Check made out to George Russell (AE)
Augusta Gregory (1852–1932)
Check made out to George Russell (AE)
October 1, 1897
By the end of 1897, Gregory had made herself central in Yeats’s life, hosting him at Coole Park for three months that summer. Besides supporting Yeats with gifts and loans of money, she also began to act more widely as patron. She gave Yeats’s father, John Butler Yeats, a commission to draw portraits of many of the leading figures of the Irish literary movement; bought works by his brother, Jack; and sponsored the poet, mystic, and painter “AE” (George William Russell) among others. This patronage made Coole Park increasingly a creative center and fostered friendships and contacts that helped her grow as a writer and literary activist. John Butler Yeats soon termed her “the organizer of success.”
: Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature
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