distributed by National Book Network, ©1992.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.U6 Q57 1992 | Item locationOff-site |
Political ideology and class formation : a study of the middle class / Carolyn Howe.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 1992.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT684 .H68 1992 | Item locationOff-site |
Frauenleitbild im Wandel, 1948-1988 : von der Familienorientierung zur Doppelrolle / Christine Feldmann-Neubert.
Weinheim : Deutscher Studien Verlag, 1991.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHD6055.2.G3 F643 1991 | Item locationOff-site |
The Edwardian house : the middle-class home in Britain, 1880-1914 / Helen C. Long.
Manchester ; New York : Manchester University Press ; New York, NY, USA : Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press, ©1993.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberNA7328 .L66 1993 | Item locationOff-site |
BUYographics : how demographic and economic changes will reinvent the way marketers reach consumers / Matt Carmichael.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHF5415.32 .C37 2013 | Item locationOff-site |
Resource revolution : how to capture the biggest business opportunity in a century / Stefan Heck and Matt Rogers with Paul Carroll.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHF1008 .H43 2014 | Item locationOff-site |
al-Khiṭāb al-sīyāsī lil-ṭabaqah al-wusṭá al-Miṣrīyah / Duktūr Muḥammad Sayyid Aḥmad.
[Cairo] : al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Thaqāfah, 2014.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.E3 A36 2014 | Item locationOff-site |
Fronteggiare la crisi : come cambia lo stile di vita del ceto medio / Roberta Sassatelli, Marco Santoro, Giovanni Semi.
Bologna : Il mulino, [2015]
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberHT690.I8 F76 2015 | Item locationOff-site |
The origins of middle-class culture : Halifax, Yorkshire, 1660-1780 / John Smail.
Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1994.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberDA690.H17 S63 1994 | Item locationOff-site |