Abside de la Cathédrale de Saint Pierre et Saint Paul, Troyes (The Apse of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Troyes)
Among John Taylor Arms’s favorite subjects were famous architectural monuments, especially Gothic churches and cathedrals. He began his French Church Series in 1923 and continued it until his death in 1953. This statement sheds light on his continued interest in the subject: “From Amiens and Rheims in the North, down through the Ile de France and back again to Bourges and Troyes, these emblems of man’s faith and hope soar skyward, pointing their glorious towers to the heaven which inspired their erection.” Using sewing needles and magnifying glasses, Arms achieved an extraordinary level of detail in his prints, evident in the example shown here.
: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Print Co…
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Nisho Tenshokodaijin senko jidai sho
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Abside de la Cathédrale de Saint Pierre et Saint Paul, Troyes
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14th-century Qur’an
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Mukujôkô Daidarani Kyô and Sôrin darani 相輪陀羅尼
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First printing of the King James Bible
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Seder Hagadah shel Pesah
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