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Chronique de Guinée. Préf. et traduction de Léon Bourdon, avec la collaboration de Robert Ricard. Notes de L. Bourdon [et al.]
Dakar, IFAN, 1960.
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FormatText | Call numberSc 966.5-Z (Zurara, G. Chronique de Guinée) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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Les Hollandais sur la côte de Guinée à l'époque de l'essor de l'Ashanti et du Dahomey, 1680-1740 / Albert Van Dantzig.
Paris : Societe française d'histoire d'Outre-Mer, 1980.
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FormatText | Call numberSc E 84-5 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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FormatText | Call numberJFE 83-870 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
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Crónica de Guiné : segundo o ms. de Paris / Introdução, notas, novas considerações e glossario de José de Bragança.
Barcelos : Livraria Civilzação, 1973.
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FormatText | Call numberSc D 84-103 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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Some historical account of Guinea, its situation, produce and the general disposition of its inhabitants : with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature and lamentable effects / by Anthony Benezet.
London : [Publisher not identified], 1788.
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare 326.1-B (Benezet, A. Some historical account of Guinea. 1788) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
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FormatText | Call numberSEKH (Benezet, A. Some historical account of Guinea) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
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FormatText | Call number*KF 1788 (Benezet, A. Some historical account of Guinea) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 |
Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328. Please for assistance.
Some historical account of Guinea : its situation, produce and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave-trade, its nature and lamentable effects. Also a re-publication of the sentiments of several authors of note, on this interesting subject ; particularly an extract of a treatise, by Granville Sharp / by Anthony Benezet.
[Philadelphia] : [Publisher not identified], MDCCLXXI [1771]
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare B 15-21 (Lapidus Collection) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare 326.1-B (Benezet, A. Some historical account of Guinea. 1771) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
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FormatText | Call number*KD 1771 (Benezet, A. Some historical account of Guinea) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 |
Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.
The chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea, written by Gomes Eannes de Azuarara, now first done into English by Charles Raymond Beazley and Edgar Prestage.
New York, B. Franklin [1963]
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FormatText | Call numberSc 966.5-E (Eannes de Azurara, G. Chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea) v. 2 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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FormatText | Call numberJFL 75-29 no. 95, 100 no. 100, v. 2 | Item locationOffsite |
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FormatText | Call numberSc 966.5-E (Eannes de Azurara, G. Chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea) v. 1 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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A "cronica dos feitos de Guinee" de Gomes Eanes de Zurara e o manuscrito Cortez-d'Estrées; tentativa de revisão crítica [do] Alvaro Júlio da Costa Pimpão.
Lisboa, Casa do Livro, 1939.
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FormatText | Call numberSc 966.5-C (Costa Pimpão, A. Crónica dos feitos de Guinee) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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FormatText | Call numberSc 966.5-C (Costa Pimpao, A. Cronica dos feitos de Guinee) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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A new account of some parts of Guinea, and the slave-trade : containing I. The history of the late conquest of the kingdom of Whidaw by the king of Dahomè. II. The manner how the Negroes become slaves. III. A relation of the author's being taken by pirates, and the many dangers he underwent / by Captain William Snelgrave.
London: Printed for James, John, and Paul Knapton, 1734.
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NYPL Digital CollectionsFormat | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberSc Rare C 16-42 (Lapidus Collection) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare 916.65-S (Snelgrave, W. New account of Guinea) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare 916.65-S (Snelgrave, W. New account of Guinea) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
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Some historical account of Guinea : its situation, produce and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave-trade, its nature and lamentable effects. Also a re-publication of the sentiments of several authors of note, on this interesting subject ; particularly an extract of a treatise, by Granville Sharp / by Anthony Benezet.
[Philadelphia] : [Publisher not identified], MDCCLXXI [1771]
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FormatText | Call numberSc Micro R-1123 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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Some historical account of Guinea, its situation, produce and the general disposition of its inhabitants : with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature and lamentable effects / by Anthony Benezet.
London : [Publisher not identified], 1788.
