“Gay Power—When Do We Want It? Or Do We?”
This flyer was produced by STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries), then known as Street Transvestites for Gay Power. STAR was founded by Stonewall veterans Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, two Black and Brown transgender activists in what was a predominately white male gay rights movement. Inspired by the Black Power movement, STAR fought for the rights of gender expression and protested police harassment of trans people of color. The drawings at the bottom of the flyer offer a glimpse at the very concept of gender nonconformity being formed in real time: two ink drawings feature the superimposed symbols for the male and female sex, as if to visualize an identity that goes beyond the symbols for gay or lesbian.
: IGIC Ephemera Organizations, Street Transvestites, Manuscripts and Archives Div…
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