Lucipher’s New Row-Barge
Anonymous, ca. 1721, Etching and engraving
Robert Knight (1675–1744), the cashier of the South Sea Company, is shown standing in a barge titled the SS Inquisition (or South Sea Inquisition). Propelled by a pair of diabolical oarsmen, Knight is about to enter the gaping jaws of hell, inscribed with the ironic welcome of “Enter My Beloved.” Several demons surrounding the figure, including the devil with a strongbox and the legend “I am thy faithful cashier,” refer to Knight’s role in the bubble scheme, assigning the insatiable appetite for riches as the cause of personal ruin and this character’s descent into hell. Contrary to what this print might suggest, however, Knight was able to flee persecution in Britain. He escaped to Paris, where he once again set himself up as a banker.
: Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs
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