Ariyoshi Kondo (fl. ca. 1826–1840)
Sketchbook [no. 4]
Hand-colored pen and ink, 1834–1850
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Spencer Collection
Sketchbook [no. 4]
A pupil of prominent Kyoto painter Kishi Ganku (1756–1838), Ariyoshi Kondo was a well-known artist who was included in the Heian jinbutsu shi (a Japanese Who’s Who of prominent people). Kondo died young, sometime in the mid- to late 1850s, before he could establish his true legacy, and today he is still relatively unknown. The work shown here belongs to an archive of Kondo’s works created by Shibakawa Matauemon, a wealthy Osaka merchant and former pupil of the artist. The collection reveals Kondo to be an important artist of his time, with subjects ranging from natural history to landscape to illustrations of everyday life, and a few human subjects.
: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Spencer …
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