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Introduction to discrete-time signal processing / Steven A. Tretter.

New York : Wiley, [1976], ©1976.


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Modern trends in cybernetics and systems : proceedings of the third International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Bucharest, Romania, August 25-29, 1975 / editors in chief, J. Rose, C. Bilciu.

Blackburn, England : World Organisation of General Systems and Cybernetics ; Berlin ; New York : Distributed by Springer-Verlag, [1977], ©1977.


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FormatCall numberQ300 .I493 1975 v.1Item locationOff-site
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FormatCall numberQ300 .I493 1975 v.2Item locationOff-site
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FormatCall numberQ300 .I493 1975 v.3Item locationOff-site

Sociology and modern systems theory / [by] Walter Buckley.

Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, [1967]


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FormatCall numberHM51 .B92Item locationOff-site

Systems technology applied to social and community problems / by Robert L. Chartrand.

New York : Spartan Books, [1971]


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FormatCall numberHN59 .A5 1971Item locationOff-site

Modern health administration / [by] George R. Wren.

Athens : University of Georgia Press, [1974]


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FormatCall numberRA393 .W7Item locationOff-site

Systems and medical care / Edited by Alan Sheldon, Frank Baker, and Curtis P. McLaughlin.

Cambridge : MIT Press, [1970]


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FormatCall numberRA422 .S94 1968Item locationOff-site

Models for environmental pollution control / Rolf A. Deininger, editor.

Ann Arbor, Mich. : Ann Arbor Science Publishers, [1973]


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FormatCall numberTD177 .N43 1972Item locationOff-site

Continuous and discrete signal and system analysis / [by] Clare D. McGillem [and] George R. Cooper.

New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1974]


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FormatCall numberTK5102.5 .M22Item locationOff-site

Signals, systems and communication / [by] B.P. Lathi.

New York : Wiley, [1965]


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FormatCall numberTK5102.5 .L34Item locationOff-site

Speech communication : proceedings of the Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm, April 1-3, 1974 / edited by Gunnar Fant.

Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell International ; New York : Wiley, 1975.


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FormatCall numberTK7882.S65 S65 1974 v.1Item locationOff-site
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FormatCall numberTK7882.S65 S65 1974 v.2Item locationOff-site
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FormatCall numberTK7882.S65 S65 1974 v.3Item locationOff-site
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Community health assessment : a conceptual tool kit / Effie S. Hanchett.

New York : Wiley, c1979.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberRT98 H19 1979Item locationOff-site

General systems theory applied to nursing / Arlene M. Putt.

Boston : Little, Brown, c1978.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberRT42 P98 1978Item locationOff-site

Behavioral systems and nursing / Jeanine Roose Auger.

Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1976.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberRT86 Au4 1976Item locationOff-site

Operational evaluation of family planning programs through process analysis / by Jack Reynolds.

[New York] : [Division of Social and Administrative Sciences, International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction], 1973.


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FormatCall numberHQ763.5 R333 1973Item locationOff-site

Statistical analysis : a computer oriented approach / A. A. Afifi, S. P. Azen.

New York : Academic Press, [1979], ©1979.


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FormatCall numberQA278 Af1 1979Item locationOff-site

Expanding health care horizons : from a general systems concept of health to a national health policy / Henrik L. Blum.

Oakland, Calif. : Third Party Associates, [1976], ©1976.


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FormatCall numberRA393 B62 1976Item locationOff-site

Systems aspects of health planning : proceedings of the IIASA conference, Baden, Austria, August 20-22, 1974 / edited by Norman T. J. Bailey and Mark Thompson.

Amsterdam : North-Holland Pub. Co. ; New York : American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1975.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberRA393 Sy8 1975Item locationOff-site

Systems analysis applied to health services; proceedings of a symposium held during the tenth meeting of the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research, 15 June 1971.

Washington, Pan American Health Organization, Pan American Sanitary Bureau, 1972.


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FormatCall numberRA422 P192 1972Item locationOff-site

Health research, the systems approach / edited by Harriet H. Werley [and others] ; contributors, June C. Abbey ... [and others].

