Sefer Shemot:’im Targum Onḳelos (Book of Exodus with the Aramaic Paraphrase of Onkelos)
Deborah Harkavy (ca. 1831–1903) was born into a family of rabbis and Jewish scholars; she married David Romm, the proprietor of a historic publishing house in Vilna, during a period of Russian rule. When her husband died in 1860, she took over the business—relatively common in the 18th century, though less so by the mid-19th. She nevertheless met with some resistance, but upheld the Romm reputation for high-quality, accurate work, and earned respect for her attention to detail. The Russian text at the bottom of this title page for the Book of Exodus, illustrated with scenes from the Bible, notes that this edition is in Ivri-Taytsh, an archaic version of Yiddish traditionally used for the translation of sacred texts.
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