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The life of Pachomius : vita prima Graeca / translated by Apostolos N. Athanassakis ; introd. by Birger A. Pearson.

Missoula, Mont. : Published by Scholars Press for the Society of Biblical Literature, c1975.


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FormatTextCall numberJXE 77-24Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJXE 77-24Item locationOffsite

Pachomius : the making of a community in fourth-century Egypt / by Philip Rousseau.

Berkeley : University of California Press, c1985.


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FormatCall numberJFE 85-4333Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Pachomian koinonia / translated and introduced by Armand Veilleux ; foreword by Adalbert de Vogüé.

Kalamazoo, Mich. : Cistercian Publications, 1980-


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FormatTextCall numberJFK 92-292 v. 3Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJFK 92-292 v. 1Item locationOffsite

Sancti Pachomii vitae Gracecae. Ediderunt Hagiographi Bollandiani ex recensione Francisci Halkin ...

Bruxelles: Soc. des Bollandistes, 1932.


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FormatTextCall numberAN (Pachomius) (Sancti Pachomii vitae Graecae)Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

La vie latine de Saint Pachôme. Traduite du grec par Denys le Petit.

Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes, bd Saint Michel, 24, 1969.


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FormatTextCall numberF-11 6460Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Étude sur le cénobitisme pakhomien : pendant le IVe siècle et la première motié du Ve / par Paulin Ladeuze.

Louvain : J. Van Linthout ; Paris : A. Fontemoing, 1898.


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FormatTextCall numberZDL (Ladeuze, P. Étude sur le cénobitisme pakhômien)Item locationOffsite

S. Pachomii vita Bohairice scripta. Edidit [et interpretatus est] L. Th. Lefort.

Parisiis, E Typographeo Reipublicae, 1925-36.


2 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*OCD (Vita Sancti Pachomii. S. Pachomii vita Bohairice scripta) pt. 2 (Versio) (1952)Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*OCD (Vita Sancti Pachomii. S. Pachomii vita Bohairice scripta) pt. 1 (Text) (1925)Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

S. Pachomii vitae sahidice scriptae; edidit L. Th. Lefort.

Parisiis, e Typographeo reipublicae, 1933-


1 item

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FormatTextCall number*OCD (Vita Sancti Pachomii. S. Pachomii vitae sahidice scriptae) Textus (1933-34)Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Pacomio e la vita comunitaria / Placide Deseille, Enzo Bianchi.

Magnano (BI) : Qiqajon, Comunità di Bose, c1998.


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FormatTextCall numberJFC 00-168Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The life and teaching of Pachomius.

Leominster : Gracewing, 1998.


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FormatTextCall numberJFC 01-2252Item locationOffsite

Pachomiana latina / przekład, Andrzej Bober, Wojciech Miliszkiewicz, Marek Starowieyski ; wstęp, Vincent Desprez ; opracowanie, Marek Starowieyski.

Kraków : Tyniec, 1996.


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FormatTextCall number*QR 05-1308Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Die Mönchsregeln der Pachomianer / von Christoph Joest.

Lovanii : in aedibus Peeters, 2016.


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FormatTextCall numberReCAP 16-6639Item locationOffsite

Die Vita des koptischen Klostergründers Pachom : synoptische Darstellung, Übersetzung und Analyse / herausgegeben von Stefan Bojowald.

Berlin : De Gruyter, [2023]


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FormatTextCall numberJX 24-3428Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

La vie latine de Saint Pachôme / Traduite du grec par Denys le Petit.

Bruxelles : Société des Bollandistes, bd Saint Michel, 24, 1969.


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FormatCall numberBR1720.P2 V53Item locationOff-site

Pachomius und das älteste Klosterleben : ein Beitrag zur Mönchsgeschichte / von Lic. Dr. Grützmacher.

Freiburg i. B. ; Leipzig : J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1896.


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FormatCall number932 G928Item locationOff-site

Pakhomiĭ Velikiĭ : iz ranneĭ istorii obshchezhitelʹnogo monashestva v Egipte / A.L. Khosroev.