New York : Springer Pub. Co., [1976], ©1976.


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FormatCall numberRA440.6 H34 1976Item locationOff-site

The systems approach to health services: a framework, by Fredric Raymond Hedinger.

[Iowa City, University of Iowa, Graduate Program in Hospital and Health Administration, c1969]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberRA971 H35 1969Item locationOff-site

Community health : a systems approach / Carrie Jo Braden, Nancy L. Herban.

New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, [1976], ©1976.


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FormatCall numberRT98 B72 1976Item locationOff-site

Systems science : addressing global issues / edited by Frank A. Stowell, Duane West and James G. Howell.

New York : Plenum Press, [1993], ©1993.


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FormatCall numberH61 .S995 1993Item locationOff-site

Analysis of physiological systems : the white-noise approach / Panos Z. Marmarelis and Vasilis Z. Marmarelis.

New York : Plenum Press, [1978], ©1978.


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FormatCall numberQP44.5 .M34 1978Item locationOff-site

Psychotherapy and growth : a family systems perspective / by W. Robert Beavers.

New York : Brunner/Mazel, [1977], ©1977.


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FormatCall numberRC455.4.F3 B38 1977Item locationOff-site

Improving management performance in health care institutions : a total systems approach / Addison C. Bennett.

Chicago : American Hospital Association, [1978], ©1978.


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FormatCall numberRA971 .B38Item locationOff-site


Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberQ1 .S8424 v.22 (1991)Item locationOff-site
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FormatBook/TextCall numberQ1 .S8424 v.21 (1991)Item locationOff-site
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FormatBook/TextCall numberQ1 .S8424 v.20 (1991)Item locationOff-site

Evaluation and program planning.

New York : Pergamon Press


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FormatBook/TextCall numberH62.A1 E93 v.22 (1999)Item locationOff-site
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FormatBook/TextCall numberH62.A1 E93 v.21 (1998)Item locationOff-site
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FormatBook/TextCall numberH62.A1 E93 v.20 (1997)Item locationOff-site

Systems thinking for health systems strengthening / [edited by Don de Savigny and Taghreed Adam].

Geneva : Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research ; World Health Organization, c2009.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberRA393 .S97 2009 QItem locationOff-site

Handbook of healthcare delivery systems / edited by Yuehwern Yih.

Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2011.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberRA971 .H277 2011Item locationOff-site

Voprosy kibernetiki i vychislitelʹnoĭ matematiki.

Tashkent, Izd-vo "FAN" Uzbekskoĭ SSR, 1966-70.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberPER 8950 v.34-37 (1970)Item locationOff-site
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FormatBook/TextCall numberPER 8950 v.30-33 (1969)Item locationOff-site
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FormatBook/TextCall numberPER 8950 v.26-29 (1969)Item locationOff-site

Modelización de sistemas financieros mediante dinámica de sistemas : el caso español / José A. Domínguez Machuca.

[Sevilla] : Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1983.


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FormatCall numberHG186.S6 D65 1983Item locationOff-site

Theory and applications of linear differential and difference equations : a systems approach in engineering / R.M. Johnson.

Chichester, West Sussex : E. Horwood ; New York : Halsted Press, 1984.


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FormatCall numberQA372 .J574 1984Item locationOff-site

Introducing systems and control [by] David M. Auslander, Yasundo Takahashi [and] Michael J. Rabins.

New York, McGraw-Hill [1974]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberQA402 .A95Item locationOff-site

Linear theory of hydrologic systems [by J. C. I. Dooge]

Washington, Agricultural Research Service, 1973.


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FormatCall numberS21 .A72 no.1468Item locationOff-site

Optimization methods in operations research and systems analysis / K. V. Mital.

New York : Wiley, c1976.


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FormatCall numberT57.6 .M57Item locationOff-site

Structure and realization problems in the theory of dynamical systems / Michael Heymann.

Wien ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1975.


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FormatCall numberQA402 .H4 1975Item locationOff-site

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