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Profession, journalist : a study on the working conditions of journalists / G. Bohère.

Geneva : International Labour Office, 1984.


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FormatTextCall numberPN4797 .B6513 1984gItem locationOff-site
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Down and out : labouring under global capitalism / text, Jan Breman and Arvind N. Das ; photographs, Ravi Agarwal ; design, Brinda Datta.

New Delhi ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000.


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FormatTextCall numberHD5819 .B7 2000Item locationOff-site

L'homme à l'échine pliée : réflexions sur le stress professionnel / sous la direction de Ingrid Brunstein.

Paris : Desclée de Brouwer, ©1999.


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FormatTextCall numberQP82.2.S8 H66 1999Item locationOff-site

Le Japon au travail / Bernard Bernier avec la collaboration de Vincent Mirza.

Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2009.


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FormatCall numberHD6957.J3 B47 2009Item locationOff-site

L'idéal au travail / Marie-Anne Dujarier ; préface Vincent de Gaulejac.

Paris : Presses universitaires de France, c2006.


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FormatTextCall numberHD6955 .D85 2006Item locationOff-site

Global labor standards and local freedoms / Kaushik Basu.

Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, Nov. 2003.


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Las que limpian los hoteles : historias ocultas de precariedad laboral / Ernest Cañada.

Barcelona : Icaria, 2015.


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FormatTextCall numberTX928 .C35 2015Item locationOff-site

The law of the international civil service : as applied by international administrative tribunals / by C.F. Amerasinghe.

Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1994.


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FormatTextCall numberJX1995 .A4685 1994 vol.2Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberJX1995 .A4685 1994 vol.1Item locationOff-site

Improving productivity and the quality of work life / Thomas G. Cummings, Edmond S. Molloy.

New York : Praeger, 1977.


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FormatTextCall numberHF5549.C838.1977Item locationOff-site

One-eyed science : occupational health and women workers / Karen Messing ; foreword by Jeanne Mager Stellman.

Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1998.


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FormatTextCall numberRC963.6.W65 M47 1998Item locationOff-site

Men at work / C.R. Bell.

London : Allen and Unwin, 1974.


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FormatTextCall numberBF481 .B37Item locationOff-site

Zum Verhältnis von Betriebsklima und Arbeitsorganisation; eine betriebssoziologische Studie.

[Frankfurt am Main] Europäische Verlagsanstalt [1961]


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FormatTextCall numberHD6971 .T45Item locationOff-site

Quality of working life in international perspective / Yves Delamotte and Shin-ichi Takezawa.

Geneva : International Labour Office, 1984.


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FormatTextCall numberHD6955 .D45Item locationOff-site

Les migrations intérieures passées et présentes à Madagascar. Avec 30 cartes.

Paris, Éditions Berger-Levrault, 1959.


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FormatTextCall numberHB2127.M26 D45Item locationOff-site

Men at work [by] C.A. Oakley.

London, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., University of London Press, [1946]


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FormatTextCall numberHD6971 .O11Item locationOff-site

Work places : the psychology of the physical environment in offices and factories / Eric Sundstrom in collaboration with Mary Graehl Sundstrom.

Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986.


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FormatTextCall numberHF5548.8 .S925 1986Item locationOff-site

The meaning of work in the new economy / Chris Baldry [and others].

Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.


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FormatTextCall numberHD6955 .M379 2007Item locationOff-site

The economics of imperfect labor markets / Tito Boeri and Jan van Ours.

Princeton : Princeton University Press, ©2008.


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FormatTextCall numberHD5706 .B648 2008Item locationOff-site

Working conditions and the small and medium-sized enterprises.

Shankill, Co. Dublin, Ireland : European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions ; Washington, DC : Sales and subscriptions, European Community Information Service, 1988-


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FormatTextCall numberHF5549.2.E96 W67 1988q Oversize v.2Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall numberHF5549.2.E96 W67 1988q Oversize v.1Item locationOff-site

Work orientations in Finland : a conceptual critique and empirical study of work-related expectations / Tapani Alkula.

Helsinki : Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters : Academic Bookstore [distributor], 1990.


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FormatTextCall numberHD8533 .A65 1990Item locationOff-site

The ultimate advantage : creating the high-involvement organization / Edward E. Lawler III.

San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, ©1992.


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FormatTextCall numberHD5650 .L354 1992Item locationOff-site

Workplace assessment / by Steve Simmons, Jens Stampe Øland.

Shankill, Co. Dublin, Ireland : European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions ; Lanham, MD : UNIPUB [distributor], 1992.


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FormatTextCall numberRC967 .S48 1992q OversizeItem locationOff-site

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