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FormatText | Call numberSc Micro R-1103 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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A new voyage to Guinea : describing the customs, manners, soil, climate, habits, buildings, education, manual arts, agriculture, trade, employments, languages, ranks of distinction, habitations, diversions, marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the inhabitants : likewise, an account of their animals, minerals, &c. : with great variety of entertaining incidents, worthy of observation, that happen'd during the author's travels in that large country : illustrated with cutts, engrav'd from drawings taken from the life : with an alphabetical index / by William Smith, Esq; appointed by the Royal African Company to survey their settlements, make discoveries, &c.
London : Printed for J. Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, MDCCXLIV. [1744]
3 items
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare D 17-15 (Lapidus Collection) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
Available by appointment at Schomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives.
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare C 16-41 (Lapidus Collection) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
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FormatText | Call numberBMG (Smith, W. New voyage to Guinea) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
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Some historical account of Guinea: its situation, produce, and the general disposition of its inhabitants with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature, and lamentable effects.
London, Cass, 1968.
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FormatText | Call numberD-19 5492 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
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Die Entdeckung des schwarzen Afrikaners; Versuch einer Geistesgeschichte der europäisch-afrikanischen Beziehungen an der Guineaküste im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.
(Zürich, Freiburg i. Br.,) Atlantis (-Verlag, 1970).
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FormatText | Call numberE-14 2155 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
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Arrest du Conseil d'estat du roy, qui permet aux négocians & armateurs des ports authorisez à faire le commerce des colonies de l'Amérique, d'armer & équiper leurs vaisseaux pour la côte de Guinée, en se conformant aux arrêts & règlemens concernant le commerce de ladite côte. Du 30. septembre 1741 ...
[A Paris, De l'Imprimeur royale, 1741]
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FormatText | Call number*KB 1741 (France. Conseil d'etat. Arrest du Conseil d'estat du roy...Du 30.ept. 1741) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 |
Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.
West-Jndianische reissbeschreibung / de an. 1639. biss 1645. von Ambsterdam nach St. Jorius de Mina, ein castel / in Africa / von Michael Hemmersam / burgern in Nürnberg / in desselben lebzeiten / selbsten zusammen getragen. Anietzo aber mit kupffern gezieret / samt einer vorrede / delineation dess gantzen wercks / und nützlichen register vermehret / durch Christoff Ludwig Dietherrn / ...
Nürnberg, In verlegung P. Fürstens ... gedruckt daselbst bey C. Gerhard, 1663.
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FormatText | Call number*KB 1663 (Hemmersam, M. West-Jndianische reissbeschreibung) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 |
Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.
Relation de ce qui s'est passé, dans les isles & Terre-Ferme de l'Amérique, pendant la dernière guerre avec l'Angleterre, & depuis en exécution du traitté de Breda. Avec vn jovrnal du dernier voyage du Sr de la Barre en la Terre-Ferme, & isle de Cayenne ... Par I.C.S.D.V. Où est joint le Journal d'un nouveau voyage fait en Guyneé, l'année presente qui contient le traité ... fait avec le roy d'Ardres, avec l'envoy d'un ambassadeur de ce prince en France ...
Paris, G. Clouzier, 1671.
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FormatText | Call number*KB 1671 (Clodore, J. de. Relation de ce qui s'est passe, dans les isles & Terre-Ferme de l'Amerique) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 |
Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.
A relation of the coasts of Africk called Guinee; with a description of the countreys, manners and customs of the inhabitants; of the productions of the earth, and the merchandise and commodities it affords; with some historical observations upon the coasts. Being collected in a voyage by the Sieur Villault, escuyer, sieur de Bellefond, in the years 1666, and 1667. Written in French, and faithfully Englished.
London, Printed for J. Starkey, 1670.
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FormatText | Call number*KC 1670 (Villault, N. Relation of the coasts of Africk called Guinee) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 |
Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328.
Acera da "Cronica dos feitos de Guinee."
Lisboa, Livraria Bertrand, 1941.
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Crónica dos feitos de Guiné / Gomes Eanes de Zurara ; prefácio, selecção e notas de Álvaro Júlio da Costa Pimpão.
Lisboa : A.M. Teixeira, 1942.
