“At the dead time of the night in came the Welsh giant,” illustration for “Jack the Giant-Killer” in The Allies’ Fairy Book
The two-headed giant, having been falsely hospitable to the lost and travel-weary Jack, sneaks into the bedroom to club his guest to death while he sleeps. Fortunately, Jack had overheard his host’s malicious plans and placed a log in the bed as a dummy. Later, Jack tricks the giant into killing himself.
A particularly gory example from an often violent genre, “Jack the Giant-Killer” was the English selection for The Allies’ Fairy Book, a 1916 anthology of fairy tales from the nations that comprised the Allies in World War I. The United States had yet to enter the war and is therefore omitted from the book; Russia, yet to withdraw, is included.
: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Spencer …
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Musée des dames et des demoiselles
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“Jack the Giant-Killer” illustration by Arthur Rackham
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Arthur Rackham’s original illustration for Cinderella
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Arthur Rackham’s original illustration for Rip Van Winkle
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“King Log” illustration by Arthur Rackham
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Arthur Rackham’s original illustration for “The Two Brothers”
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