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Credo Reference

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Provides full-text online access to hundreds of multidisciplinary reference book collections, including art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias.  

All Branch LibrariesSchomburg Center for Research in Black CultureStephen A. Schwarzman BuildingThe New York Public Library for the Performing ArtsThomas Yoseloff Business Center
Business, Government and Law, Health and Medicine, Biography, United States History, World History, Performing Arts, Music, Philosophy, Science, Dictionaries, Homework Help, Encyclopedias, Religion, African American Studies, American Studies, Asian Studies, Gay and Lesbian Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American Studies, Native American Studies, Women's Studies, Economics, Education, Geography, Psychology, Technology, History, Reference
<p>Credo is a vast, online reference library, providing access to the full text of hundreds of highly regarded and popular titles. And Credo brings the facts alive with images, sound files, animations, and much more. Find speedy, simple answers and authoritative, in-depth articles.</p> <p>Credo Reference contains dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopaedias, quotations and atlases, plus a wide range or subject-specific titles covering everything from accounting to zoology, via maps, math, management, martial arts, media studies, medicine, mountains, moons, music, multimedia, mythology.</p>