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FormatText | Call numberNQC (Classicos portugueses; trechos escolhidos. [v. 1]) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
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A new voyage to Guinea [electronic resource] : describing the customs, manners, soil, climate, habits, buildings, education, manual arts, agriculture, trade, employments, languages, ranks of distinction, habitations, diversions, marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the inhabitants ... / by William Smith.
London : J. Nourse, 1744.
1 resource
Relation de ce qvi s'est passé dans les Isles & Terre-Ferme de l'Amérique [electronic resource] : pendant la dernière Guerre avec l'Angleterre, & depuis en exécution du Traitté de Breda : Avec vn iovrnal Du dernier voyage du Sieur de la Barre en la Terre-Ferme, & l'Isle de Cayenne : accompagné d'une exacte description du Pays, mœurs & naturel des Habitans : Le tout recueilly des Memoires des principaux Officiers qui on commande en ces Pays / Par I.C.S.D.V. ; Où est joint le Iournal d'un nouveau Voyage fait en Guyneé, l'année présente, qui contient le Traitté de Commerce, & alliance, fait avec le Roy d'Ardres ; avec l'envoy d'un Ambassadeur de ce Prince en France.
Paris : Chez G. Clovzier, 1671.
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Available from home with a valid library card and onsite at NYPLA new voyage to Guinea [electronic resource] : describing the customs, manners, soil, Climate, Habits, Buildings, Education, Manual Arts, Agriculture, Trade, Employments, Languages, Ranks of Distinction, Habitations, Diversions, Marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the Inhabitants. Likewise, an account of their animals, minerals, &c. With great Variety of entertaining Incidents, worthy of Observation, that happen'd during the Author's Travels in that large Country. Illustrated with Cutts, engrav'd from Drawings taken from the Life. With an alphabetical index. By William Smith, Esq; Appointed by the Royal African Company to survey their Settlements, make Discoveries, &c.
London : printed for John Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, MDDCXLIV [1744]
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Available from home with a valid library card and onsite at NYPLA voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West-Indies; in His Majesty's Ships, the Swallow and Weymouth. Describing the several Islands and Settlements, Viz-Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Verd, Sierraleon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corso, and others on the Guinea Coast; Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West-Indies. The Colour, Diet, Languages, Habits, Manners, Customs, and Religions of the respective Natives, and Inhabitants. With Remarks on the Gold, Ivory, and Slave-Trade; and on the Winds, Tides and Currents of the several Coasts. By John Atkins, Surgeon in the Royal Navy [electronic resource].
London : printed for Caesar Ward and Richard Chandler, at the Ship, between the Temple-Gates in Fleet-Street; [London] and Sold at their Shop in Scarborough, M.DCC.XXXV. [1735]
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Available from home with a valid library card and onsite at NYPLA voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West-Indies [electronic resource] : in His Majesty's Ships the Swallow and Weymouth. Giving a Genuine Account of the several Islands and Settlements of Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Vard. Sierraleon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corso, and others on the Guinea Shore; Likewise Barbardoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West-Indies. Describing the Colour, Diet, Languages Habits, Manners, Customs, and Religions of the respective Natives and Inhabitants. With Remarks on the Gold, Ivory, and Slave-Trade: and on the Winds, Tides and Currents of the several Coasts / by John Atkins, Gent. Of Plaistow, in Essex.
London : printed for Ward and Chandler, at the Ship, just without Temple Bar; and at their shops in Coney-Street, York, and the Corner of the Long-Room-Street, Scarborough, [1737]
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Available from home with a valid library card and onsite at NYPLA new voyage to Guinea [electronic resource] : describing the customs, manners, soil, climate, habits, buildings, education, manual arts, agriculture, trade, employments, languages, ranks of distinction, habitations, diversions, marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the inhabitants ... / by William Smith.
London : J. Nourse, 1744.
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Available from home with a valid library card and onsite at NYPLA new voyage to Guinea [electronic resource] : describing the customs, manners, soil, Climate, Habits, Buildings, Education, Manual Arts, Agriculture, Trade, Employments, Languages, Ranks of Distinction, Habitations, Diversions, Marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the Inhabitants. Likewise, an account of their animals, minerals, &c. With great Variety of entertaining Incidents, worthy of Observation, that happen'd during the Author's Travels in that large Country. Illustrated with Cutts, engrav'd from Drawings taken from the Life. With an alphabetical index. By William Smith, Esq; Appointed by the Royal African Company to survey their Settlements, make Discoveries, &c.
