Tip Top Weekly
Over the course of 986 issues and 19 years, Tip Top Weekly related the adventures of Frank Merriwell, a clean-living Yale undergraduate who, when not exhibiting his athletic prowess, spent his time thwarting villainous plots. The long-running narrative was the product of just one author: Gilbert Patten, who wrote under the pseudonym Burt L. Standish, among other pen names. Tip Top Weekly is remembered today as one of the most successful youth-oriented dime novel publications—selling some 130,000 copies per week—and also one of the wordiest. Patten estimated that he had penned some 20 million words in service to the story.
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Items in Childhood
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Ellen, or, The Naughty Girl Reclaimed paper doll
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Early youth magazine Tip Top Weekly
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Original illustration for Mei Li’s Chinese New Year
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Bim-bom dzelen’-bom!
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“Harriet Tubman, the Moses of Her People” comic book
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N.C. Wyeth’s painting for Robin Hood
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