Musée des dames et des demoiselles (Museum of women and girls)
During the 19th century, the study of natural science was in vogue among the middle classes of Europe and America, as well as in museums. Book publishers were quick to cash in on this emerging market, issuing books and periodicals for general audiences that covered the scientific discoveries and expeditions of the day.
The volumes shown here, printed in France and aimed at young women and girls, reflect this publishing trend. Featuring charming hand-colored plates, the booklets’ texts address the collecting, cataloging, and arranging of natural specimens such as flowers, fruits, and butterflies—pursuits that would have been deemed not only instructive but also socially appropriate for female readers of that era.
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Items in Childhood
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Lustige Geschichten und Drollige Bilder
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Musée des dames et des demoiselles
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“Jack the Giant-Killer” illustration by Arthur Rackham
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Arthur Rackham’s original illustration for Cinderella
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Arthur Rackham’s original illustration for Rip Van Winkle
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“King Log” illustration by Arthur Rackham
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