London : printed for John Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, MDDCXLIV [1744]
1 resource
A voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West-Indies; in His Majesty's Ships, the Swallow and Weymouth. Describing the several Islands and Settlements, Viz-Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Verd, Sierraleon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corso, and others on the Guinea Coast; Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West-Indies. The Colour, Diet, Languages, Habits, Manners, Customs, and Religions of the respective Natives, and Inhabitants. With Remarks on the Gold, Ivory, and Slave-Trade; and on the Winds, Tides and Currents of the several Coasts. By John Atkins, Surgeon in the Royal Navy [electronic resource].
London : printed for Caesar Ward and Richard Chandler, at the Ship, between the Temple-Gates in Fleet-Street; [London] and Sold at their Shop in Scarborough, M.DCC.XXXV. [1735]
1 resource
A voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West-Indies; in His Majesty's Ships the Swallow and Weymouth. Giving a Genuine Account of the several Islands and Settlements of Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Vard. Sierraleon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corso, and others on the Guinea Shore; Likewise Barbardoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West-Indies. Describing the Colour, Diet, Languages Habits, Manners, Customs, and Religions of the respective Natives and Inhabitants. With Remarks on the Gold, Ivory, and Slave-Trade: and on the Winds, Tides and Currents of the several Coasts. By John Atkins, Gent. Of Plaistow, in Essex [electronic resource].
London : printed for Ward and Chandler, at the Ship, just without Temple Bar; and at their shops in Coney-Street, York, and the Corner of the Long-Room-Street, Scarborough, [1737]
1 resource
A history of the Upper Guinea Coast, 1545-1800 [electronic resource] / by Walter Rodney.
New York : Monthly Review Press, 1980, c1970.
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Available from home with a valid library card and onsite at NYPLA new and accurate description of the coast of Guinea, [electronic resource] : divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts. Containing A Geographical, Political and Natural History of the Kingdoms and Countries: With a Particular Account of the Rise, Progress and Present Condition of all the European Settlements upon that Coast; and the Just Measures for Improving the several Branches of the Guinea Trade. Illustrated with several cutts. Written originally in Dutch by William Bosman, Chief Factor for the Dutch at the Castle of St. George D'Elmina. And now faithfully done into English. To which is prefix'd, an exact map of the whole coast of Guinea, that was not in the Original.
London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown, and Dan. Midwinter, at the Rose and Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1705.
1 resource
A new and accurate description of the coast of Guinea, [electronic resource] : divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts. Containing a geographical, political and natural history of the kingdoms and countries: with a particular account of the rife, progress, and present condition of all the European settlements upon that coast; and the just measures for improving the several branches of the Guinea trade. Illustrated with several cuts. Written originally in Dutch by William Bosman, chief factor for the Dutch at the Castle of St. George d'Elmina. And now faithfully done into English. To which is prefix'd, an exact map of the whole coast of Guinea, that was not in the original.
London : printed for J. Knapton, D. Midwinter, B. Lintot, G. Strahan, J. Round, and E. Bell, MDCCXXI. [1721]
1 resource
Peter Thonning and Denmark's Guinea Commission : a study in nineteenth-century African colonial geography / by Daniel Hopkins.
Leiden : Brill, 2013.
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FormatText | Call numberSc E 16-394 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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Politics and policies in Upper Guinea Coast societies : change and continuity / Christian K. Højbjerg, Jacqueline Knörr, William P. Murphy, Editors.
New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, [2017]
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FormatText | Call numberSc D 17-497 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Making money : life, death, and early modern trade on Africa's Guinea Coast / Colleen E. Kriger.
Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press, [2017]
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FormatText | Call numberSc E 18-749 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
[Map of the south-west coast of Africa : : from the Upper Guinea Region to the Mossel Bay Region].
[Stuttgart] : [Deutsche Verlags-austalt], [1885]
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FormatCartographic | Call numberMap Div. 18-4984 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Map Division Desk Room 117 |
Available by appointment at Schwarzman Building - Map Division Desk Room 117.
