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School desegregation in Boston : a staff report prepared for the hearing of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in Boston, Massachusetts, June 1975.


[Washington] : The Commission, [1975]


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J. Krishnamurti and educational practice : social and moral vision for inclusive education / edited by Meenakshi Thapan.


New Delhi, India : Oxford University Press, 2018.


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FormatTextCall numberLB880.K742 J57 2018Item locationOff-site

Theology of inclusion and diversity : creating a new humanity / Luis Felipe Polo G.


Los Angeles, California: [publisher not identified], 2021.


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FormatTextCall numberBR115.I62 P65 2021gItem locationOff-site

Inclusion in schools : perspectives and possibilities / editors, Yukti Sharma, Haneet Gandhi.


Delhi, India : Shipra Publications, 2021.


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FormatTextCall numberLC1203.I4 T86 2018Item locationOff-site

Inclusief onderwijs als innovatieproces : analyse van de succesfactoren in tien praktijkvoorbeelden.


[Place of publication not identified] : VLOR ; Leuven : Garant, ©2000.


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FormatTextCall numberLC1203.N4 I55 2000Item locationOff-site

Bilingual special education for the 21st century : a new interface / Gliset Colón, Tamara O. Alsace, [editors].


Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, (an imprint of IGI Global), [2022]

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FormatTextCall numberLC3719 .B538 2022 Item locationOff-site

Prácticas educativas, pedagogía e interculturalidad : V Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación, julio de 2020 : modalidad virtual / Rubén Bravo, Sebastián Granda y Ana María Narváez (coordinadores).


Cuenca, Ecuador : Universidad Politécnica Salesiana ; Quito, Ecuador : Editorial Universitaria Abya Yala, 2022.


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FormatTextCall numberLC1099 .C664 2020Item locationOff-site

Reducing prejudice and stereotyping in schools / Walter Stephan ; foreword by James A. Banks.


New York : Teachers College Press, ©1999.


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FormatTextCall numberLC214.2 .S74 1999Item locationOff-site

The schools we deserve : reflections on the educational crises of our times / Diane Ravitch.


New York, NY : Basic Books


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FormatTextCall numberLA209.2 .R38 1985Item locationOff-site

Teaching multicultured students : culturism and anti-culturism in school classrooms / Alex Moore.


London ; New York : Falmer Press, 1999.


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FormatTextCall numberLC3736.G6 M66 1999Item locationOff-site

Pediatric music therapy / by Wanda B. Lathom-Radocy.


Springfield, Ill. : C.C. Thomas, ©2002.


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FormatTextCall numberML3920 .L38 2002Item locationOff-site

De la ségrégation à l'intégration : l'éducation des enfants inadaptés de 1909 à 1975 / Jacqueline Roca ; préface d'Antoine Prost.


Vanves [France] : Centre technique national d'études et de recherche sur les handicaps et les inadaptations ; Evry [France] : Diffusion, P.U.F., [1992]


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FormatTextCall numberLC4036.F7 R63 1992Item locationOff-site

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