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Displaying 1-50 of 152 results

A short history of the U. S. S. R. ; textbook for 3rd & 4th classes, edited by Professor A. V. Shestakov.

Moscow, Co-operative publishing society of foreign workers in the U.S. S. R., 1938.


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FormatCall number1626.852.11Item locationOff-site

Trailmakers of the Northwest, by Paul Leland Haworth.

New York, Harcourt, Brace and company, 1921.


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FormatCall number1270.437Item locationOff-site

A Confederate girl's diary, by Sarah Morgan Dawson; with an introduction by Warrington Dawson, and with illustrations.

Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1913.


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FormatCall numberE565 .D27 1913Item locationOff-site

Education by plays and games, by George Ellsworth Johnson ...

Boston, New York [etc.] Ginn & company [c1907]


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FormatCall numberLB1137 .J8 1907Item locationOff-site

Who won second place at Omaha? : A journey / written by Diane Kagan ; photographed by Meryl Joseph.

New York : Random House, [1975]


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FormatCall numberGV1219.K33Item locationOff-site

Around the world in eleven years / by Patience, Richard and John Abbe ...

New York : Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1936.


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FormatCall number1003.111Item locationOff-site

Science of the seven seas [by] Henry Stommel.

New York, Cornell Maritime Press [1945]


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FormatCall number8513.883Item locationOff-site

Penrod and Sam; illustrated by Worth Brehm and with scenes from the photoplay a first national picture.

New York, Grosset & Dunlap, [1916]


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FormatCall numberPS2972 .P467 1916Item locationOff-site

Peoples of the USSR, by Anna Louise Strong ...

New York, The Macmillan Company, 1944.


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FormatCall number1621.891Item locationOff-site

Deric with the Indians, by Deric Nusbaum, with 48 illustrations from photographs and sketches by Aileen Nusbaum.

New York, London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1927.


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FormatCall number10999.685Item locationOff-site

Moviemakers / John J. Floherty.

New York : Doubleday, Doran, 1935.


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FormatCall number30109.3521Item locationOff-site

Movie lot to beachhead, the motion picture goes to war and prepares for the future, by the editors of Look, with a preface by Robert St. John.

Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Doran and company, inc., 1945.


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FormatCall number30109.596Item locationOff-site

The trader's children, by Laura Adams Armer; with illustrations from photographs by the author; decorations by Sidney Armer.

New York, Toronto, Longmans, Green and co., 1937.


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FormatCall numberPS3501.R5285 T733 1937Item locationOff-site

Missionary explorers among the American Indians, ed. by Mary Gay Humphreys.

New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1913.


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FormatCall number5502.486Item locationOff-site

High wide and deep; science and adventure with the Coast and Geodetic Survey.

Philadelphia, Lippincott [1952]


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FormatCall numberQB296.U85F5 1952Item locationOff-site

Myths and legends of Alaska, selected and ed. by Katharine Berry Judson ....

Chicago, A.C. McClurg & co., 1911.


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FormatCall numberGR102.J91Item locationOff-site

They guard the gates; the way of life on the American borders, by Mary Kidder Rak.

[Evanston, Ill., Row Peterson and co, c1941]


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FormatCall numberJV6483.R13Item locationOff-site

Julia Newberry's sketch book; or, The life of two future old maids, by Tracy D. Mygatt.

New York, W.W. Norton & Co., [c1934]


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FormatCall number3873.78.829Item locationOff-site

Adventures with the Bible in Brazil / by Frederick C. Glass ; with foreword by Dr. Stuart Holden.

London : Pickering & Inglis, [1923?]


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FormatCall numberBV2853.B6G537 1923Item locationOff-site

Work a day life of the Pueblos by Ruth Underhill, PH.D. Edited by Willard W. Beatty, Director of education...

Phoenix, Printing dept., Phoenix Indian school, 1946.


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FormatCall numberE99.P9 U5343 1946Item locationOff-site

The land of the Little Colonel : reminscence and autobiography / illustrated from original photographs.

Boston : L.C. Page, [c1929]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberPS3519.O3Z5 1929Item locationOff-site

The boy's story of Zebulon M. Pike; ed. by Mary Gay Humphreys ...

New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1911.


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FormatCall numberF592.P637 1911Item locationOff-site

Animals in India / text and photos. by Ylla [pseud.] ; layout and design by Luc Bouchage.

New York : Harper, [1958?]


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FormatCall numberQL309.K62Item locationOff-site

Boys' second book of inventions / by Ray Stannard Baker.

New York : McClure, Phillips & co., 1903.


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FormatCall number9030.143Item locationOff-site

Flights to glory, by John Purcell.

New York, Vanguard press, 1944.


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FormatCall numberD790.P87Item locationOff-site

The story behind steel, by Hermann Schoenen.

New York, A. A. Knopf, 1944.


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FormatCall number9352.831Item locationOff-site

Conquerors of the sky, edited by Joseph Lewis French; introduction by Amelia Earhart.

Springfield, Mass., McLoughlin bros., inc. [c1932]


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FormatCall numberTL547.F72Item locationOff-site

Animals looking at you, by Paul Eipper; photographs by Hedda Walther.

New York, The Viking press, c1929.


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FormatCall number8690.321Item locationOff-site

Horses; their selection, care and handling, by Margaret Cabell Self.

New York, A. S. Barnes and company, inc. [1943]


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FormatCall number9621.851.2Item locationOff-site

The autobiography of an egret, by E. A. McIlhenny.

New York, Hastings house [c1939]


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FormatCall number88821.606Item locationOff-site

The outline of science, a plain story simply told; edited by J. Arthur Thomson.

New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1922.


4 items

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FormatCall numberQ162.T450 1922 vol.1Item locationOff-site
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FormatCall numberQ162.T450 1922 vol.2Item locationOff-site
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FormatCall numberQ162.T450 1922 vol.3Item locationOff-site

The wonder book of the air, by C. B. Allen ... and Lauren D. Lyman ...

Chicago, Philadelphia [etc.] The John C. Winston company [c1936]


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FormatCall number9250.119Item locationOff-site

The school book of forestry, by Charles Lathrop Pack.

Washington, D.C., The American Tree Association [1922]


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FormatCall number9583.692.2Item locationOff-site

The flying family in Greenland, by Lieut. Col. George R. Hutchinson.

New York, Thomas Y. Crowell co. [c1935]


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FormatCall numberTL721.H87A3Item locationOff-site

Sweet Pea; a black girl growing up in the rural South. Foreword by Margaret Mead.

New York, Harcourt, Brace & World [1969]


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FormatCall numberE185.86.K746 1969Item locationOff-site

Julia Newberry's diary, with an introduction by Margaret Ayer Barnes and Janet Ayer Fairbank.

New York, W. W. Norton & co., inc. [c1933]


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FormatCall number3873.78.329Item locationOff-site

A child's story of American literature, by Algernon Tassin and Arthur Bartlett Maurice; with decorations by Maurice Day and others.

New York, The Macmillan Company, 1923.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberPS96.T3 1923Item locationOff-site

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