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Relative tense and aspectual values in Tibetan languages : a comparative study / by Bettina Zeisler.

Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, [2004], ©2004.


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FormatTextCall numberPL3623 .Z45 2004gItem locationOff-site

La langue latine / Varron ; texte établi, traduit et commenté par Pierre Flobert.

Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 1985-<2022>


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FormatTextCall numberPA6793.F7 L5 1985 vol. 2Item locationOff-site

Aspect and temporal ordering : a contrastive analysis of Dutch and English / door Ronny Johannes Ursula Boogaart.

The Hague : Holland Academic Graphics, ©1999.


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FormatTextCall numberP134 .B66 1999Item locationOff-site

Temps et verbe; theéorie des aspects, des modes et des temps, par Gustave Guillaume.

Paris, H. Champion, 1929.


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FormatTextCall numberPC2301 .G855 1929Item locationOff-site

Tense and aspect in Obolo grammar and discourse / Uche E. Aaron.

Dallas, TX : Summer Institute of Linguistics, ©1999.


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FormatTextCall numberPL8598.O271 A37 1999Item locationOff-site

Temporal deixis in Welsh and Breton / Johannes Heinecke.

Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1999.


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FormatTextCall numberPB2164 .H45 1999Item locationOff-site

Zu Tempus und Modus im Deutschen / Heinz Vater (Hg.).

Trier : Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, ©1997.


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FormatTextCall numberPF3301 .Z8 1997Item locationOff-site

Tense and aspect systems / Östen Dahl.

Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York, NY : B. Blackwell, 1985.


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FormatTextCall numberP281 .D27 1985Item locationOff-site

Tense and aspect in the languages of Europe / edited by Östen Dahl.

Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 2000.


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FormatTextCall numberP380 .T46 2000Item locationOff-site

Tense and aspect in second language acquisition : form, meaning and use / Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig.

Oxford, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Blackwell, ©2000.


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FormatTextCall numberP118.2 .B372 2000Item locationOff-site

Temporale Verbsemantik und Kohärenz im Russischen / Eva Born-Rauchenecker.

München : Sagner, 2001.


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FormatTextCall numberPG2271 .B68 2001Item locationOff-site

Tempus/Temporalität und Modus/Modalität im Sprachenvergleich / Oddleif Leirbukt (Hrsg.).

Tübingen : Stauffenburg, ©2004.


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FormatTextCall numberP294.5 .T485 2004Item locationOff-site

Tempus im Deutschen : Rekonstruktion eines semantischen Systems / Klaus Welke.

Berlin ; New York : W. De Gruyter, 2005.


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FormatTextCall numberPF3301 .W45 2005Item locationOff-site

Tense and narrativity : from medieval performance to modern fiction / by Suzanne Fleischman.

Austin : University of Texas Press, 1990.


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FormatTextCall numberP302.7 .F54 1990Item locationOff-site

Not available - Please for assistance.

Time and the verb : a guide to tense and aspect / Robert I. Binnick.

New York : Oxford University Press, 1991.


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FormatTextCall numberP281 .B56 1990Item locationOff-site

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Le Temps de la phrase au texte / Carl Vetters (éd.).

[Lille] : Presses universitaires de Lille, ©1993.


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FormatTextCall numberP294.5 .T476 1993Item locationOff-site

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