First edition of Libellus vere aureus nec Minus Salutaris Quam Festivus de optimo reip. statu, deq; nova Insula Utopia
Dreams of a just and peaceful community date back to antiquity, but the most celebrated vision of a perfect community—a utopia—was imagined by Sir Thomas More in the early 16th century. Without private property, Utopians work no more than six hours a day—though their economy is made possible only by the enslavement of criminals, foreigners, and adulterers. Hans Holbein the Younger’s brother, Ambrosius, designed this woodcut on the verso of the title page, facing a table of the 22-letter Utopian alphabet. Scholars remain divided about whether More intended to praise or satirize the society he envisioned; the name “utopia” derives from two identically pronounced Greek words: eu-topos (meaning “good place”) and ou-topos (meaning “no place” or “nowhere”).
: Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature
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Items in Beginnings
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Initial printing of Voltaire’s Candide
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Broadside announcing the retirement of General San Martín
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Toussaint Louverture, Chef des Noirs Insurgés de Saint Domingue
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