The Industrial Arts of the XIXth Century at the Great Exhibition MDCCCLI
Matthew Digby Wyatt held the title of Secretary to the Executive Committee of the Commissions of the Great Exhibition. In this role, he was responsible not only for realizing the construction of the Crystal Palace venue, but also for arranging the various exhibits. In order to publicize some of the show’s most outstanding works, he produced The Industrial Arts. The two-volume set is filled with vibrantly colored chromolithographic reproductions of a small selection of the art objects and industrial manufactures shown in the 1851 London exhibition. The work is dedicated to Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, who is usually credited as the driving force behind the Great Exhibition.
: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Art and …
Currently on View at Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
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