Premier Janvier, 1821 (First of January, 1821)
The invention of lithography at the end of the 18th century profoundly impacted the Parisian art market. Carle Vernet, son of the famous painter Claude Joseph Vernet, is well known for his representations of Napoleonic battles, horse images, and hunting scenes, as well as his portraits and genre caricatures, including the one shown here. This print was produced by one of Vernet’s most important business partners, the Parisian publisher, author, and lithographer François-Séraphin Delpech. Aimed at a growing clientele with a taste for amusing and lighthearted subjects, the print’s humor hinges on dogs assuming human characteristics.
: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Print Co…
Currently on View at Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
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