The Upper Guinea coast in global perspective / edited by Jacqueline Knörr and Christoph Kohl.
New York : Berghahn, [2016]
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FormatText | Call numberSc E 21-1568 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
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Oyo, Benin, Ashanti : the Guinea coast / Kenny Mann.
Parsippany, N.J. : Dillon Press, c1996.
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FormatText | Call numberJ 966.52 M | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
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A history of the Upper Guinea Coast, 1545-1800 [electronic resource] / by Walter Rodney.
New York : Monthly Review Press, [1982] c1970.
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View all available online resourcesThe African slave trade ; precolonial history,1450-1850.
Boston : Little,Brown, [1961], [©1961]
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Format | Call number326.1 D283 | Item locationOff-site |
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Acera da "Cronica dos feitos de Guinee."
Lisboa : Livraria Bertrand, 1941.
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Format | Call number966 Ea683 | Item locationOff-site |
La Guinée Supérieure et ses missions : étude géographique, sociale et religieuse des contrées évangelisées par les missionnaires de la Société des Missions Africaines de Lyon / par J. Teilhard de Chardin.
Tours : A. Cattier, 1889.
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FormatText | Call number966.5 T23 | Item locationOff-site |
A history of the Upper Guinea Coast, 1545-1800.
Oxford, Clarendon P., 1970.
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FormatText | Call numberMY11 R694 | Item locationOff-site |
La Guinée Supérieure et ses missions : étude géographique, sociale et religieuse des contrées évangelisées par les missionnaires de la Société des Missions Africaines de Lyon / par J. Teilhard de Chardin.
Tours : A. Cattier, 1889.
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FormatText | Call numberMY52 T264 | Item locationOff-site |
Die Entdeckung des schwarzen Afrikaners ; Versuch einer Geistesgeschichte der europäisch-afrikanischen Beziehungen an der Guineaküste im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.
(Zürich, Freiburg i. Br.,) : Atlantis ( -Verlag, 1970)
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FormatText | Call number325 B397 Bd.5 | Item locationOff-site |
Chronique de Guinée / Préf. et traduction de Léon Bourdon, avec la collaboration de Robert Richard. Notes de L. Bourdon [and others].
Dakar : IFAN, 1960.
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FormatText | Call number966 In8 no.60-61 | Item locationOff-site |
Voyages en Guinée dans les îles caraïbes en Amérique / Paul Erdman Isert ; introduction et notes de Nicoué Gayibor ; avant-propos de Claude Hélène Perrot.
Paris : Karthala, 1989.
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Format | Call numberDT472 .I84 1989g | Item locationOff-site |
Crónica dos feitos notáveis que se passaram na conquista da Guiné por mandado do infante D. Henrique / por Gomes Eanes de Zurara ; introd. e notas pelo académico de mérito Torquato de Sousa Soares.
Lisboa : Academia Portuguesa da História, 1978-1981.
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Format | Call numberDT477 .Z87 1978 v.1 | Item locationOff-site |
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Format | Call numberDT477 .Z87 1978 v.2 | Item locationOff-site |
Chroniques de Gomes Eannes de Azurara; La conquête de Ceuta; La découverte de la Guinée. Préface du maréchal Lyautey. Ouvrage honoré d'une souscription du gouvernment portugais.
Paris, Éditions Ducharte [c1934]
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Format | Call numberDT329.C5 Z79 x, 1934 | Item locationOff-site |
Crónica do descobrimento e conquista da Guiné; segundo o manuscrito da Biblioteca nacional de Paris. Modernizada, com notas, glossário e uma introdução de José de Bragança.
[Pôrto] Livraria Civilização [1937]
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FormatText | Call numberKD 39623 v.2 | Item locationOff-site |
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FormatText | Call numberKD 39623 v.1 | Item locationOff-site |
Crónica dos feitos de Guiné / Gomes Eanes de Zurara ; prefácio, selecção e notas de Álvaro Júlio da Costa Pimpão.
Lisboa : A.M. Teixeira, 1942.
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Format | Call numberAfr 674.93.12 | Item locationOff-site |