Sankt-Peterburg : Izd-vo "Nestor-Istorii︠a︡" SPb II RAN, 2004.


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FormatCall numberBR1720.P23 K48 2004Item locationOff-site

Étude sur le cénobitisme pakhomien pendant le IVe siècle et la première moitié du Ve.

Frankfurt am Main, Minerva, 1961.


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FormatTextCall numberIX24 L154Item locationOff-site

L'Esprit du monachisme pachômien ... Suivi de la traduction française des Pachomia [sic] latina par les moines de Solesmes ...

49 Bégrolles-en-Mauges, Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1968.


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FormatTextCall numberGM3 P19 XD44Item locationOff-site

La vie latine de Saint Pachôme / Traduite du grec par Denys le Petit.

Bruxelles : Société des Bollandistes, bd Saint Michel, 24, 1969.


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FormatCall numberGM3 P19 XV8cItem locationOff-site

Pachomius und das älteste Klosterleben : ein Beitrag zur Mönchsgeschichte / von Lic. Dr. Grützmacher.

Freiburg i. B. ; Leipzig : J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1896.


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FormatTextCall numberGM3 P19 XG88Item locationOff-site

Das Vermächtnis des Ursprungs : Studien zum frühen Mönchtum / Heinrich Bacht.

Würzburg : Echter Verlag, [c1972-<1983>


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FormatTextCall numberC 299.72.10 2Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberC 299.72.10 1Item locationOff-site

Pacomio e i suoi discepoli : regole e scritti / introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Lisa Cremaschi.

Magnano : Qiqajon : Comunità di Bose, 1988.


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FormatCall numberBR1720.P23 P234 1988Item locationOff-site

La première vie grecque de saint Pachôme / introd. critique et traduction par A.-J. Festugière.

Paris : Éditions du Cerf, 1965.


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FormatCall numberBR1720.P23 V5614 1965Item locationOff-site

Koinonia, aspetti ecclesiologici del cenobitismo pacomiano nel IV secolo / Pio Tamburrino, O.S.B.

Roma : Typis Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae, 1989.


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FormatTextCall numberBX2465 .T35 1989xItem locationOff-site

Fondatori del monachesimo / Umberto Neri.

Casale Monferrato (Alessandria) : Piemme, 1998.


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Pachomius : the making of a community in fourth-century Egypt / Philip Rousseau.

Berkeley : University of California Press, 1999.


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FormatTextCall numberBX4700.P22 R68 1999Item locationOff-site

Über den geistlichen Kampf : Katechesen des Mönchsvaters Pachom / Christoph Joest.

Beuron : Beuroner Kunstverlag, 2010.


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FormatCall numberBR1720.P23 J64 2010Item locationOff-site

Antwan und Pachom, ein Beitrag zur Glockenkunde / Winfried Meyer.

St. Augustin : Tradefocusverlag, 2013.


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FormatTextCall numberBR195.M65 M49 2013Item locationOff-site

Sīrat wa-ʻiẓāt wa-naṣāʾiḥ al-qiddīs al-ʻaẓīm al-Anbā Bākhūmiyūs Āb al-Sharikah / al-Anbā Mattāʾūs.

[Banī Suwayf] : Lajnat al-Taḥrīr wa-al-Nashr bi-Muṭrānīyah Banī Suwayf wa-al-Bahnasā : Yuṭlabu min Maktabat Mār Marqis lil-Tawzīʻ bi-Muṭrānīyah Banī Suwayf, [1980?]


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FormatTextCall numberBR1720.P23 M377 1980Item locationOff-site

Sirat wa-ʻiẓāt wa-naṣāʼiḥ al-qiddīs al-ʻaẓīm al-Anbā Bākhūmiyūs ab al-sharikah / al-Anbā Mattāʼūs.

[Banī Suwayf] : Lajnat al-Taḥrīr wa-al-Nashr bi-Muṭrānīyat Banī Suwayf wa-al-Bahnasā, [1980?]


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FormatTextCall numberBR1720.P23 M377 1980Item locationOff-site

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